
SiliconLabs 2021-07-15 19:00

芯科播客-智慧城市(Smart City)主题讨论新上线!本次播客由Silicon Labs渠道营销高级经理Kyle Dando先生主持,通过与Silicon Labs无线产品经理Soumya Shyamasundar女士的对谈来分享关于智慧城市发展的趋势以及备受瞩目的Wi-SUN技术知识,您可以收听完整播客并通过下方的摘要内容来学习物联网市场新知。
What do you see growing in the Smart City for us in 2021?

Smart City verticals were historically very fragmented with customers using numbers of different proprietary technologies. It was fairly inexpensive to use some of these proprietary technologies and the other reason was customers had the full control of the network. The biggest disadvantage of that was they were locked into one specific hardware vendor, and they also had to maintain a full team in house to ensure the proprietary technology is routinely upgraded against security threats and so on and so forth.
So this is changing, and especially in 2021, most customers are slowly trying to move away from proprietary roll your own technologies to a standards based solution, mainly for flexibility, security, ease of use, and you know, to end to avoid vendorlock in.
Wi-SUN stands for wireless smart ubiquitous networks, and it is an IP based mesh network specification based on existing proven IEEE and IETF standards, so it is a standard based technology. It's a completely open specification and the radio can come from any hardware vendor, thus, you know, giving customers complete flexibility on how they choose to design their networks.
The other aspect of Wi-SUN is security is built in, as part of the specification, it does define a certificated based security, that's implemented inside the chip itself or on the radio itself. With Secure Vault, and you know servers like the triple A server or radio server does the authentication piece of it. So the security is becoming more and more important and Wi-SUN sort of addresses that key aspect within or as part of the specification itself.
另一方面,Wi-SUN具备内置安全性,作为标准规范的一部分,其定义了一个基于认证的安全性机制,并可通过Secure Vault 软件实现在芯片或无线电装置上,和比方说AAA服务器或无线电服务器负责认证的部分。所以安全性变得越来越重要,Wi-SUN在某种程度上解决了规范本身的关键安全性。
Wi-SUN is a great fit, not only for utility applications like smart electric metering or water and gas metering but also fits very well into the Smart City infrastructure type applications, like street lightingparkingenvironmental sensors as well as some of the emerging applications that we will see in 2021 for sure, EV charging and things like that. So this is where we see the market moving. And Wi-SUN, because of its IP based specifications, fits very well into some of these newer applications that are expected to ramp up in 2021.
Wi-SUN不仅非常适用于电力、水和燃气计量等公用事业应用,也相当适合智能城市基础设施类型的应用,比如路灯、停车、环境传感器以及一些我们可望在2021年看到的新兴应用,包括电动汽车充电和其他相关产品。上述优势将是带动市场转向采用Wi-SUN的原因,因为它的IP 规格非常适合这些新的应用程序,预期将在2021年增加采用。
It sounds like a similar conversation that we have when we talk about CHIP, same thing it’s we have all these proprietary networks, that have been built up and people aren't as aware of that they're the same amount of proprietary networks in cities, so I can imagine what you're saying is it's the same thing we're trying to adopt these standard based IP, very popular, a very well-built networks, but make sure that you can choose your application…not necessarily be locked into a network all the time. That makes a lot of sense.
And then security like you said, I mean, come on… every conversation I have at Silicon Labs we're talking about security. And you know the attacks are occurring so I'm assuming what you're saying all these Smart Cities they're concerned…they invest money in these networks. Security has to be a proven security solution that can grow with they're investing in.
Absolutely security is becoming more so important on the enterprise side, especially with infrastructure, right.You don't want your streetlights to be hacked by somebody, and you know you get a call from the City of Boston Mayor saying that hey… your streetlights are hacked, it's just not happening. There is no way that security cannot be a big portion of any technology that's deployed on the enterprise side, and that's why Wi-SUN has made it as part of the spec and it is a mandatory requirement that every chip vendor or every solution provider gives as part of the overall solution offering. And Silicon Labs is no different, we will have security on our chips, as well as on the stack side of things, and this will sort of enable the customer to integrate security from the ground up rather than thinking about it as an afterthought.
I looked through the information that you shared with me before our conversation, and I noticed there was a lot of discussion about this Field Area Networks (or a FAN), and so you already kind of introduced it. Wi-SUN, for example, as a IP based network… where are these networks? What is a FAN? Can you talk to the listeners about something that Smart Cities use?
我看了你在我们谈话前告诉我的信息,并注意到有很多关于FANFieldArea Networks),而你也已经介绍了这部分。以Wi-SUN为例,作为一个IP式网络,它将会出现在哪些地方?什么是FAN?你能和听众谈谈关于智慧城市如何应用Wi-SUN?
FAN stands for Field Area Networks like you just mentioned, and Field Area Networks are characterized by large geographical coverage areas, a large number of connected devices, and now also a need to support remote monitoring in an economically feasible framework, so that is what is called as FAN. Historically utilities had all these attributes, the sense, you know utility networks cover large geographic area they have millions of devices, millions of connected devices, and there is a need to support remote monitoring, real-time monitoring, outage management and things of that sort, in a very economically feasible framework.
好的,FAN 代表现场区域网络,就像你刚才提到的特点是地理覆盖范围大,有大量连接的设备,而且现在也需要在经济可行的框架下支持远程监控,这就是所谓的FAN。在历史上,公用事业拥有这些属性,你知道的,公用事业网络覆盖了很大的地理区域并且有数百万连接的设备,同时需要支持远程监控以在经济可行的框架下实时进行停电管理之类的操作。
Now this analogy can be applied to the city site as well, because with Smart Cities, we will have thousands of streetlight nodes, thousands of environmental sensor nodes as well as parking, where a technology like Wi-SUN provides the benefits of long range as well as a secure self-healing mesh as these cities start to build out. That's why FAN is as much as applicable. As it is on the utility side as well, it's just a framework that includes a large scalable infrastructure network.
That's great! Yeah... just I've had experienced with, you know, the PAN, heard of WLAN, heard of MAN, so I guess we just needed a new one for FAN, and I, you know, a field like you know a lot of cities don't have many fields in them, but I guess that's probably the Initial naming of it, but thanks for the explanation. That was great. So you keep talking about Wi-SUN, and I understand that is a huge developing standard like you said, and it looks like there's a big group of customers or companies right that are, I think the reason they're doing that, as you mentioned in your first response to interoperability.
What type of interoperability are we talking about? Are we talking the vendors are going to be interoperable between each other, or is it just that you can plug in a different one? What is the interoperability that you're talking about?
So Wi-SUN is an IP based, existing standard space technology specifically suited for large scale infrastructure applications like smart metering street lighting, and other Smart City applications. The interoperability piece here refers to three components or three aspects, one is interoperability on the hardware side. Since Wi-SUN is an open standardany radio network or any radio vendor can support the PHY or Wi-SUN's PHY on their radios, and that promotes interoperability and flexibility.
The second aspect is on the stack side, again since Wi-SUN is an open specification and promotes the PHY as open stack spec, any vendor can provide the stack which interoperate with other licensed certified devices. The third aspect is on the application layer. And again Wi-SUN as astandard does not define an application layer, but this is up to the OEM to define a unifying application layer based on IP, such that all the other sensor nodes or all the other different types of devices can interoperate on the same existing platform.
So there are multiple aspects to interoperability, but Wi-SUN as a standard wants to address the hardware aspect, as well as the stack aspect of interoperability.
Alright, so I mean it sounds like it's addressing all three components, the bottom and the middle, so the network and the PHY are pretty defined and required, but the application you're just saying there's a really good partnership and understanding that interoperability is important but it's not as specific as the other two interoperability, just it's promoting it… it's encouraging it. Because of the two underlying layers are compatible, it allows them to pull in a sensor from a different vendor but they don't necessarily have to if they don't if they want.
Exactly to your point, I mean customers can either deploy Wi-SUN as a private network, where they don't need to bring in sensors from other vendors, and they can operate it as a completely walled garden or their own network, but the other side of this is they can operate it as an open completely interoperable networkas well, where they can bring in partners sensor node, and other partner electric meter vendors and all of them can talk to each other and operates seamlessly in one large open network. So both types of use cases are definitely possible with Wi-SUN, there is no restriction for one or the other.
That's great! and to your point earlier, I mean when there were on Proprietary network, so it was no interoperate. There was no ability for a company that focused on one segment to say like… oh it wouldn't be great if we could get sensor input from that streetlight because they didn't manufacturer the streetlight. Well now it's on the same network, so they can say let's just use that standard and be able to pull that into our applications.
Exactly definitely allows for expansion into newer verticals as well as new use cases which wasn't possible before.
This is one of my last questions, but who's going to control this network? Soumya, is this a city only? am I as a city resident going to be able to access this network? Because I get concerned that, am I gonna to pay? Or just you know, is a city just going to charge me to improve their services? but I don't necessarily get access tothis network.
Wi-SUN as a technology operates in the license free ISM bands, the 2.4GHz or Sub-GHz, it's a license free frequency band. On the utility side, the network is typically owned by the utilities. On the Smart City side, the ownership kind of depends on who owns the infrastructure assets. In some cities, the utilities own the street lighting infrastructure too, so they want to have both on the same network. In some other cities, the municipality sort of owns the street lighting asset. But they also work with OEMs to add these other applications of sensor nodes to it. And then in that case, the network can be own either by the city or this third-party OEM partner. The city or the OEM who's managing the network can bring in other sensors and other partners to add leaf node applications to the existing street lighting network.
Wi-SUN是在免费的ISM频段内运行的技术,无论是其可用的2.4GHzSub-GHz频段都是不需要经由授权的频段。在公用事业方面,网络通常由公用事业所有;至于智慧城市的应用所有权则取决于谁拥有基础设施资产。在一些城市中,街道照明设施为公用事业所有,所以他们想拥有两种网络。在另一些城市中,市政当局拥有路灯资产,但他们也会和OEM合作以结合传感器节点等其他应用。在这种情况下,网络可以由城市或第三方OEM合作伙伴拥有,管理该网络的城市或OEM可以引入其他传感器和合作伙伴,将叶节点(Leaf Node)应用程序添加到现有的街道照明网络中。
For example, Wi-SUN has deployed as a technology for streetlights in the City of London. The city owns the network, and they see Wi-SUN as a future-proof scalable IP technology that helps them dynamically control streetlights and provide real-time information to the municipality on outages, service orders,etc. They also see it as a technology providing safe lighting to the community and to the residents, and they also see it as a platform where they can add parkingor waste management and other monitoring based applications in the future. So the citizens or the residents of the city will definitely benefit from using Wi-SUN as a technology in their Smart City.
But from a payment perspective, or to your point, but do we have to pay for thisor not? It all depends on how the city's tax code is setup and how the city's really get money to improve the infrastructure and things of that sort. So it will also depend on who owns some of these assets, because if it's the utility then chances are that they will take or they will be owning the network and the bulk of the infrastructure maintenance will come from them. But if it's the city, yeah then it depends on how the tax codes are set up, how much of tax is the march for the infrastructure improvement, infrastructure development and things of that sort, so it can be a number ofthe different things, I can say.
But the bottom line is citizens and residents will definitely benefit from having lighting on all their streets, environmental or better monitoring sensors to detect weather changes on a daily basis, and also things like manhole detection or waste management tracking and things of that sort, so definitely beneficial to all the residents and the citizens of the city for sure.
Allright, well I'm looking forward to it. Again, thanks so much for taking the time to share with the listeners what you're seeing in the coming year for Smart Cities and a lot of great information about Wi-SUN.

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