微软在面向开发者的Build大会上,给出了下一代Windows操作系统最详细的预览。包括对基于ARM架构处理器的支持,触摸屏和“Metro风格”(metro style)界面。
微软Windows和Windows Live部门总裁Steven Sinofsky
Windows 8的新特性
“我们重新构想了Windows,”微软Windows和Windows Live部门总裁Steven Sinofsky,在微软Build大会上发表开场演说。“从芯片支持,到用户体验,Windows 8将毋庸置疑地带来一系列新功能。”
他基于当前潮流下,开发人员和用户的新需求,提出了开发Windows 8的初衷,并通过对比Windows 7与Windows 8的差异,很有信心地展示了Windows 8所重点打造的五个特色:触控优先用户界面、更多与功能强大/保持连接的应用程序交互的新方式、增强的基本功能、包括为Windows Store开发应用的新机会、支持新一代的硬件。
微软在会后正式发布了一个“开发者预览版”(developer pre-release)Windows 8。Sinofsky表示,该公司稍后将发布一个beta版本的操作系统,再然后,会发放完整版本的Windows 8。但他没有提供一个时间表。 Sinofsky说,“我们将要通过质量取胜,而不是赶时间。”
在主题演讲中,微软煞费苦心地展示了专门为Windows 8编写的应用程序。微软还演示了一个只有58行的代码,这一个照片共享应用程序。
Sinofsky说Windows 8将允许开发人员在编写程序时,使用几种不同的语言,包括XAML,JavaScript,C++和其他。 “你有你的选择权,但你面对的是世界一流的开发工具并且可以自行选择语言。”他告诉在座的开发者。
有关兼容性问题一直困扰着Windows 8,一些OEM商私下说,微软一直对关于ARM系统专用的Windows 8,是否会支持x86系统的所有应用程序这一问题表态含糊不清。Sinofsky试图通过强调产品的兼容性,来解决这些问题。他表示,所有为Windows 8开发的应用程序,将可以运行在所有支持Windows 8的硬件环境下。
Sinofsky说:“这些应用程序将运行在所有新的Windows 8 PC上,并且Windows 7的所有程序也都可以在Windows 8上运行。”
Sinofsky还谈到“Windows Store,”他说,将允许开发者在这向全球出售其应用。 “每一台新Windows PC都是目标客户,”他告诉开发者, “事实上,这个项目启动时,将有可超过400万人次使用。”
Windows 8启动画面
Windows 8将还增强了任务管理器和Windows资源管理器,以及全新灵活的多显示器设置选项。Sinofsky开玩笑说,“这是20年以来”,微软首次更新Windows任务管理器。
Sinofsky说Windows 8应用程序之间的相互通信,形成了一个更强大的系统。 “我们有个大胆的概念,所有的应用程序应该联合起来,像‘应用网’一样在您的计算机上工作,”他说, “当你得到新的应用程序后,它会与旧的应用程序一起工作,让系统变得丰富。”
Windows和Windows Live高级副总裁克里斯琼斯(Chris Jones,),展示了Windows 8支持云服务的功能,包括metro式的邮件客户端功能,可以管理一个位置上的多个电子邮件帐户;以及一个照片共享应用程序,用于管理照片存储在多台设备上。
Windows 8应用在移动设备上的虚拟键盘
Windows Planning and Ecosystem 副总裁 Michael Angiulo,在不同处理器的平板电脑上演示了Windows 8,包括高通的Snapdragon,德州仪器的OMAP,NVIDIA的Tegra以及基于英特尔的处理器设备,包括Ultrabooks(英特尔的早先提出的超轻薄,低功耗笔记本电脑概念)。
根据微软官方,除了基于ARM和x86芯片组的版本区别,Windows 8还将分别支持64位和32位的设备。
全面支持基于 ARM 、x86的设备,触摸屏和传感器,意味着 Windows 8 可以在各种设备上完美运行,从 10 英寸的平板电脑到笔记本电脑以及具有27 英寸高清屏幕的一体机,均可提供完美支持。
Windows 8 on Ultrabooks
Angiulo表示,微软还优化了Windows 8启动速度,相比之前那些Windows版本,Win 8的开机速度大约只用8秒,启动速度可能比显示器还快。
微软表示,使用 Windows 8,新型超薄 PC 和平板电脑可以即时启动,充一次电即可全天运行,并且始终保持Internet连接,以便随时可供使用。
当Windows战略与硬件副总裁Michael Angiulo在会上宣布,将给现场5000多名参会者每人发一台三星Window 8平板电脑时,大家都很兴奋。
现场5000名参会者每人发一台三星Window 8平板电脑
这一消息迎来全场沸腾。根据现场公开的信息显示,这款平板电脑的具体配置为:英特尔第二代酷睿i5处理器,三星11.6英寸1366x766分辨率屏,包含一年AT&T 3G服务,每月2GB流量,UEFI BIOS,4GB DDR3内存,64GB SSD固态硬盘,支持USB,HDMI,Micro SD,重量为909克,12.9毫米厚。
除免费获得三星平板电脑外,与会开发者还会获得Windows 8 Developer Preview build,完整的SDK开发包,以及大会上展示的应用和debug工具。
需要注意的是,在大会上,微软将所有Windows 8设备统称为“PC”,并未将三星的这台设备称为“平板电脑”。
点击参考原文:Microsoft shows off 're-imagined' Windows
Microsoft shows off 're-imagined' Windows
Dylan McGrath
Microsoft Corp. Tuesday (Sept. 13) gave the most detailed preview yet of the next major release of its Windows operating system, which features support for processors based on the ARM architecture, touch screens and a "metro style" interface.
"We re-imagined Windows," said Steven Sinofsky, president of the Windows and Windows Live Division at Microsoft, in the keynote address at the Microsoft Build conference here. "From the chipset to the user experience, Windows 8 brings a new range of capabilities without compromise."
Microsoft will officially release a developer pre-release of Microsoft 8 at Build Tuesday evening. Sinofsky said the company will later release a beta version of the OS and then, finally, the full version of Windows 8. He did not provide a timeline. "We are going to be driven by the quality and not by a date," Sinofsky said.
In the keynote presentation, Microsoft took pains to demonstrate the ease of writing applications for Windows 8. The company offered a demonstration of writing a photo-sharing application on stage in only 58 lines of code.
Sinofsky said Windows 8 will allow developers to write applications in several different languages, including Xaml, Javascript, C++ and others. ""You have your choice of world class development tools and languages," he told developers in the audience.
Questions about compatibility have lingered around Windows 8, with some OEMs saying privately that Microsoft has been less than forthcoming with information about whether Windows for ARM-based systems would support all applications built for x86 systems. Sinofsky seemed to be trying to lay these concerns to rest by emphasizing compatibility, saying that applications built for Windows 8 will run on all hardware that Windows 8 supports.
"These applications will run on all new Windows 8 PCs," Sinofsky said.
In addition to ARM-based and x86 chipsets, Windows 8 will support x64 and x32 devices, according to Microsoft.
Sinofsky also touched on the Windows Store, which he said will allow developers to sell their applications worldwide. "Every new Windows PC is a target customer," he told developers. "Realize, that could be more than 400 million people when this project launches."
Michael Angiulo, corporate vice president of the planning and PC ecosystem team at Microsoft showed demonstrations of Windows 8 running on tablets and notebooks powered by Qualcomm Inc.'s Snapdragon processor, Texas Instruments Inc.'s OMAP, Nvida Corp.'s Tegra and Intel Corp. processors, including Ultrabooks, Intel's early-stage concept for ultra-light, low-power notebooks.
Microsoft also emphasized the boot up speed of Windows 8 PCs compared to those that run previous versions of Windows. Angiulo said the boot up speed is roughly eight seconds and that some early systems can actually boot up faster than the monitor can turn on.
Microsoft said ultra-thin PCs and tablets that run Windows 8 will run all day on a single charge and stay connected to the Internet.
Windows 8 will also feature an enhanced Task Manager and Windows Explorer and new, flexible options for multimonitor setups. Sinofsky joked that "it's been about 20 years" since Microsoft updated the Windows Task Manager.
Sinofsky said Windows 8 applications communicate with each other to create a more powerful system. "We had this bold notion that apps should work together as a web of apps on your machine," he said. "That when you get new apps the apps would work together and the system just gets richer and richer."
Chris Jones, senior vice president of Windows and Windows Live, demonstrated features on Windows 8 to support cloud-based services, including a metro-style mail client that manages multiple e-mail accounts from one location and a photo-sharing application that manages photos stored on multiple devices.