计算PCB 内部走线的最大电流。

该工具基于标准文档 [1] 中包含的公式和图表,计算可以流过铜印刷电路板内部走线(也称为带状线)的最大允许电流,保持走线本身的温升低于指定的输入值。如图所示,带状线的宽度为 W,厚度为 T,完全位于介电材料内部。由于这个原因,带状线结构不太可能辐射射频(RF)信号,因此被广泛用于微波电路中。


This tool, based on the formulas and graphs contained in the standard document [1], calculates the maximum allowable current that can flow through a copper printed circuit board internal trace (also called as stripline), keeping the temperature increase of the trace itself below the specified input value. As shown in the picture, the stripline has width W and thickness T and is totally inside the dielectric material. For this reason, a stripline structure is less likely to radiate radiofrequency (RF) signals and is therefore widely used in microwave cicuits.

By providing additional input parameters (ambient temperature and trace length), it is possible to calculate the trace total temperature, resistance, voltage drop and power dissipation (power loss).

Max Current calculation

First, calculate the area according to the following formula:

A = (T · W · 1.378 [mils/oz/ft2])                 (I)

Then, calculate the maximum current:

IMAX = (k · TRISEb· Ac                                       (II)


A is the cross-section area [mils2] T is the trace thickness [oz/ft2] W is the trace width [mils] IMAX is the maximum current [A] TRISE is the maximum desired temperature rise [°C] k, b and c are constants. According to IPC-2221A Par. 6.2 (“Conductive Material Requirements”), their values for inner layers are as follows: k = 0.024 b = 0.44 c = 0.725

Equation (II) is based on a curve fit to the charts provided in [1] (par. 6.2, Figure B and Figure C).

Trace temperature calculation

The overall trace temperature can be calculated as follows



TTEMP is the trace temperature [°C] TRISE is the maximum desired temperature rise [°C] TAMB is the ambient temperature [°C]

Resistance calculation

First, convert the cross-section area from [mils2] to [cm2]:

A’ = A * 2.54 * 2.54 * 10-6

Then, calculate the resistance:

R = (ρ * L / A’) * (1 + α * (TTEMP – 25 °C))


T is the trace thickness [oz/ft2] W is the trace width [mils] R is the resistance [Ω] ρ is the resistivity parameter, whose value for copper is 1.7E-6 [Ω · cm] L is the trace length [cm] α is the resistivity temperature coefficient, whose value for copper is 3.9E-3 [1/°C] TTEMP is the trace temperature [°C]

Voltage drop calculation

Voltage drop can be calculated as follows:



VDROP is the voltage drop [V] I is the maximum current [A] R is the resistance [Ω]

Power dissipation calculation

Power dissipation, or power loss, can be calculated according to the following formula:


PLOSS = R * I2




PLOSS is the power loss [W] R is the resistance [Ω] I is the maximum current [A] </span



Example 1


Inputs W = 9 mil T = 2 oz/ft2 TRISE = 10 °C TAMB = 25 °C L = 10 inch

Output Cross-section Area = 24.804 mils2 IMAX = 0.678 A

Additional output Trace Temperature = 35 °C Resistance = 0.280 Ω Voltage Drop = 0.190 V Power Dissipation = 0.129 W

Example 2

Inputs W = 25 mil T = 4 mil TRISE = 20 °C TAMB = 27 °C L = 8 inch

Output Cross-section Area = 100.00 mils2 IMAX = 2.53 A

Additional output Trace Temperature = 47 °C Resistance = 0.0581 Ω Voltage Drop = 0.147 V Power Dissipation = 0.372 W


[1] IPC-2221A “Generic Standard on Printed Board Design”

[2] Trace Current Calculator

[3] Omincalculator

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