MicroBlaze大内部存储器(AXI BRAM)设计

FPGA开发圈 2020-07-27 00:00


MicroBlaze可以使用AXI BRAM存放数据和指令。有些客户软件很大,需要把AXI BRAM的空间做到最大。AXI BRAM底层是Block RAM或者Ultra RAM。器件的Block RAM或者Ultra RAM个数,决定了AXI BRAM的大小。

在ZCU106单板上,有312个Block RAM,有96个Ultra RAM。客户需要1MB存储空间。实现MicroBlaze时,也使用Block RAM实现Cache,和Local Memory。剩下的个Block RAM不够做1MB的AXI BRAM。为了实现1MB空间,可以用Block RAM实现512KB AXI BRAM、256KB AXI BRAM;再使用Ultra RAM实现256KB AXI BRAM。为这三个AXI BRAM分配连续的地址空间,从而使软件感觉到这是一个存储器。其中,Block RAM和Ultra RAM还可以根据实际情况调整,比如用Block RAM实现512KB AXI BRAM;用Ultra RAM实现512KB AXI BRAM,两个存储器也可以实现1MB存储空间。




下面是Vivado IP Integrator的TCL脚本

# This is a generated script based on design: design_1
# Though there are limitations about the generated script,
# the main purpose of this utility is to make learning
# IP Integrator Tcl commands easier.

namespace eval _tcl {
proc get_script_folder {} {
set script_path [file normalize [info script]]
set script_folder [file dirname $script_path]
return $script_folder
variable script_folder
set script_folder [_tcl::get_script_folder]

# Check if script is running in correct Vivado version.
set scripts_vivado_version 2018.3
set current_vivado_version [version -short]

if { [string first $scripts_vivado_version $current_vivado_version] == -1 } {
puts ""
common::send_msg_id "BD_TCL-1002" "WARNING" "This script was generated using Vivado without IP versions in the create_bd_cell commands, but is now being run in of Vivado. There may have been major IP version changes between Vivado and , which could impact the parameter settings of the IPs."



# To test this script, run the following commands from Vivado Tcl console:
# source design_1_script.tcl

# If there is no project opened, this script will create a
# project, but make sure you do not have an existing project
# <.> in the current working folder.

set list_projs [get_projects -quiet]
if { $list_projs eq "" } {
create_project project_1 myproj -part xczu7ev-ffvc1156-2-e
set_property BOARD_PART xilinx.com:zcu106:part0:2.3 [current_project]

variable design_name
set design_name design_1

# If you do not already have an existing IP Integrator design open,
# you can create a design using the following command:
# create_bd_design $design_name

# Creating design if needed
set errMsg ""
set nRet 0

set cur_design [current_bd_design -quiet]
set list_cells [get_bd_cells -quiet]

if { ${design_name} eq "" } {
# 1) Design_name not set

set errMsg "Please set the variable  to a non-empty value."
set nRet 1

} elseif { ${cur_design} ne "" && ${list_cells} eq "" } {
# 2): Current design opened AND is empty AND names same.
# 3): Current design opened AND is empty AND names diff; design_name NOT in project.
# 4): Current design opened AND is empty AND names diff; design_name exists in project.

if { $cur_design ne $design_name } {
common::send_msg_id "BD_TCL-001" "INFO" "Changing value of 
from to since current design is empty."
set design_name [get_property NAME $cur_design]
common::send_msg_id "BD_TCL-002" "INFO" "Constructing design in IPI design ..."

} elseif { ${cur_design} ne "" && $list_cells ne "" && $cur_design eq $design_name } {
# 5) Current design opened AND has components AND same names.

set errMsg "Design already exists in your project, please set the variable  to another value."
set nRet 1
} elseif { [get_files -quiet ${design_name}.bd] ne "" } {
# 6) Current opened design, has components, but diff names, design_name exists in project.
# 7) No opened design, design_name exists in project.

set errMsg "Design already exists in your project, please set the variable  to another value."
set nRet 2

} else {
# 8) No opened design, design_name not in project.
# 9) Current opened design, has components, but diff names, design_name not in project.

common::send_msg_id "BD_TCL-003" "INFO" "Currently there is no design in project, so creating one..."

create_bd_design $design_name

common::send_msg_id "BD_TCL-004" "INFO" "Making design as current_bd_design."
current_bd_design $design_name


common::send_msg_id "BD_TCL-005" "INFO" "Currently the variable  is equal to \"$design_name\"."

if { $nRet != 0 } {
catch {common::send_msg_id "BD_TCL-114" "ERROR" $errMsg}
return $nRet

set bCheckIPsPassed 1
set bCheckIPs 1
if { $bCheckIPs == 1 } {
set list_check_ips "\

set list_ips_missing ""
common::send_msg_id "BD_TCL-006" "INFO" "Checking if the following IPs exist in the project's IP catalog: $list_check_ips ."

foreach ip_vlnv $list_check_ips {
set ip_obj [get_ipdefs -all $ip_vlnv]
if { $ip_obj eq "" } {
lappend list_ips_missing $ip_vlnv

if { $list_ips_missing ne "" } {
catch {common::send_msg_id "BD_TCL-115" "ERROR" "The following IPs are not found in the IP Catalog:\n $list_ips_missing\n\nResolution: Please add the repository containing the IP(s) to the project." }
set bCheckIPsPassed 0


if { $bCheckIPsPassed != 1 } {
common::send_msg_id "BD_TCL-1003" "WARNING" "Will not continue with creation of design due to the error(s) above."
return 3


# Hierarchical cell: microblaze_0_local_memory
proc create_hier_cell_microblaze_0_local_memory { parentCell nameHier } {

variable script_folder

if { $parentCell eq "" || $nameHier eq "" } {
catch {common::send_msg_id "BD_TCL-102" "ERROR" "create_hier_cell_microblaze_0_local_memory() - Empty argument(s)!"}

# Get object for parentCell
set parentObj [get_bd_cells $parentCell]
if { $parentObj == "" } {
catch {common::send_msg_id "BD_TCL-100" "ERROR" "Unable to find parent cell !"}

# Make sure parentObj is hier blk
set parentType [get_property TYPE $parentObj]
if { $parentType ne "hier" } {
catch {common::send_msg_id "BD_TCL-101" "ERROR" "Parent has TYPE = . Expected to be 

# Save current instance; Restore later
set oldCurInst [current_bd_instance .]

# Set parent object as current
current_bd_instance $parentObj

# Create cell and set as current instance
set hier_obj [create_bd_cell -type hier $nameHier]
current_bd_instance $hier_obj

# Create interface pins
create_bd_intf_pin -mode MirroredMaster -vlnv xilinx.com:interface:lmb_rtl:1.0 DLMB
create_bd_intf_pin -mode MirroredMaster -vlnv xilinx.com:interface:lmb_rtl:1.0 ILMB

# Create pins
create_bd_pin -dir I -type clk LMB_Clk
create_bd_pin -dir I -type rst SYS_Rst

# Create instance: dlmb_bram_if_cntlr, and set properties
set dlmb_bram_if_cntlr [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:lmb_bram_if_cntlr dlmb_bram_if_cntlr ]
set_property -dict [ list \
] $dlmb_bram_if_cntlr

# Create instance: dlmb_v10, and set properties
set dlmb_v10 [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:lmb_v10 dlmb_v10 ]

# Create instance: ilmb_bram_if_cntlr, and set properties
set ilmb_bram_if_cntlr [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:lmb_bram_if_cntlr ilmb_bram_if_cntlr ]
set_property -dict [ list \
] $ilmb_bram_if_cntlr

# Create instance: ilmb_v10, and set properties
set ilmb_v10 [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:lmb_v10 ilmb_v10 ]

# Create instance: lmb_bram, and set properties
set lmb_bram [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:blk_mem_gen lmb_bram ]
set_property -dict [ list \
CONFIG.Memory_Type {True_Dual_Port_RAM} \
CONFIG.use_bram_block {BRAM_Controller} \
] $lmb_bram

# Create interface connections
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_dlmb [get_bd_intf_pins DLMB] [get_bd_intf_pins dlmb_v10/LMB_M]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_dlmb_bus [get_bd_intf_pins dlmb_bram_if_cntlr/SLMB] [get_bd_intf_pins dlmb_v10/LMB_Sl_0]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_dlmb_cntlr [get_bd_intf_pins dlmb_bram_if_cntlr/BRAM_PORT] [get_bd_intf_pins lmb_bram/BRAM_PORTA]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_ilmb [get_bd_intf_pins ILMB] [get_bd_intf_pins ilmb_v10/LMB_M]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_ilmb_bus [get_bd_intf_pins ilmb_bram_if_cntlr/SLMB] [get_bd_intf_pins ilmb_v10/LMB_Sl_0]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_ilmb_cntlr [get_bd_intf_pins ilmb_bram_if_cntlr/BRAM_PORT] [get_bd_intf_pins lmb_bram/BRAM_PORTB]

# Create port connections
connect_bd_net -net SYS_Rst_1 [get_bd_pins SYS_Rst] [get_bd_pins dlmb_bram_if_cntlr/LMB_Rst] [get_bd_pins dlmb_v10/SYS_Rst] [get_bd_pins ilmb_bram_if_cntlr/LMB_Rst] [get_bd_pins ilmb_v10/SYS_Rst]
connect_bd_net -net microblaze_0_Clk [get_bd_pins LMB_Clk] [get_bd_pins dlmb_bram_if_cntlr/LMB_Clk] [get_bd_pins dlmb_v10/LMB_Clk] [get_bd_pins ilmb_bram_if_cntlr/LMB_Clk] [get_bd_pins ilmb_v10/LMB_Clk]

# Restore current instance
current_bd_instance $oldCurInst

# Procedure to create entire design; Provide argument to make
# procedure reusable. If parentCell is "", will use root.
proc create_root_design { parentCell } {

variable script_folder
variable design_name

if { $parentCell eq "" } {
set parentCell [get_bd_cells /]

# Get object for parentCell
set parentObj [get_bd_cells $parentCell]
if { $parentObj == "" } {
catch {common::send_msg_id "BD_TCL-100" "ERROR" "Unable to find parent cell !"}

# Make sure parentObj is hier blk
set parentType [get_property TYPE $parentObj]
if { $parentType ne "hier" } {
catch {common::send_msg_id "BD_TCL-101" "ERROR" "Parent has TYPE = . Expected to be 

# Save current instance; Restore later
set oldCurInst [current_bd_instance .]

# Set parent object as current
current_bd_instance $parentObj

# Create interface ports
set user_si570_sysclk [ create_bd_intf_port -mode Slave -vlnv xilinx.com:interface:diff_clock_rtl:1.0 user_si570_sysclk ]
set_property -dict [ list \
CONFIG.FREQ_HZ {300000000} \
] $user_si570_sysclk

# Create ports
set reset [ create_bd_port -dir I -type rst reset ]
set_property -dict [ list \
] $reset

# Create instance: axi_bram_ctrl_0, and set properties
set axi_bram_ctrl_0 [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:axi_bram_ctrl axi_bram_ctrl_0 ]

# Create instance: axi_bram_ctrl_0_bram, and set properties
set axi_bram_ctrl_0_bram [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:blk_mem_gen axi_bram_ctrl_0_bram ]
set_property -dict [ list \
CONFIG.Memory_Type {True_Dual_Port_RAM} \
] $axi_bram_ctrl_0_bram

# Create instance: axi_timer_0, and set properties
set axi_timer_0 [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:axi_timer axi_timer_0 ]

# Create instance: clk_wiz_1, and set properties
set clk_wiz_1 [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:clk_wiz clk_wiz_1 ]
set_property -dict [ list \
CONFIG.CLK_IN1_BOARD_INTERFACE {user_si570_sysclk} \
CONFIG.PRIM_SOURCE {Differential_clock_capable_pin} \
] $clk_wiz_1

# Create instance: mdm_1, and set properties
set mdm_1 [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:mdm mdm_1 ]
set_property -dict [ list \
] $mdm_1

# Create instance: microblaze_0, and set properties
set microblaze_0 [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:microblaze microblaze_0 ]
set_property -dict [ list \
] $microblaze_0

# Create instance: microblaze_0_axi_intc, and set properties
set microblaze_0_axi_intc [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:axi_intc microblaze_0_axi_intc ]
set_property -dict [ list \
] $microblaze_0_axi_intc

# Create instance: microblaze_0_axi_periph, and set properties
set microblaze_0_axi_periph [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:axi_interconnect microblaze_0_axi_periph ]
set_property -dict [ list \
] $microblaze_0_axi_periph

# Create instance: microblaze_0_axi_periph1, and set properties
set microblaze_0_axi_periph1 [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:axi_interconnect microblaze_0_axi_periph1 ]
set_property -dict [ list \
] $microblaze_0_axi_periph1

# Create instance: microblaze_0_local_memory
create_hier_cell_microblaze_0_local_memory [current_bd_instance .] microblaze_0_local_memory

# Create instance: microblaze_0_xlconcat, and set properties
set microblaze_0_xlconcat [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:xlconcat microblaze_0_xlconcat ]

# Create instance: rst_clk_wiz_1_100M, and set properties
set rst_clk_wiz_1_100M [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:proc_sys_reset rst_clk_wiz_1_100M ]
set_property -dict [ list \
] $rst_clk_wiz_1_100M

# Create interface connections
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net axi_bram_ctrl_0_BRAM_PORTA [get_bd_intf_pins axi_bram_ctrl_0/BRAM_PORTA] [get_bd_intf_pins axi_bram_ctrl_0_bram/BRAM_PORTA]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net axi_bram_ctrl_0_BRAM_PORTB [get_bd_intf_pins axi_bram_ctrl_0/BRAM_PORTB] [get_bd_intf_pins axi_bram_ctrl_0_bram/BRAM_PORTB]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_M_AXI_DC [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0/M_AXI_DC] [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph1/S00_AXI]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_M_AXI_IC [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0/M_AXI_IC] [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph1/S01_AXI]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_axi_dp [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0/M_AXI_DP] [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph/S00_AXI]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_axi_periph1_M00_AXI [get_bd_intf_pins axi_bram_ctrl_0/S_AXI] [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph1/M00_AXI]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_axi_periph_M02_AXI [get_bd_intf_pins axi_timer_0/S_AXI] [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph/M02_AXI]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_debug [get_bd_intf_pins mdm_1/MBDEBUG_0] [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0/DEBUG]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_dlmb_1 [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0/DLMB] [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0_local_memory/DLMB]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_ilmb_1 [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0/ILMB] [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0_local_memory/ILMB]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_intc_axi [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0_axi_intc/s_axi] [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph/M00_AXI]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_interrupt [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0/INTERRUPT] [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0_axi_intc/interrupt]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net microblaze_0_mdm_axi [get_bd_intf_pins mdm_1/S_AXI] [get_bd_intf_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph/M01_AXI]
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net user_si570_sysclk_1 [get_bd_intf_ports user_si570_sysclk] [get_bd_intf_pins clk_wiz_1/CLK_IN1_D]

# Create port connections
connect_bd_net -net ARESETN_1 [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph/ARESETN] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph1/ARESETN] [get_bd_pins rst_clk_wiz_1_100M/interconnect_aresetn]
connect_bd_net -net axi_timer_0_interrupt [get_bd_pins axi_timer_0/interrupt] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_xlconcat/In0]
connect_bd_net -net clk_wiz_1_locked [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_1/locked] [get_bd_pins rst_clk_wiz_1_100M/dcm_locked]
connect_bd_net -net mdm_1_debug_sys_rst [get_bd_pins mdm_1/Debug_SYS_Rst] [get_bd_pins rst_clk_wiz_1_100M/mb_debug_sys_rst]
connect_bd_net -net microblaze_0_Clk [get_bd_pins axi_bram_ctrl_0/s_axi_aclk] [get_bd_pins axi_timer_0/s_axi_aclk] [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_1/clk_out1] [get_bd_pins mdm_1/S_AXI_ACLK] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0/Clk] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_intc/processor_clk] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_intc/s_axi_aclk] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph/ACLK] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph/M00_ACLK] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph/M01_ACLK] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph/M02_ACLK] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph/S00_ACLK] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph1/ACLK] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph1/M00_ACLK] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph1/S00_ACLK] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph1/S01_ACLK] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_local_memory/LMB_Clk] [get_bd_pins rst_clk_wiz_1_100M/slowest_sync_clk]
connect_bd_net -net microblaze_0_intr [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_intc/intr] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_xlconcat/dout]
connect_bd_net -net reset_1 [get_bd_ports reset] [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_1/reset] [get_bd_pins rst_clk_wiz_1_100M/ext_reset_in]
connect_bd_net -net rst_clk_wiz_1_100M_bus_struct_reset [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_local_memory/SYS_Rst] [get_bd_pins rst_clk_wiz_1_100M/bus_struct_reset]
connect_bd_net -net rst_clk_wiz_1_100M_mb_reset [get_bd_pins microblaze_0/Reset] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_intc/processor_rst] [get_bd_pins rst_clk_wiz_1_100M/mb_reset]
connect_bd_net -net rst_clk_wiz_1_100M_peripheral_aresetn [get_bd_pins axi_bram_ctrl_0/s_axi_aresetn] [get_bd_pins axi_timer_0/s_axi_aresetn] [get_bd_pins mdm_1/S_AXI_ARESETN] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_intc/s_axi_aresetn] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph/M00_ARESETN] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph/M01_ARESETN] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph/M02_ARESETN] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph/S00_ARESETN] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph1/M00_ARESETN] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph1/S00_ARESETN] [get_bd_pins microblaze_0_axi_periph1/S01_ARESETN] [get_bd_pins rst_clk_wiz_1_100M/peripheral_aresetn]

# Create address segments
create_bd_addr_seg -range 0x00080000 -offset 0x80000000 [get_bd_addr_spaces microblaze_0/Data] [get_bd_addr_segs axi_bram_ctrl_0/S_AXI/Mem0] SEG_axi_bram_ctrl_0_Mem0
create_bd_addr_seg -range 0x00080000 -offset 0x80000000 [get_bd_addr_spaces microblaze_0/Instruction] [get_bd_addr_segs axi_bram_ctrl_0/S_AXI/Mem0] SEG_axi_bram_ctrl_0_Mem0
create_bd_addr_seg -range 0x00010000 -offset 0x41C00000 [get_bd_addr_spaces microblaze_0/Data] [get_bd_addr_segs axi_timer_0/S_AXI/Reg] SEG_axi_timer_0_Reg
create_bd_addr_seg -range 0x00010000 -offset 0x00000000 [get_bd_addr_spaces microblaze_0/Data] [get_bd_addr_segs microblaze_0_local_memory/dlmb_bram_if_cntlr/SLMB/Mem] SEG_dlmb_bram_if_cntlr_Mem
create_bd_addr_seg -range 0x00010000 -offset 0x00000000 [get_bd_addr_spaces microblaze_0/Instruction] [get_bd_addr_segs microblaze_0_local_memory/ilmb_bram_if_cntlr/SLMB/Mem] SEG_ilmb_bram_if_cntlr_Mem
create_bd_addr_seg -range 0x00001000 -offset 0x41400000 [get_bd_addr_spaces microblaze_0/Data] [get_bd_addr_segs mdm_1/S_AXI/Reg] SEG_mdm_1_Reg
create_bd_addr_seg -range 0x00010000 -offset 0x41200000 [get_bd_addr_spaces microblaze_0/Data] [get_bd_addr_segs microblaze_0_axi_intc/S_AXI/Reg] SEG_microblaze_0_axi_intc_Reg

# Restore current instance
current_bd_instance $oldCurInst

# End of create_root_design()


create_root_design ""


xsct% connect
attempting to launch hw_server

****** Xilinx hw_server v2018.3
**** Build date : Dec 7 2018-00:40:27
** Copyright 1986-2018 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

INFO: hw_server application started
INFO: Use Ctrl-C to exit hw_server application

****** Xilinx hw_server v2018.3

**** Build date : Dec 7 2018-00:40:27

** Copyright 1986-2018 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

INFO: hw_server application started

INFO: Use Ctrl-C to exit hw_server application

INFO: To connect to this hw_server instance use url: TCP:

3 PL
13 MicroBlaze Debug Module at USER2
14 MicroBlaze #0 (Running)
xsct% target 14
xsct% rst -proc
Info: MicroBlaze #0 (target 14) Stopped at 0x10 (Stop)
xsct% target
3 PL
13 MicroBlaze Debug Module at USER2
14* MicroBlaze #0 (Stop)
xsct% rrd
r0: 00000000 r1: 00000000 r2: 00000000 r3: 00000000 r4: 00000000
r5: 00000000 r6: 00000000 r7: 00000000 r8: 00000000 r9: 00000000
r10: 00000000 r11: 00000000 r12: 00000000 r13: 00000000 r14: 00000000
r15: 00000000 r16: 00000000 r17: 00000000 r18: 00000000 r19: 00000000
r20: 00000000 r21: 00000000 r22: 00000000 r23: 00000000 r24: 00000000
r25: 00000000 r26: 00000000 r27: 00000000 r28: 00000000 r29: 00000000
r30: 00000000 r31: 00000000 pc: 00000010 msr: 00000400 ear: 00000000
esr: 00000000 fsr: 00000000 btr: 00000000 pvr mmu
dcr: 00000009 dsr: 21010001

xsct% mrd 0x80000000 0x10
80000000: 00000000
80000004: 00000000
80000008: 00000000
8000000C: 00000000
80000010: 00000000
80000014: 00000000
80000018: 00000000
8000001C: 00000000
80000020: 00000000
80000024: 00000000
80000028: 00000000
8000002C: 00000000
80000030: 00000000
80000034: 00000000
80000038: 00000000
8000003C: 00000000

xsct% mwr 0x80000000 0x12345678
xsct% mrd 0x80000000 0x10
80000000: 12345678
80000004: 00000000
80000008: 00000000
8000000C: 00000000
80000010: 00000000
80000014: 00000000
80000018: 00000000
8000001C: 00000000
80000020: 00000000
80000024: 00000000
80000028: 00000000
8000002C: 00000000
80000030: 00000000
80000034: 00000000
80000038: 00000000
8000003C: 00000000

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  • Ubuntu20.04默认情况下为root账号自动登录,本文介绍如何取消root账号自动登录,改为通过输入账号密码登录,使用触觉智能EVB3568鸿蒙开发板演示,搭载瑞芯微RK3568,四核A55处理器,主频2.0Ghz,1T算力NPU;支持OpenHarmony5.0及Linux、Android等操作系统,接口丰富,开发评估快人一步!添加新账号1、使用adduser命令来添加新用户,用户名以industio为例,系统会提示设置密码以及其他信息,您可以根据需要填写或跳过,命令如下:root@id
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  •  光伏及击穿,都可视之为 复合的逆过程,但是,复合、光伏与击穿,不单是进程的方向相反,偏置状态也不一样,复合的工况,是正偏,光伏是零偏,击穿与漂移则是反偏,光伏的能源是外来的,而击穿消耗的是结区自身和电源的能量,漂移的载流子是 客席载流子,须借外延层才能引入,客席载流子 不受反偏PN结的空乏区阻碍,能漂不能漂,只取决于反偏PN结是否处于外延层的「射程」范围,而穿通的成因,则是因耗尽层的过度扩张,致使跟 端子、外延层或其他空乏区 碰触,当耗尽层融通,耐压 (反向阻断能力) 即告彻底丧失,
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  • 本文介绍瑞芯微开发板/主板Android配置APK默认开启性能模式方法,开启性能模式后,APK的CPU使用优先级会有所提高。触觉智能RK3562开发板演示,搭载4核A53处理器,主频高达2.0GHz;内置独立1Tops算力NPU,可应用于物联网网关、平板电脑、智能家居、教育电子、工业显示与控制等行业。源码修改修改源码根目录下文件device/rockchip/rk3562/package_performance.xml并添加以下内容,注意"+"号为添加内容,"com.tencent.mm"为AP
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