LG Energy Solution’s Statement on Kona EVRecall:
In connection with the additionalimplementation of the recent voluntary Kona EV recall, the investigation hasnot yet been completed. However, we will continue to work closely with theMinistry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport of the Republic of Korea andHyundai Motors to ensure the recall is carried out smoothly with our highestpriority on consumers’ safety.
The misalignment inside the battery cell(the folded anode tab) is cited as the reason for this recall, but it is hardto consider this as a direct cause since no fire occurred in the reproductionexperiment as announced by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport.Moreover, this problem was discovered in the early production stages of LGEnergy Solution Nanjing plant’s Hyundai Motors-only production line, which hasalready been corrected.
In addition, it hasbeen confirmed that Hyundai Motors’ misapplication of the BMS charging map wascaused by their incorrect application of fast charging logic, proposed by LGEnergy Solution, to the BMS. We will be cooperatingwith the relevant authorities to discover whether this had any connection tothe fire.
LG Energy Solution is fully committed tofurther enhancing the safety in all processes, from product design tomanufacturing and inspection. Furthermore, the damage to the separator, whichwas proposed as a possible cause of the fire last October, has since beenconfirmed as unrelated by simulation test conducted by a joint investigationteam.
总体来看,现代和通用使用的电芯和模组设计是相似的。这两款车,一个是在2016年底开卖,一个是在2018年开卖,本身电芯的SOP时间就差了不少,在采用相似的LG CMA结构设计下,呈现出不同的快充功率特性,在相似的温度特性下,呈现出来的快充时间如下。
1)Bolt EV:设计比较早,完全按照Combo之前的50kW(充电电流150A)设计,后期调高了一点,0-80%所需要的时间在常温下为79分钟,在低温-20度的情况需要需要292分钟,这个时候基本就不能叫快充了;高温40度下的时间增长并不大,为92分钟,但是会有一个降低的过程 2)Kona EV:2018年推出的时候,100kW的充电桩已经开始铺设了,150-175kW充电桩在主要销售区域慢慢上量,设计规格采用200A,算起来为75kW,对应的0-80%的时间为54分钟,低温-20度下也有很多的问题,时间增长为120分钟,降额很厉害,高温也有影响,时间涨为64分钟
图1 两款电动汽车的充电参数
我觉得从横向对比来看,KONA的典型特点确实快充功率有点高,在同样是LG的软包电池系列里面,充电的功率设置是偏高的。电量接近的Bolt EV上面,设计的快充功率是往50kW去的,在I-Pace上的接近90kWh+的电池也努力提升,拉高到100kW的充电功率。
图2 海外软包电池的能量和快充功率
图3 LG的软包电芯的快充曲线对比
在之前的对标报告里面来看,这些电芯NMC 622的电芯,面向快充的电芯,典型的是E-tron的电芯(能量密度255 Wh/kg)和KONA的电芯,在涂布厚度上有很大的差异。
图4 电芯层面的差异
图5 电芯快充的差异
小结:当然我们从旁观者来看,这次LG Chem的问题可以继续吃瓜。不过欧洲需求的高快充能力一定程度上抵消了超大电池的需求,这也是奥迪主导的PPE平台在电量配置上相对比较小的核心原因,不过这种对于电池安全性可能确实存在很大的挑战