磁性随机存储器(MRAM)供应商Crocus Technology声称已开发出一种称之为磁性逻辑单元(Magnetic Logic Unit,MLU)的技术,它可匹配其热辅助磁性转换(TAS)技术,除了储存以外还可用于存储器存取,开启了使用在MRAM中实现类NAND(NAND-like)存储器以及搜寻存储器的可能性。
在高密度存储器应用中,MLU开启了一条可在磁性存储器中实现类NAND配置的道路,MLU NAND存储器可实现比传统磁性存储器高出2~4倍的密度,而且还具有完整的随机存取优势,Crocus表示。
Crocus的MLU XOR,称之为地匹配(Match-In-Place),它实现了比较和加密功能,可防止智能卡、身份证、SIM卡、近距离无线通讯(NFC)遭到篡改。Match-In-Place还实现了搜寻和比较功能所需的网路路由应用,可以实现比传统CMOS硬体搜寻处理器更高出50倍的密度。此外,所有配置的MLU都能在高达200℃的温度中正常运作,这使其成为汽车和工业电子产品的理想应用。
“在许多独立和嵌入式存储器产品中,MLU具有取代SRAM、DRAM、NAND、NOR和OTP的潜力,”Crocus公司执行主席Bertrand Cambou说。“因为MLU的NOR、NAND和XOR功能是在单一晶片制程中使用不同的设计架构,他们能够轻易地症合到系统单晶片(SoC)中。”
MLU与Crocus目前的晶圆制程相容,Crocus正计划采用Tower Semiconductor的130nm制程来量产基于MLU的产产品,另外,其俄罗斯子公司Crocus Nano MLU也正计划使用90/65/45以及更小的几何尺寸。
点击参考原文:Crocus claims technology allows NAND MRAM
Crocus claims technology allows NAND MRAM
Peter Clarke
Crocus Technology Inc, a vendor magnetic of RAMs, has announced the development of its so-called Magnetic Logic Unit (MLU) technology. This is an adaption of its thermally assisted magnetic switching (TAS) for use in memory access – in addition to storage –and opens up the possibility of NAND-like memory implemented in MRAM and search memories, the company said.
The innovation will expand the market for magnetic technology by opening up applications in data storage, secure commerce and communications, network processing and automotive and industrial uses, Crocus (Sunnyvale, Calif.) claimed. However, the company did not say how quickly it would move to production or with what types or sizes of memory.
In high-density memory applications, MLU opens the way to implementation of NAND-like configurations in magnetic memory and MLU NAND memory can be two to four times denser than conventional magnetic memory with the added benefit of full random access, Crocus said.
Crocus said its MLU technology can be set in one of three modes by setting the reference layer magnetization, which is normally fixed in a MRAM cell. The three modes are NAND, NOR or XOR.
Crocus' MLU XOR, called Match-In-Place, implements compare and encryption functions, making smart cards, identity cards, SIM cards, and near-field communications (NFC) devices tamper-proof. Match-In-Place also implements the search and compare functions required in network routing applications and can achieve up to fifty times the density of conventional CMOS hardware search processors. In addition, MLU in all its configurations is capable of normal operation at temperatures up to 200 degrees C, making it suitable for use in automotive and industrial electronics.
"MLU has the potential to replace SRAM, DRAM, NAND, NOR and OTP in many stand-alone and embedded memory products," said Bertrand Cambou, executive chairman of Crocus, in a statement. "Because MLU's NOR, NAND and XOR capabilities are built on a single wafer manufacturing process with different design architectures, they can be easily integrated into system-on-chip (SOC) implementations."
MLU is compatible with Crocus' current wafer manufacturing process and Crocus plans to establish volume production of MLU-based products in 130-nm at foundry partner Tower Semiconductor, as well as at its Russian subsidiary Crocus Nano Electronics (CNE) for 90-nm 65-nm, 45-nm, and smaller geometries.