氢燃料电池汽车(FCEV)在长途运输、重型车辆应用中优势明显,特别是加氢快速、续航里程长。宝马集团副总裁尤尔根·古尔德纳表示,BMW i Hydrogen NEXT的燃料电池能从氢气和空气中的氧气反应产生125千瓦(170马力)的电能,仅排放水蒸气。车辆配备的电力转换器能适配电动系统和峰值功率电池的电压,后者利用制动和燃料电池能量。车上的700bar储氢罐共可存六公斤氢气,确保长续航,且加氢快速,只需三至四分钟。第五代eDrive单元也整合到了该车型中。
Mohammed Shafi曾在全球商业平台Brink上发表一篇比较了BEV和FCEV可行性的论文。Shafi表示,FCEV在环保方面优于BEV和内燃机车辆,生产过程更清洁,原材料需求少,且更容易回收。不过,当前FCEV的压缩氢气罐体积较大,是一个技术缺陷。未来可能用氢金属或非金属氢化物替代重型氢气罐,但氢气蒸发仍是需要解决的技术难题。
(1) What is the future for Hydrogen in the mobility sector? | LinkedIn
Alternative Fuels Data Center: How Do Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles Work Using Hydrogen? (energy.gov)
BMW starts making fuel-cell stacks for iX5 Hydrogen (greencarreports.com)
Toyota develops compact hydrogen fuel cell module - Toyota UK Magazine
Hydrogen Pioneers: BMW Group and Toyota Motor Corporation take collaboration to the next level to offer Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) options for passenger cars.
Three reasons why Hydrogen Fuel Cells wont be driving our future mobility - EVSE Australia
BMW Group reaffirms commitment to hydrogen fuel cell technology (bmwblog.com)
Products for Electric Vehicles | Unit Components | Business/Products | Toyota Boshoku Corporation (toyota-boshoku.com)
(1) Toyota's fuel cell stack in detail | LinkedIn
Toyota, BMW to co-develop and share a fuel cell system | Automotive Dive
Plug-in hybrid and other electric vehicles | BMW.com
Hydrogen fuel cell cars: what you need to know | BMW.com
What about hydrogen and FCEVs? - Auto Service World
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