
今日光电 2024-09-17 18:00



----追光逐电 光赢未来----


在1965年的一篇研究论文中,英特尔联合创始人Gordon Moore表示,芯片上的晶体管数量大约每两年翻一番,计算能力呈指数级增长,同时成本下降。但在当今时代,鉴于单个芯片尺寸的限制,将更多晶体管安装到一个芯片上变得越来越具有挑战性。
一般的人工智能计算芯片可以使用高带宽的die to die芯片(即chiplet到chiplet)I/O构建,然后可以封装大量的DRAM带宽,以构建理想的LLM推理芯片。 多个人工智能芯片可以封装在一起作为高端解决方案,或者只封装一个作为低成本选项。在所有这些情况下,一旦创建了最初的芯片,设计和实现成本主要在封装上。 




概念原型。实际上,被称为摩尔定律“拯救者”的Chiplet的原始理念是与摩尔定律一同诞生的,1965 年Gordon Moore在国际电信联盟IEEE的学术年会上提交了一篇论文,在此文中他提出了带给世界深远影响的摩尔定律,同时在此文中他还指出,用较小功能构建大型系统更经济,这些功能单独包装和连接,这便是Chiplet最初的概念原型。
早期概念与雏形初现。随着集成电路和半导体封装技术的不断发展,20世纪70年代兴起了一种先进的混合集成电路技术,由多个同质或异质的较小芯片组成大芯片,被称为多芯片模组(MCM)技术,这即是Chiplet的早期概念。2010年,时任台积电研发副总裁的蒋尚义先生提出区别于传统封装的方法——通过半导体互联技术连接两颗芯片,并将其定义为先进封装。后来华为海思与台积电于2014年合作的64位Arm架构服务器处理器Hi16xx,采用了台积电异构封装工艺,被视为Chiplet技术的一种早期应用。2015年,Marvell 创始人周秀文在ISSCC 2015大会上提出Mochi(Modular Chip,模块化芯片)架构的概念,成了Chiplet的早期雏形。
建立互联标准。随着Chiplet的应用不断拓展,人们逐渐意识到碎片化、定制化的行业标准会降低Chiplet的设计和制造效率,限制相关的行业合作与技术创新,对其未来发展十分不利。而为了建立一个开放、可互操作的Chiplet生态系统,2022年3月,由Intel、AMD、ARM、ASE等十大行业巨头共同开发制定的开放行业互联标准UCIe(Universal Chiplet Interconnection Express)正式推出。同年12月,中国首个原生Chiplet技术标准——《小芯片接口总线技术要求》团体标准,也正式通过审定并发布。
IEEE 启动 Chiplet标准制订工作。全球各种团体标准的制订仍未能完全解决Chiplet的互联问题,因此有必要制订国际性的统一互联标准。2024年3月20日,由多名Chiplet技术专家组成的IEEE chiplet interface circuit 研究工作组通过了IEEE NesCom(IEEE新标准委员会)的立项评审和IEEE SASB(IEEE标准组织董事会)的批准,正式开始Chiplet标准的制订工作。

1. 有机基板上的2D Chiplet集成:
2. 有机基板上的2.1D Chiplet集成:这种方法在有机基板上添加薄膜层,以提高互连密度。新光电气的i-THOP(集成薄膜高密度有机封装)是这种技术的一个例子。

新光电气在有机基板上的2.1D Chiplet异构集成。
硅中介层上的2.5D Chiplet集成

在无源TSV中介层上的2.5D(CoWoS-2) Chiplet异构集成。
3D Chiplet集成


英特尔在带硅桥的有机基板上的Chiplet异构集成(Agilex FPGA)。
英特尔的Lakefield移动处理器使用Foveros 3D封装技术垂直堆叠Chiplet。这种方法可以在适合移动设备的紧凑形态下实现高性能。


封装叠加(PoP) Chiplet集成

图8:苹果iPhone的PoP InFO Chiplet异构集成。




3.5D 封装的优势与挑战





近年来,随着晶圆工艺的进步,芯片堆叠技术得到了极大的提升。例如,三星代工业务开发副总裁Taejoong Song在最近的活动中展示了3.5D配置的路线图,计划在未来几年内实现2nm和4nm芯片的堆叠。
Technology frontier: Chiplet interconnection technology and 3D packaging
Named one of the top 10 breakthrough technologies of 2024 by MIT Technology Review, chiplet chip technology has made significant progress in the field of semiconductors. These are small modular chips with specific features, such as CPUs or GPUs that can be mixed and matched into a complete system.
This Lego-like approach gives manufacturers the flexibility to assemble new chip design systems at a lower cost, with improved efficiency and performance. One way to optimize silicon is to strategically tailor the technology. For example, IO and bus chips use reliable legacy nodes, while compute chips use cutting-edge technology to achieve peak performance. Memory chips incorporate emerging memory technologies to ensure that they can be adapted to a wide range of semiconductor needs.

Why Chiplet interconnect technology
In a 1965 research paper, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore said that the number of transistors on chips was doubling about every two years, and that computing power was growing exponentially while costs were falling. But in this day and age, it is becoming increasingly challenging to fit more transistors onto a single chip, given the limitations of the size of a single chip.
Splitting large monolithic SoCs: Solving the problem of Moore's Law slowing down
Chip-based design solves the slowdown of Moore's Law, which has driven the semiconductor industry over the past few decades. Chipmakers have explored ways to make transistors smaller and fit more components into the chip, resulting in sizable monolithic system-on-chip (SoC) designs.
The mobile phone is a proof of the success of a monolithic design, integrating mathematical functions, displays, wireless communications, audio, etc. into a single 100mm² chip. However, further scaling is extremely costly, and the performance benefits are minimal. So, break up large, complex SoCs into smaller chips and connect them together to build a system for a specific application.
As a result, chiplets allow smaller components to be integrated into a single package, providing greater flexibility and scalability in semiconductor designs. This, in turn, helps to overcome some of the physical and economic challenges associated with traditional process scaling methods.
Why Chiplets?
If the chip size remains the same, there is no increase in the functions that can be included in the chip. To overcome this situation, chiplets provide a solution. You can split the functionality into multiple smaller chips instead of one large chip. For example, if you break down an 800mm chip into four smaller 800mm chips and interconnect them, you can achieve a chip equivalent to a 3200mm chip, effectively improving the overall functionality without being limited by the size of a single chip.
Another benefit of chiplets is composability and reusability. Chiplets can be quickly and easily customized and upgraded, reducing development time and costs. This flexibility allows chipmakers to respond quickly to changing market demands and advances in new technologies.

General AI computing chips can be built using high-bandwidth die-to-die chips (i.e., chiplet-to-chiplet) I/O, and then a large amount of DRAM bandwidth can be encapsulated to build an ideal LLM inference chip. Multiple AI chips can be packaged together as a high-end solution, or just one as a low-cost option. In all of these cases, once the initial chip has been created, the design and implementation costs are primarily in the package.

The concept of chiplets is not new. Multi-chip modules have been around for decades. Back in 1995, Intel combined CPU chips and SRAM chips in the Pentium Pro.
What is a Chiplet?

Chiplets are functionally integrated circuit blocks, typically consisting of reusable IP (intellectual property) blocks. Unlike traditional SoCs, which integrate all functions into a single monolithic chip, chiplet-based designs split these functions into separate, smaller chips that can be fabricated using different processes and then integrated using advanced packaging techniques.

There are two methods of heterogeneous integration of chiplets: (a) chip segmentation and integration, and (b) chip partitioning and integration.
The history of chiplets

Chiplet has gradually developed from the early theoretical exploration to more and more extensive applications today, and has become a key technology to break through the limitations of Moore's Law and improve the performance of chips, and has gone through several key stages of development.
Conceptual prototypes. In 1965, Gordon Moore presented a paper at the annual meeting of the International Telecommunication Union (IEEE), in which he proposed Moore's Law, which had a profound impact on the world, and in which he also pointed out that it is more economical to build large systems with smaller functions, which are packaged and connected separately, which was the original conceptual prototype of Chiplet.
Early concepts and prototypes emerged. With the continuous development of integrated circuits and semiconductor packaging technology, an advanced hybrid integrated circuit technology emerged in the 70s of the 20th century, which consists of a number of homogeneous or heterogeneous smaller chips to form large chips, known as multi-chip module (MCM) technology, which is the early concept of chiplet. In 2010, Mr. Jiang Shangyi, then vice president of R&D at TSMC, proposed a different method from traditional packaging - connecting two chips through semiconductor interconnect technology, and defined it as advanced packaging. Later, the 64-bit Arm-based server processor Hi16xx, which Huawei HiSilicon and TSMC collaborated on in 2014, adopted TSMC's heterogeneous packaging process and was regarded as an early application of Chiplet technology. In 2015, Marvell founder Xiuwen Zhou proposed the concept of Mochi (Modular Chip) architecture at the ISSCC 2015 conference, which became the early prototype of chiplets.
Rapid development. Since around 2016, the industry has been gradually trying to design chips based on Chiplet, and international chip giants such as AMD, Intel, and Nvidia have entered Chiplet, and more and more companies in China have applied Chiplet in their products, and Chiplet technology has entered a stage of rapid development.
Establish connectivity standards. With the continuous expansion of the application of chiplets, people gradually realize that fragmented and customized industry standards will reduce the design and manufacturing efficiency of chiplets, limit related industry cooperation and technological innovation, and be very detrimental to their future development. In order to build an open and interoperable chiplet ecosystem, in March 2022, UCIe (Universal Chiplet Interconnection Express), an open industry interconnection standard jointly developed and formulated by ten industry giants including Intel, AMD, ARM, AND ASE, was officially launched. In December of the same year, China's first native chiplet technology standard, the group standard of "Technical Requirements for Chiplet Interface Bus", was also officially approved and released.
IEEE initiates work on chiplet standards. The development of various group standards around the world has not yet completely solved the interconnection problem of chiplets, so it is necessary to develop an international unified interconnection standard. On March 20, 2024, the IEEE chiplet interface circuit research working group, composed of several chiplet technical experts, passed the project review of IEEE NesCom (IEEE New Standards Committee) and the approval of IEEE SASB (IEEE Standards Organization Board of Directors), and officially began the development of chiplet standards.

Chiplet interconnection technology - heterogeneous integration
To support the heterogeneous integration of chiplets, several advanced chiplet interconnect and packaging technologies have emerged:
1. 2D Chiplet Integration on Organic Substrates:
In this method, the chiplets are placed side-by-side on an organic substrate. AMD's EPYC processors use this technology.
2. 2.1D Chiplet Integration on Organic Substrates: This method adds a thin film layer to the organic substrate to increase the interconnect density. Shin Ko Electric's i-THOP (Integrated Thin Film High Density Organic Package) is an example of this technology.

Xinguang Electric's heterogeneous integration of 2.1D chiplets on organic substrates.
2.5D chiplet integration on silicon interposer
This technology uses a passive silicon interposer with through-silicon vias (TSVs) to connect chiplets. TSMC's Wafer Level Packaging (CoWoS) is a prominent example.

Heterogeneous integration of 2.5D (CoWoS-2) chiplets on a passive TSV interposer.
3D chiplet integration
This method uses an active interposer with TSV to stack chiplets vertically. Intel's Foveros technology is the main exponent of this technology.

A method embeds a silicon bridge in an organic substrate to connect chiplets. Intel's EMIB (Embedded Multi-Chip Interconnect Bridge) uses this approach.

Intel's heterogeneous integration of chiplets on organic substrates with silicon bridges (Agilex FPGAs).
Intel's Lakefield Processors:
Intel's Lakefield mobile processors use Foveros 3D packaging technology to vertically stack chiplets. This approach enables high performance in a compact, mobile-friendly form factor.

Intel Lakefield mobile processors using Foveros technology.

封装叠加(PoP) Chiplet集成
This technology is vertically stacked and packaged, typically combining logic and memory chiplets. Apple's A-series processors use this method, combined with TSMC's InFO (Integrated Fan-Out) technology.

图8:苹果iPhone的PoP InFO Chiplet异构集成。

Advantages of Chiplets:
Chiplets have several significant advantages over traditional chip technology, which make them unique in the field of chip design and manufacturing.
High flexibility and scalability. Chiplets turn a single-chip design into a multi-chip modular design. It splits a large die into multiple dies for design, manufacturing and testing, and then combines the designed dies according to different needs, similar to building Lego bricks, through a group of small bare chips mixed and matched into a "Lego-like" component, which can design chips that meet various functional or volume requirements, and this flexibility makes chiplets more advantageous when dealing with complex data processing and computing tasks.
The yield rate is high and the loss is low. Compared with SoC, the size of chiplets is much smaller, and some can even reach the size of a grain of sand, so when the wafer defect density is certain in the chip manufacturing process, this miniaturization feature greatly reduces the probability of chiplet defects, improves the yield and reduces the cost loss.
Boost performance. Compared with the single process and material design of the SoC, the chiplet supports the integration of dies with different functions, materials and processes, and the advantages of each are combined to double the performance of the chip.
Reduce design complexity and R&D costs. Compared to the overall integration of the SoC and the overall packaging of the SIP, the cell design of the chiplet also avoids many duplicate designs. Once a chip unit is designed and verified, it can be assembled and reused in multiple chip systems, reducing R&D costs, shortening the time-to-market, and facilitating subsequent product iterations.

2.5D interposer technology

The success of a chip to keep up with Moore's Law depends largely on how close the chip can be placed within a package to ensure a fast, high-bandwidth electrical connection between them. In 2.5D integration, the chips are connected via a common substrate such as silicon, organic polymer, glass, or laminate.
Silicon interposers are a proven, high-performance application technology with the finest pitch and good thermoelectric properties, but they are also more expensive and complex. Therefore, organic substrates have been studied and optimized as alternatives. The silicon "bridge" and ultra-fine redistribution layer (RDL) interconnect technologies offered by Imec are two alternatives.
3D system-on-chip: Hybrid bonding for sub-micron pitch
Some applications, such as high-performance computing, may require high performance, a smaller form factor, or a higher level of system integration, preferring a full 3D approach. Wafer-to-wafer hybrid bonding is a key technology for integrating 3D-SoCs into micron interconnect density levels. Imec's proprietary method uses SiCN as a bonding dielectric to reduce the interconnect pitch to 700nm, with the potential to reach 400nm and 200nm in the future.
Microbump vs. Hybrid Bonding: A Comparison of Different Interconnect Technologies
For 2.5D technology, a small solder bump is used to place the chip on top of the interposer, creating an electrical and mechanical connection. Micro-bump pitches in industry typically range from 50 μm to 30 μm. Imec is working on how to reduce the pitch to 10 μm or even 5 μm.
Compared to the microbumps used in 2.5D, hybrid bonding in 3D stacking results in much smaller spacing. So, is it possible to use hybrid bonding anywhere?
In fact, in a chip-to-wafer approach (silicon-based), chips can be bonded to a silicon interposer with pitches up to a few microns. Not 200nm, because the best chip-to-wafer placement accuracy is close to 250nm at the moment, while cutting-edge wafer-to-wafer bonding can be reduced to 100nm stacking accuracy. Improvements in bonding equipment and related processes are expected to further reduce these numbers by a further 50%. However, hybrid bonding involves additional processing steps, such as surface activation and alignment, which can impact manufacturing costs.
Wafer-to-wafer bonding, chip-to-wafer bonding, and micro-bumping will coexist between cost, pitch, compatibility, and interoperability. In 2.5D, the chips are usually from different suppliers and have undergone a series of tests and operations. Microbumps will be preferred as they provide a standardized method that does not require surface treatment. In addition, for organic RDL, micro-bumps are still preferred because organic polymers swell more when heated and do not flatten sufficiently.
In recent years, 3.5D packaging technology has gradually come to the forefront, as a compromise between 2.5D and 3D-IC technology, 3.5D packaging combines the advantages of both, and shows a unique ability to solve heat dissipation, noise and signal integrity, etc., and the proposal and application of technology marks a major breakthrough in the field of semiconductor packaging.

Advantages and challenges of 3.5D packaging
3.5D packaging creates a new architecture by stacking logic chips and bonding them separately to a substrate shared by other components.
The advantage of this architecture is that it effectively solves thermal management and noise problems, while providing the possibility to add more SRAM to high-speed designs.
SRAM is the first choice for processor cache, and although its scalability has reached a bottleneck, with 3.5D packaging technology, more memory can be integrated without increasing the physical area.
In addition, the 3.5D package can also shorten the distance of signal transmission and greatly increase the processing speed, which is especially important for artificial intelligence and big data applications.
3.5D packaging is not without its challenges.
Difficulties in dealing with physical effects with fully integrated 3D-ICs remain, especially in terms of heat dissipation and power supply noise.
As the number of chip components increases, the problems of dynamic thermal gradients and electromagnetic interference become more complex. Although 3.5D packaging alleviates these problems to a certain extent, it still needs further optimization and improvement in more complex application scenarios.
The application of 3.5D packaging technology in the market is gradually increasing, especially in the field of high-performance computing and data centers, and the market demand for high-performance chips has prompted the widespread application of 3.5D packaging, especially in heat dissipation and signal integrity.
This packaging technology enables efficient connections between chips through a silicon interposer, while also providing good heat dissipation, making it one of the best performing options on the market today. In addition to data centers, 3.5D packaging is also widely used in AI/ML fields.
As the demand for large language models and deep learning continues to grow, so does the need for high-speed memory for processors. With 3.5D packaging, higher computing power and lower power consumption can be achieved in a limited physical space to meet the needs of these fields.
The application of 3.5D packaging is not limited to high-performance computing and AI/ML. As process technology advances, this packaging technology will be used in more consumer electronics, communication devices, and IoT devices. This will further drive the market demand for 3.5D packaging technology, making it one of the mainstream packaging technologies.
The Future of Interconnect: Challenges and Opportunities
As scaled technologies become more complex and expensive to design and fabricate, it becomes increasingly challenging to develop dedicated SoCs in state-of-the-art technology nodes for smaller applications. Separating functional and technical nodes into different chipsets is more cost-effective and offers space and performance advantages over giant chips with cutting-edge process technology.
A modular approach can address the complexity and cost of multi-chip packaging, but this paradigm shift presents specific technical challenges. Size is just one of the challenges. A large part of chip research is dedicated to shrinking interconnects and/or exploring different concepts that put individual parts together. When stacking chips on top of each other, heat dissipation issues and power delivery become critical. Finally, further standardization work is needed to ensure compatibility and communication between different chips.

Technology Evolution and Future Prospects

The development of 3.5D packaging technology is inseparable from the continuous progress of process technology.
In recent years, with the advancement of wafer technology, chip stacking technology has been greatly improved. For example, Taejoong Song, VP of Foundry Business Development at Samsung, presented a roadmap for 3.5D configurations at a recent event, with plans to enable the stacking of 2nm and 4nm chips in the next few years.
The development of this technology will further enhance the performance and integration of 3.5D packaging, enabling it to meet the needs of higher performance and more complex applications.
The application of hybrid bonding technology also brings new possibilities for 3.5D packaging. With hybrid bonding, more connections can be made in a smaller space, increasing the density and performance of the package.
The application of this technology can not only improve the integration of chips, but also reduce power consumption and heat, making it suitable for a wider range of application scenarios.
The development of 3.5D packaging technology still faces some challenges, and the complexity of the process and the manufacturing cost are the main factors restricting its large-scale application. While current technologies have been able to achieve relatively stable 3.5D packaging, there is still a need to further reduce costs and improve yields in mass production and applications.
Secondly, the reliability and long-term stability of the 3.5D package also need to be further verified, especially in the application scenarios in high-temperature and high-pressure environments.
The promotion and application of 3.5D packaging technology also require close cooperation among all links in the industrial chain.
Standardization of EDA tools, packaging materials, and test equipment is key to achieving large-scale adoption. IC designers need to consider thermal management, signal integrity, and power integrity at the same time, which requires the support of EDA tools and the optimization of the design flow.
In addition, the standardization of process/assembly design kits is also a key factor, which will help foundries and OSATs (assembly and test plants) to better cooperate and promote the adoption of 3.5D packaging technology. The cooperation of all links in the industrial chain is crucial to the promotion of 3.5D packaging technology.
From design to manufacturing, to testing and packaging, all aspects need to work closely together to ensure the smooth implementation of 3.5D packaging technology. Only by forming a close ecosystem of cooperation across the entire industry chain can 3.5D packaging technology truly achieve large-scale application and promote the technological progress of the entire semiconductor industry.



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  • 美国加州CEC能效跟DOE能效有什么区别?CEC/DOE是什么关系?美国加州CEC能效跟DOE能效有什么区别?CEC/DOE是什么关系?‌美国加州CEC能效认证与美国DOE能效认证在多个方面存在显著差异‌。认证范围和适用地区‌CEC能效认证‌:仅适用于在加利福尼亚州销售的电器产品。CEC认证的范围包括制冷设备、房间空调、中央空调、便携式空调、加热器、热水器、游泳池加热器、卫浴配件、光源、应急灯具、交通信号模块、灯具、洗碗机、洗衣机、干衣机、烹饪器具、电机和压缩机、变压器、外置电源、消费类电子设备
    张工nx808593 2025-02-27 18:04 120浏览
  • 1,微软下载免费Visual Studio Code2,安装C/C++插件,如果无法直接点击下载, 可以选择手动install from VSIX:ms-vscode.cpptools-1.23.6@win32-x64.vsix3,安装C/C++编译器MniGW (MinGW在 Windows 环境下提供类似于 Unix/Linux 环境下的开发工具,使开发者能够轻松地在 Windows 上编写和编译 C、C++ 等程序.)4,C/C++插件扩展设置中添加Include Path 5,
    黎查 2025-02-28 14:39 143浏览
  •           近日受某专业机构邀请,参加了官方举办的《广东省科技创新条例》宣讲会。在与会之前,作为一名技术工作者一直认为技术的法例都是保密和侵权方面的,而潜意识中感觉法律有束缚创新工作的进行可能。通过一个上午学习新法,对广东省的科技创新有了新的认识。广东是改革的前沿阵地,是科技创新的沃土,企业是创新的主要个体。《广东省科技创新条例》是广东省为促进科技创新、推动高质量发展而制定的地方性法规,主要内容包括: 总则:明确立法目
    广州铁金刚 2025-02-28 10:14 107浏览
  • 在物联网领域中,无线射频技术作为设备间通信的核心手段,已深度渗透工业自动化、智慧城市及智能家居等多元场景。然而,随着物联网设备接入规模的不断扩大,如何降低运维成本,提升通信数据的传输速度和响应时间,实现更广泛、更稳定的覆盖已成为当前亟待解决的系统性难题。SoC无线收发模块-RFM25A12在此背景下,华普微创新推出了一款高性能、远距离与高性价比的Sub-GHz无线SoC收发模块RFM25A12,旨在提升射频性能以满足行业中日益增长与复杂的设备互联需求。值得一提的是,RFM25A12还支持Wi-S
    华普微HOPERF 2025-02-28 09:06 156浏览
  • 振动样品磁强计是一种用于测量材料磁性的精密仪器,广泛应用于科研、工业检测等领域。然而,其测量准确度会受到多种因素的影响,下面我们将逐一分析这些因素。一、温度因素温度是影响振动样品磁强计测量准确度的重要因素之一。随着温度的变化,材料的磁性也会发生变化,从而影响测量结果的准确性。因此,在进行磁性测量时,应确保恒温环境,以减少温度波动对测量结果的影响。二、样品制备样品的制备过程同样会影响振动样品磁强计的测量准确度。样品的形状、尺寸和表面处理等因素都会对测量结果产生影响。为了确保测量准确度,应严格按照规
    锦正茂科技 2025-02-28 14:05 148浏览
  •         近日,广电计量在聚焦离子束(FIB)领域编写的专业著作《聚焦离子束:失效分析》正式出版,填补了国内聚焦离子束领域实践性专业书籍的空白,为该领域的技术发展与知识传播提供了重要助力。         随着芯片技术不断发展,芯片的集成度越来越高,结构也日益复杂。这使得传统的失效分析方法面临巨大挑战。FIB技术的出现,为芯片失效分析带来了新的解决方案。它能够在纳米尺度上对芯片进行精确加工和分析。当芯
    广电计量 2025-02-28 09:15 132浏览
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