本文主要介绍Rapid IO的特性、协议结构、包格式、电气特性等。
Rapid IO技术最初是由Freescale和Mercury共同研发的一项互连技术,其研发初衷是作为处理器的前端总线,用于处理器之间的互连,但在标准制定之初,其创建者就意识到了Rapid IO还可以做为系统级互连的高效前端总线而使用。1999年完成第一个标准的制定,2003年5月,Mercury Computer Systems公司首次推出使用Rapid IO技术的多处理器系统ImpactRT 3100,表明Rapid IO已由一个标准制定阶段进展到产品阶段,到目前为止,Rapid IO已经成为电信,通迅以及嵌入式系统内的芯片与芯片之间,板与板之间的背板互连技术的生力军。
Rapid IO是针对嵌入式系统的独特互连需求而提出的,那么我们首先来说明嵌入式系统互连的一些基本需求:嵌入式系统需要的是一种标准化的互连设计,要满足以下几个基本的特点:高效率、低系统成本,点对点或是点对多点的通信,支持DMA操作,支持消息传递模式交换数据,支持分散处理和多主控系统,支持多种拓朴结构;另外,高稳定性和QOS也是选择嵌入式系统总线的基本原则。而这些恰是Rapid IO期望满足的方向。所以Rapid IO在制定之初即确定了以下几个基本原则:一是轻量型的传输协议,使协议尽量简单;二是对软件的制约要少,层次结构清晰;三是专注于机箱内部芯片与芯片之间,板与板之间的互连。
Rapid IO协议由逻辑层、传输层和物理层构成。最明显的一个特点就是Rapid IO采用了单一的公用传输层规范来相容、会聚不同的逻辑层和物理层,单一的逻辑层实体增强了Rapid IO的适应性。
和以太网一样,RapidIO也是基于包交换的互连技术。RapidIO包由包头、可选的载荷数据和16bits CRC校验组成。包头的长度因为包类型不同可能是十几到二十几个字节。每包的载荷数据长度不超过256字节,这有利于减少传输时延,简化硬件实现。
逻辑层定义了操作协议和相应的包格式。RapidIO支持的逻辑层业务主要是:直接IO/DMA(Direct IO/Direct Memory Access)和消息传递(Message Passing)。
NWRITE_R带响应的NWRITE(NWRITE with Response),要求接收端响应。
SWRITE流写(Stream Write),数据长度必须是8字节的整数倍,不要求接收端响应。
消息传递(Message Passing)模式则类似于以太网的传输方式,它不要求主设备知道被访问设备的存储器状况。数据在被访问设备中的位置则由邮箱号(类似于以太网协议中的端口号)确定。从设备根据接收到的包的邮箱号把数据保存到对应的缓冲区,这一过程往往无法完全由硬件实现,而需要软件协助,所以会带来一些软件负担。
直接IO/DMA | 消息传递 | |
主机可直接访问从机存储器 | 可以 | 不可以 |
主机需要知道从机存储器映射 | 需要 | 不需要 |
数据寻址方式 | 存储器地址 | 邮箱号 |
支持的数据访问方式 | 读/写 | 写 |
从机软件负担 | 无 | 有 |
RapidIO网络主要由两种器件,终端器件(End Point)和交换器件(Switch)组成。终端器件是数据包的源或目的地,不同的终端器件以器件ID来区分。RapidIO支持8 bits或16 bits器件ID,因此一个RapidIO网络最多可容纳256或65536个终端器件。与以太网类似,RapidIO也支持广播或组播,每个终端器件除了独有的器件ID外,还可配置广播或组播ID。交换器件根据包的目地器件ID进行包的转发,交换器件本身没有器件ID。
Rapid IO协议定义了两种物理层接口标准:
并行Rapid IO由于信号线较多(40~76),难以得到广泛的应用,而1x/4x串行Rapid IO仅4或16个信号线,逐渐成为主流。
串行RapidIO基于现在已广泛用于背板互连的SerDes(Serialize Deserialize)技术,它采用差分交流耦合信号。差分交流耦合信号具有抗干扰强、速率高、传输距离较远等优点。
串行Rapid IO支持的信号速率有如下三个等级:
Baud Rate Class 1 is used forlanes running at 1.25 Gbaud, 2.5 Gbaud, 3.125 Gbaud or 5 Gbaud.
Baud Rate Class 2 is used forlanes running at 6.25 Gbaud.
Baud Rate Class 3 is used forlanes running at 10.3125, 12.5 and 25.78125 Gbaud.
The 8b/10b PCS and PMA Layers shall be used by links operating at Baud Rate Class 1 or Baud Rate Class 2. The 64b/67b PCS and PMA Layers shall be supported by links operating at Baud Rate Class 3. 经过编码后的有效数据速率为:1, 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 9.85,11.94 and 24.63 Gbps per lane.
软件实现TCP/IP协议栈的以太网 | 4x PCIe | 4x SRIO | 备注 | |
软件开销 | 高 | 中 | 低 | SRIO协议栈简单,一般都由硬件实现,软件开销很小 |
硬件纠错重传 | 不支持 | 支持 | 支持 | |
传输模式 | 消息 | DMA | DMA,消息 | |
拓扑结构 | 任意 | PCI树 | 任意 | SRIO支持直接点对点或通过交换器件实现的各种拓扑结构 |
直接点对点对等互连 | 支持 | 不支持 | 支持 | SRIO互连双方可对等的发起传输。 |
传输距离 | 长 | 中 | 中 | SRIO针对嵌入式设备内部互连,传输距离一般小于1米 |
数据包最大有效载荷长度 | 1500字节 | 4096字节 | 256字节 | 嵌入式通信系统对实时性要求高,SRIO小包传输可减少传输时延 |
打包效率(以传输256字节数据为例) | 79%(TCP包) | 82% | 92~94% | 打包效率是有效载荷长度与总包长的比率。SRIO支持多种高效包格式。 |
All unit intervals are specified with a toleranceof ±100 ppm. The worst case frequency difference between any transmit andreceive clock is 200 ppm.
2.2、Electrical Specifications
根据不同速率等级,分为四个link level,下面针对Level I进行详细介绍,其他几个Level参见相关规范。
A Level I link shall:
allow 1.25 Gbaud, 2.5 Gbaud, or3.125 Gbaud baud rates.
supports hot plug.
The electrical specifications shall support lane widths options of 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x and 16x.
AC coupling at the receivershall be specified to ensure inter-operability between transmitters and receivers of different vendors and technologies.
A compliant device may implement any subset of baud rates contained in this section.
A compliant device mayimplement either a shortrun (SR) transmitter, a long run (LR) transmitter, or both, at each of the baud ratesthat it supports.
The clock frequency tolerancere quirement for transmit and receive are 100 ppm. The worst case frequency differences between any transmit and receive clock is 200 ppm.
The Bit Error Ratio (BER) shallbe better than 10-12 per lane.
The transmitter pins shall becapable of surviving short circuit either to each other, to supply voltages,and to ground.
The short run interface shall be capable of spanning at least 20 cm of PCB material with up to a singleconnector.
The long run interface shall be capable of spanning at least 50 cm of PCB material with up to two connectors.
A Level II link shall:
allow 5 Gbaud or 6.25 Gbaudbaud rates.
supports hot plug.
The electrical specifications shall support lane widths options of 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x and 16x.
supports AC coupling andoptional DC coupling. Both AC coupled and DC coupled links options shall bespecified. A compliant device must implement AC coupling and may implement DCcoupling as an option.
supports short run (SR), medium run (MR),and long run (LR) links achieved with two transmitters and two receivers.
The clock frequency tolerance requirement for transmit and receive are 100 ppm. The worst case frequency differences between any transmit and receive clock is 200 ppm.
achieves Bit Error Ratio oflower than 10-15 per lane but test requirements will be verified to10-12 per lane.
Transmitters and receivers usedon short, medium and long run links shall inter-operate for path lengths up to20 cm.
Transmitters and receivers used on medium and long run links shall inter-operate for path lengths up to 60 cm.
The transmitter pins shall be capable of surviving short circuit either to each other, to supply voltages,and to ground.
A Level III link shall:
allow 10.3125 and 12.5 Gbaudbaud rates.
The electrical specifications shall support lane width options of 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x and 16x.
A compliant device mustimplement AC coupling.
A compliant device mayimplement any subset of baud rates contained in this chapter.
A compliant device mayimplement either a short-reach transmitter, a long-reach transmitter, or both,at each of the baud rates that it supports.
A compliant device may implementeither a short-reach receiver or a long-reach receiver at each of the baudrates that it supports.
The clock frequency tolerancerequirement for transmit and receive are 100 ppm. The worst case frequencydifferences between any transmit and receive clock is 200 ppm.
The Bit Error Ratio (BER) shallbe better than 10-15 per lane but the test requirements will be toverify 10-12 per lane.
Transmitters and receivers usedon short and long-reach links shall inter-operate for path lengths up to 20 cm.
Transmitters and receivers usedon long-reach links shall inter-operate for path lengths up to 100 cm.
The transmitter pins shall becapable of surviving short circuit either to each other, to supply voltages,and to ground.
A Level IV link shall:
allow 25 Gbaud baud rates.
The electrical specificationsshall support lane width options of 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x and 16x.
A compliant device mustimplement AC coupling.
A compliant device mayimplement any subset of baud rates contained in this chapter.
A compliant device mayimplement either a short-reach transmitter, a long-reach transmitter, or both,at each of the baud rates that it supports.
A compliant device mayimplement either a short-reach receiver or a long-reach receiver at each of thebaud rates that it supports.
The clock frequency tolerancerequirement for transmit and receive are 100 ppm. The worst case frequencydifferences between any transmit and receive clock is 200 ppm.
The Bit Error Ratio (BER) shallbe better than 10-15 per lane but the test requirements will be toverify 10-12 per lane.
Transmitters and receivers usedon short and long-reach links shall inter-operate for path lengths up to 20 cm.
Transmitters and receivers usedon long-reach links shall inter-operate for path lengths up to 100 cm.
The transmitter pins shall becapable of surviving short circuit either to each other, to supply voltages,and to ground.
Level I的详细电气特性如下:
Level II~IV的相关电气特性参考RapidIO Specification 4.1相关章节。