
SiliconLabs 2021-09-02 19:05

芯科播客新一期主题讨论上线:蓝牙位置服务(Bluetooth Locationing Service。本次播客由Silicon Labs渠道营销高级经理Kyle Dando先生主持,并访问Silicon Labs无线产品高级经理Mikko Savolainen以帮助用户了解炙手可热的蓝牙位置服务的应用趋势及新的测向(Direction Finding)技术设计考量,您可以收听完整播客并通过下方的摘要内容来学习物联网市场新知。

Welcome everyone to Silicon Labs' Talking Tech podcast. I'm really happy that you joined us today for another episode, and today I’m joined by Mikko. Mikko is our segment manager and he focuses on wireless applications in the retail and commercial space. And today we're going to focus that conversation a little bit on some of the recent developments in the Bluetooth space. So Mikko, thank you for joining us today. 
欢迎大家来到Silicon LabsTalking Tech播客。很高兴您来收听本集内容,本次主讲人为Mikko SavolainenMikkoSilicon Labs无线产品部门高级经理,他专注于零售和商业领域的无线应用,今天我们将重点讨论蓝牙领域的一些最新发展。
Thanks Kyle. Fantastic to be over here and you know, happy to talk to you all about what's happening in there with location services.

What's new in that market? Where? What do you see when you're talking to customers?
Yeah, multiple things. So maybe start first with the technology. Over the last couple of years there hasn't been much public development. You know the most recent thing that came to the Bluetooth standard was this direction-finding technology, and it was released couple of years ago with the Bluetooth 5.1 standard. And what allows us to do is it allows us to get more accuracy into tracking application. With direction finding technology, we can actually detect... can which direction the Bluetooth signals are coming from down to a few degrees’ accuracy, and that gives us a lot of extra data to nail down where those transmitting devices are versus what the most people have been doing with ourside-based solutions which are or which are not that accurate, and we already showcased at technology that was pre-COVID season. I think it was CES 2020 or CES 2019.
What else I've seen in the market? Adoption of Bluetooth technology and Bluetooth radios in a lot of commercial infrastructure. And what the commercial infrastructure is, what I mean with that is you know devices like the Wi-Fi access points pretty much all those have already integrated Bluetooth radios into their products and one of the main use cases that they use Bluetooth for a site either that they send out beacon packets so you can detect you know indoor wayfinding or turn by turn navigation so you can know where you're indoors, or alternatively, they can also search for Bluetooth stack. So do asset tracking solutions.
And we're seeing a similar trend with commercial lighting as well, so lighting is everywhere in buildings and then over the recent years people have been adding.You know, wireless connectivity into lighting purely to cut cables between luminaires and controls, or between luminaires and sensors. And while they have that radio with there, they can actually also use it for location of their applications and you know some of our customers are sending on Bluetooth beacons from the luminaires, and again those can be used for location services, so you know those are somethings I've seen over the past two years.
Yeah, I've seen a lot of the updates that you provided in these stores. You know they're investing in all this infrastructure or buildings. And like you said, as long as they're going for the wireless lightbulb, they're trying to find more and more things they can put in there to improve efficiencies, so that's great that we're doing that, and anything else that you see?
Well, funny that you mentioned I was going to say that, especially in the COVID times, you know, surprisingly, we've seen these solutions roll out quite a bit. You know people have seen COVID as an opportunity to digitalize things, and make them more modern, especially in the retail setting.
Yeah, so with the asset tracking is I know one of our strengths at Silicon Labs is power consumption. So, have you seen that actually helped these medical devices and other assets added asset tracking capabilities to their tags?
是的,通过资产跟踪,我知道Silicon Labs的优势之一是低功耗技术。那么,你认为这实际上对医疗设备以及将资产跟踪功能添加到标签中的设计带来助益吗?
Yeah, absolutely, when we look at these applications...when you want to track things scale, it's not necessarily cheap. You know if you create these tile-like Bluetooth tags and started...that's amended things, you know they cost multiple dollars, so it's you know compared to things like RFID, it's not as cheap and one of the things everybody is super interesting: what's the battery life time for tag. And they want to maximize it because you know that comes down to the cost of running the solution. If you need to go and replace batteries every year, we actually need to either replace the tags or send somebody to service them, and that's expensive. And the longer we can holdthe battery life, we can get along with the cost, and then more likely it's going to be to use this technology for tracking whatever things you need to track.
Currently, we are in a point where devices like our latest Bluetooth chip, the BG22 can actually get 5 to 10 years of life time out of the simple coin cell batteries. And that's really something that basically reduces the cost of running a solution and you know makes it more likely to be used.
So, jumping back into more the Bluetooth side of things again. What has the Bluetooth SIG done? Have they made any changes? Constant improvements specific to location services or asset tracking?
回到蓝牙方面,蓝牙技术联盟(Bluetooth SIG)做了什么?他们在规范上有什么改变吗?针对定位服务或资产跟踪的持续改进为何?
Publicly, the direction finding is the most recent thing they've announced, but the development doesn't stop there, so there're a lot of activities to bring out new versions of Bluetooth standard, adding multiple features, let's say for different use cases, there's work going on for location services as well. As the standard isn't out yet, I can't talk about the details, but let's say that they're looking at adding wireless range measurement or ranging technology into the next major version of the Bluetooth standard, so you know there's more enhancements coming to enable either new use cases, new applications, or improve the current ones.
Alright, you're extremely involved in the Bluetooth SIG, correct? You and several other members of Silicon Labs are engaged actively participating in improvements and really making sure that Silicon Labs understands what the SIG is doing as they're developing those new improvements.
好吧,看来你非常关注蓝牙SIG,你和Silicon Labs的其他几个成员积极参与标准改进,并确保Silicon Labs在开发这些新版本时了解蓝牙SIG正在做什么。
Yeah, absolutely. So Kyle, we have various levels of engagement at the Bluetooth SIG. We are very active in the Bluetooth mesh standardization for lighting and other types of applications. We are of course involved with the new development of the next major versions of Bluetooth standard. That's first of all, key to us, so we understand what's going on, so we can add the new features into our road map products or at new software features and also educate our customers on what's coming next and then take the feedback from our customers back to the Bluetooth SIG and you know this is what the market wants.
没错,我们在蓝牙SIG上有不同程度的参与。我们在照明和其他类型应用的蓝牙网状网络(Bluetooth mesh)标准化方面非常活跃。我们当然参与了蓝牙标准下一个主要版本的研发。这是我们的首要策略,因此我们密切关注标准发展,以便我们可以将新功能添加到我们的产品路线图中,或在新的软件功能中,还可以教育客户下一步应该关注什么,然后将市场客户的反馈带回蓝牙SIG
I guess the next question for me to ask you is, so what has Silicon Labs developed recently? I mean, what are some of the improvements that you've seen? Our company mostly with our software, but a lot of it has to do with the new SoC we rolled out. What have we released that's really helped us provide a better solution for Bluetooth direction finding and tracking products?
我想我要问你的下一个问题是,Silicon Labs最近开发了什么解决方案?你看到了哪些改进?我们的软件很多都和新推出的SoC有关,哪些产品可以为蓝牙测向和跟踪产品提供更好的解决方案?
I think there’s multiple developments happening at Silicon Labs. One of the biggest ones for this application was the BG22 Bluetooth SoC which we announced at CES last year and started shipping it late first quarter last year. What we really did with that device we optimized it for lowest possible power consumption, and that's really to enable that 5 to 10 years battery life for those tags and other applications that need to low power functionality.
Silicon Labs正在朝向多方面发展。我们去年在CES上发布的BG22蓝牙SoC是该应用中最关键的一款产品,并在去年第一季度末就开始发售。我们持续针对该设备进行优化,以尽可能降低功耗,对于那些需要低功耗功能的标签和其他应用程序来说,BG22真的可以帮助其电池寿命达到510年。
Besides that, that was also the first device for us that supported direction finding technology, so you can use the BG22 as a simple direction-finding tag. But you can also use it on the infrastructure side to discover tags, get tangled, measurement out so that was another other major feature for these applicationson the BG22.
We've developed already multiple versions of the arrays, we've listened to our customer feedback and tried to improve and reduce the size of the array and minimize the cost. And you know that work still continues but we've done a lot over there, and then we've done a lot of work on the software side for the infrastructure.
So, one of the hardest problems with the direction finding technology is to actually compute from which direction the signal comes from. So basically, compute the angle and elevation information and also to filter out the so-called multipath signals. That's one of the hardest problems with these technologies. You know most times we actually see a reflection of the signal and that means that the direction where it's coming from is going to be incorrect and we need to be able to detect that and filter it out. And you know, just provide the information off the line-of-sight signals to our customers. So, a lot of work has been done for that piece of software because that's something most of our customers are not motivated to develop, but we be provided as a service for them, so that should simplify their lives quite a bit.
Yeah, for sure. Well, let's end with a special topic. I mean what do you see when you go tocustomers? What's is the number one request when you’re seeing customer, I mean, what are they asking for?
Well, when talking about these types of applications, a lot of customers ask for accuracy. They wouldn't be talking to us about this solution if that's not what they need. Typically, when we start that discussion, they typically need 1-meter type of accuracy, and that seems to be, if you can get to that level of accuracy, then it's worth it for them to invest more into technology like this compared to a simple signal strength-based solution.
Alright, well you've taught us a lot, but I know the last few podcasts I've talked to our other presenters about Works With that's coming up in a couple months and you have been extremely busy putting together some courses specific to the topic we're talking about here. Can you explain maybe just a couple of the classes that you know that we're providing and what might offer our listeners?
好吧,你教了我们很多。我和其他主持人的播客中谈论到即将举办的Works With开发者大会,我知道你一直在忙着为相关主题准备课程。你能简单说明我们正在准备的几个课程,以及它能为我们的听众提供什么助益吗?
Yeah, absolutely. So, I think we have a total of 6 courses that Works With which you know somehow ties to indoor location services or ask tracking solutions.
是的,当然。我认为我们总共有6门关于蓝牙位置服务的课程,你知道Works With的规划在某种程度上也针对了室内定位服务或询问跟踪解决方案的客户。
Just to highlight a few... So I'm actually presenting them myself. It's really, you know, high-level session talking about what kind of applications benefit from indoor location as a tracking in type solutions, what we see on the market where this technology is getting adopted and what are the benefits. There are a lot more technical courses as well, so I know my colleagues will be explaining and actually showcasing our solution.
So how our Bluetooth direction finding solution works? What are the hardware components and what are the software components needed to set it up, and I think they're trying to do a live demo as well but not a massive scale, but tracking a dozen of assets. So, then we also have partners talking, so it's not all Silicon Labs for this technology especially we have one of our partners from California called IOC. And they are capable of customizing Bluetooth direction-finding solutions so whether it's software development or customerizing-array development or solution development, they'll be giving an overview what they can do and what their capabilities are also. Those are the types of courses we do at Works With.
那么我们的蓝牙测向解决方案是如何工作的呢?比如硬件组件和软件组件如何设置,我想其他主讲者正在尝试做一个现场演示,当然不是大规模的,只是跟踪十几个资产的一个演示。我们也与合作伙伴共同讨论,所以这活动不全是Silicon Labs的演示,我们可望邀请来自加利福尼亚州的合作伙伴-IOC。他们定制蓝牙测向解决方案,无论是软件开发、定制阵列开发还是基于解决方案开发等形式。到时候该公司将概述其可以做到什么,以及他们的技术能力。这些就是我们预计在Works With带来的相关课程。
Well, Mikko thanks again for joining us for the podcast. It's always great to have our subject matter experts join help the listeners understand a little bit more about the solutions Silicon Labs offers. Thank you for joining us today.
好的,再次感谢Mikko加入本集播客。邀请特定主题领域的专家来加入对谈总是很有帮助的,可以让听众更了解Silicon Labs提供的解决方案。谢谢大家收听今天的播客。
预约2021 Works With开发者大会规划的蓝牙相关课程 
在即将于9月开跑的2021 Works With开发者大会中,Silicon Labs规划了多场针对蓝牙标准的专题演讲及技术研讨会。您可以通过下方链接获取更多信息并报名活动:https://workswith.silabs.com/agenda?filters=123802&utm_source=Social&utm_term=WeChat  

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  • 高速先生成员--黄刚这不马上就要过年了嘛,高速先生就不打算给大家上难度了,整一篇简单但很实用的文章给大伙瞧瞧好了。相信这个标题一出来,尤其对于PCB设计工程师来说,心就立马凉了半截。他们辛辛苦苦进行PCB的过孔设计,高速先生居然说设计多大的过孔他们不关心!另外估计这时候就跳出很多“挑刺”的粉丝了哈,因为翻看很多以往的文章,高速先生都表达了过孔孔径对高速性能的影响是很大的哦!咋滴,今天居然说孔径不关心了?别,别急哈,听高速先生在这篇文章中娓娓道来。首先还是要对各位设计工程师的设计表示肯定,毕竟像我
    一博科技 2025-01-21 16:17 105浏览
  • 本文介绍瑞芯微开发板/主板Android配置APK默认开启性能模式方法,开启性能模式后,APK的CPU使用优先级会有所提高。触觉智能RK3562开发板演示,搭载4核A53处理器,主频高达2.0GHz;内置独立1Tops算力NPU,可应用于物联网网关、平板电脑、智能家居、教育电子、工业显示与控制等行业。源码修改修改源码根目录下文件device/rockchip/rk3562/package_performance.xml并添加以下内容,注意"+"号为添加内容,"com.tencent.mm"为AP
    Industio_触觉智能 2025-01-17 14:09 164浏览
  • Ubuntu20.04默认情况下为root账号自动登录,本文介绍如何取消root账号自动登录,改为通过输入账号密码登录,使用触觉智能EVB3568鸿蒙开发板演示,搭载瑞芯微RK3568,四核A55处理器,主频2.0Ghz,1T算力NPU;支持OpenHarmony5.0及Linux、Android等操作系统,接口丰富,开发评估快人一步!添加新账号1、使用adduser命令来添加新用户,用户名以industio为例,系统会提示设置密码以及其他信息,您可以根据需要填写或跳过,命令如下:root@id
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  • 电竞鼠标应用环境与客户需求电竞行业近年来发展迅速,「鼠标延迟」已成为决定游戏体验与比赛结果的关键因素。从技术角度来看,传统鼠标的延迟大约为20毫秒,入门级电竞鼠标通常为5毫秒,而高阶电竞鼠标的延迟可降低至仅2毫秒。这些差异看似微小,但在竞技激烈的游戏中,尤其在对反应和速度要求极高的场景中,每一毫秒的优化都可能带来致胜的优势。电竞比赛的普及促使玩家更加渴望降低鼠标延迟以提升竞技表现。他们希望通过精确的测试,了解不同操作系统与设定对延迟的具体影响,并寻求最佳配置方案来获得竞技优势。这样的需求推动市场
    百佳泰测试实验室 2025-01-16 15:45 339浏览
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