

2017-10-13 05:44:37 阅读:
作为无线充电WPC和Air_Fuel(磁感应和磁共振技术) 两大标准的正式会员,希荻微电子最新推出的集成三模大功率无线充电接收芯片HL6101,实现了对WPC和Air_Fuel模式的全面兼容和自动识别,并且支持最高15W输出功率。

希荻微电子作为一家高性能电源管理芯片的初创公司,正在与美国高通技术公司深入合作,其开发的三模无线充电芯片将会在后续的高通骁龙™移动平台上投入使用。作为无线充电WPC和Air_Fuel(磁感应和磁共振技术) 两大标准的正式会员,希荻微电子最新推出的集成三模大功率无线充电接收芯片HL6101,实现了对WPC和Air_Fuel模式的全面兼容和自动识别,并且支持最高15W输出功率。

希荻微HL6101作为一款全集成无线充电接收芯片,全面兼容与自动识别WPC V1.2(Qi) 和 Air_Fuel标准。该芯片不仅集成了高效率的全同步整流器和高性能的开关稳压器,而且支持4-12V 输出电压和最高15W输出功率,提供了业界最佳的转换效率。



HL6101分别有WLCSP和QFN两种封装形式,WLCSP封装采用64-bump,0.4mm间距,QFN封装采用32-pin 5mmx5mm 。该芯片可支持各种1-2节锂电池无线充电应用,运用非常广泛,可运用于智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑以及充电宝和其他配件等领域。




Halo Microelectronics Releases Smart High-Power Multi-Mode Wireless Charger

HALO Microelectronics, a leading fast battery charger IC start-up, today announces the release of its fully integrated tri-mode high-power wireless charging receiver IC. This new product, HL6101, enables up-to-15W of wireless charging capability and automatic detection and adaption to all common wireless-charging standards: AirFuel Alliance (resonant and inductive) and WPC. Halo Microelectronics is working with Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, to develop a tri-mode wireless charging IC for future Qualcomm Snapdragon™ Mobile Platforms.


HL6101 is a fully integrated single-chip wireless charging power receiver IC that automatically detects and self-configures to work with WPC V1.2(Qi) and Air Fuel (resonant and inductive) standards. It integrates a high-efficiency full-synchronous rectifier and a high-performance switching regulator to deliver a maximum of 15W and 4-12V programmable output voltage. It offers with best-in-class conversion efficiency, minimum PCB footprint, as well as maximum design flexibility between receiving coil design and output voltage regulation to match down-stream Li-Ion battery charge ICs. This IC maximize charging efficiency by optimizing the full-synchronous rectifier’s operating condition based on the detected receiving mode, and adopting a high-efficiency switching post-regulator instead of the conventional low drop-out regulator (LDO). This configuration maintains high power conversion efficiency over a wide range of Vrect and Vout combination.

This IC enables multi-mode wireless charging receiver solution that works with both inductive and resonant transmitters to offer a transparent user experience. It also integrates comprehensive protection against input over-voltage, output over-load, over temperature and other abnormal conditions to guarantee safe operation under all application usage scenarios. HL6101 is available in a 64-bump, 0.4mm pitch, Wafer-Level Chip-Scale package (WLCSP), or a 32-pin 5mmx5mm QFN package.

HL6101 is suitable for a variety of wireless charging applications with 1-2s Li-Ion Battery. This includes mobile devices like smart phones, tablets and laptops, power banks and other accessories.

About Halo Microelectronics

Halo Microelectronics, Inc. is a leading fabless IC design company for fast battery charging, fuel gauging and high-efficiency power conversion. The company’s products are key building blocks for mobile devices, accessories and other battery powered applications. For more information please visit http://www.halomicro.com.

*Notes:Qualcomm and Snapdragon are trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated, registered in the United States and other countries.
Qualcomm Snapdragon is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. *

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