根据市场研究机构国际数据公司(International Data Corp.;IDC)一项最新的报告,针对具有高性能微处理器、连接性和高端操作系统的所谓“智能系统”(Intelligent System)市场在2010年时约占所有主要电子系统出货量的19%,而这一比重将在2015年时占到三分之一以上。
“IDC认为,新一代的智能系统及其生态系统将在未来五年内大幅扩展其触及至更多层面,并带动下一波运算领域浪潮,”IDC半导体研究副总裁Mario Morales在一份声明中表示。“云端应用以及分析型工作负载将自所有的终端用户数据中取得重大的商业价值。”
根据IDC的报告,嵌入式系统从具有固定功能与非连接式的系统演变为智能系统,持续地获得了成长动能,并使智能系统发展更上轨道,以进一步实现“物联网”(Internet of things) 。该报告并指出,随着硬件、软件与服务供应商生态系统透过更高性能与可编程性、更多形式的连性、增加传感器的普遍使用以及云端应用与数据的成长,而为系统注入更多的智能化,智能系统市场将在2015年后进一步加速其成长动能。
“嵌入式处理器不断在越来越缩减的封装与功率限制内加进更多的性能与集成度,一方面持续带动智能系统加速成长,同时也为其催生了全新且更具吸引力的产品类别,”飞思卡尔半导体公司(Freescale Semiconductor)网络与多媒体部门资深副总裁Lisa Su表示。
点击参考原文:IDC: 'Intelligent' systems remaking embedded
IDC: 'Intelligent' systems remaking embedded
The market for so-called "intelligent" systems—defined as those with high-performance microprocessors, connectivity and high-level operating systems—will account for more than one third of all major electronic system unit shipments in 2015, up from 19 percent in 2010, according to a new report by market research firm International Data Corp. (IDC).
According to the forthcoming report, "Intelligent Systems: The Next Big Opportunity," the market for intelligent systems will account for more than 1.8 billion units and more than $1 trillion in revenue this year. But by 2015, IDC expects the market to double to nearly 4 billion units and more than $2 trillion in revenue.
"IDC believes this new generation of intelligent systems and its ecosystem will have broad reach and establish the next wave in computing over the next five years," said Mario Morales, vice president of semiconductor research at IDC, in a statement. "Cloud-based applications and analytic workloads will extract significant business value from all of the end-user data."
Overall, IDC expects embedded systems to consume nearly 14.5 billion microprocessor cores in 2015, up from about 7.5 billion in 2010. The firm maintains that, within the intelligent system segment, the portion of system unit shipments based on traditional embedded systems already exceeds the portion based on PCs, servers and mobile phones combined.
According to the IDC report, the evolution of embedded systems from fixed function and disconnected systems to intelligent systems continues to gain momentum and puts intelligent systems on track to bring the "Internet of things" to reality. The report indicates that momentum will accelerate beyond 2015 as the ecosystem of hardware, software, and services vendors bring more intelligence into systems through higher levels of performance and programmability, more forms of connectivity, increasing penetration of sensors, and a growing base of cloud-based applications and data.
"Embedded processors that pack more performance and integration into ever-shrinking form factors and power envelopes are fueling intelligent systems and enabling entirely new and highly compelling product categories," said Lisa Su, senior vice president and general manager of Freescale Semiconductor Inc.'s Networking and Multimedia Group.