江苏帝奥微电子股份有限公司(以下简称帝奥微)低功耗高性能运算放大器DIO32051ACN4凭借其优异的性能指标,被Samsung(三星)旗舰手机Z Fold4/ Z Flip4系列采用,是继成功通过Qualcomm(高通)新一代旗舰平台骁龙8 Gen 1 Plus(SM8475)参考设计认证后的又一壮举,进一步巩固了帝奥微信号链产品的市场地位。作为国内领先的模拟集成电路设计企业,帝奥微秉持以技术创新为核心的理念,始终专注于信号链产品以及电源管理芯片的设计和研发,特别是在信号链系列产品领域,公司积累了超过十二年的产品开发经验,高性能运算放大器系列产品作为公司“硬核”产品之一,经过不断的技术升级与突破,性能指标受到多家国内外知名厂商的一致好评。

- 最大失调电压 (VOS):DIO32051A @ ±3mV
- 单位增益稳定 增益带宽积:0.5MHz
- 宽电源范围:1.8V 至 5.5V
- 压摆率:0.29V/µs
- 超低功耗:24µA
- 业界最小的DFN封装:DFN0.8*0.8-4
江苏帝奥微电子股份有限公司是一家专注于从事高性能模拟芯片的研发、设计和销售的集成电路设计企业,核心管理团队来自于仙童半导体(Fairchild Semiconductor),均拥有超过十五年以上的从业经验。帝奥微产品主要分为信号链模拟芯片和电源管理模拟芯片两大系列,主要应用于消费电子、智能LED照明、通讯设备、工控以及医疗器械等领域。凭借优异的技术实力、产品性能和客户服务能力,公司产品已进入众多知名终端客户的供应链体系,如 OPPO、小米、VIVO、比亚迪,Qualcomm、Google、Samsung等。自成立以来,帝奥微始终坚持“全产品业务线”协调发展的经营战略,持续为客户提供高速、高效能、低功耗、品质稳定的模拟芯片产品。更多资讯请访问:
Samsung’s Flagship Mobile Phone Z Fold4 / Z Flip4 Series Has Chosen DIOO Microcircuit’s High Performance Operational Amplifier DIO32051ACN4The Operational Amplifier DIO32051ACN4 produced by DIOO Microcircuits Co., Ltd. Jiangsu(hereinafter referred to as DIOO Microcircuits), with its excellent performance, has been adopted by Samsung’s Flagship Mobile Phone Z Fold4 / Z Flip4 Series. This is another feat following the approval of the reference design certification of Qualcomm's next-generation flagship platform Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Plus (SM8475), further cementing DIOO Microcircuit’s signal path products’ position in the market.
As one of the leading analog companies, DIOO Microcircuits has steadfastly kept technological innovation as its core mantra. By continuously focusing on the R&D of analog chips, DIOO has accumulated over 12 years of experience in the field of signal path and power management. Thereby, as one of the company's core products, the high-performance operational amplifier series has achieved great results thanks to continuous technological breakthrough, receiving the recognition from many prominent multinational customers.
DIO32051ACN4 Product Overview
DIO32051ACN4 is a high-performance CMOS operational amplifier with ultra-low offset voltage. Features include wide common-mode input voltage range, wide output voltage swing, and operating source voltage of 1.8V to 5.5V. The product is capable of functioning properly within the temperature range of -40 to +125℃.
- Maximum Offset Voltage (VOS):DIO32051A @ ±3mV
- Unity Gain Stable Gain Band
- width Product:0.5MHz
- Wide supply range: 1.8V to 5.5V
- Slew Rate: 0.29V/µs
- Ultra-Low Power Consumption: 24µA
- The Smallest DFN Packaging:DFN0.8*0.8-4
About DIOO Microcircuits
DIOO Microcircuits Co., Ltd. Jiangsu is an integrated circuit and chip design enterprise that specializes in the research, design, and sales of high-performance analog chips. The company’s core management team all hail from Fairchild Semiconductor with an average working experience exceeding 15 years.
DIOO Microcircuit’s product line is mainly separated into 2 series: signal chain and power management. Their main application covers fields such as consumer electronics, smart LED lighting, communication devices, industrial safety and medical equipment. Through excellent technical prowess, product performance and customer service, the company has entered many renowned end customer’ supply chains, for instance: OPPO, Xiaomi, VIVO, BYD, Qualcomm, Google, Samsung, etc.
Since its establishment, DIOO Microcircuit has firmly adhered to and revolved its core business development around a diversified product line; this has allowed DIOO to consistently provide its customers with high-speed, highly efficient, low consumption, quality reliable analog chip products.