在介绍Android enable流程之前,我们首先来看下Android的流程图
以上图示是android8以上的,主要跟Android8之前的架构在于Bluetooth stack跟vendor层之间增加一层HIDL,主要是抽象硬件层的作用
第一篇:蓝牙综合介绍 ,主要介绍蓝牙的一些概念,产生背景,发展轨迹,市面蓝牙介绍,以及蓝牙开发板介绍。
第七篇:蓝牙芯片介绍,主要介绍一些蓝牙芯片的初始化流程,基于HCI vendor command的扩展
/** * The main entry point from zygote. */ public static void main(String[] args) { new SystemServer().run(); }
然后startOtherServices(t);执行如下代码,开启Bluetooth service类
private void startOtherServices(@NonNull TimingsTraceAndSlog t) { ... if (mFactoryTestMode == FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL) { Slog.i(TAG, "No Bluetooth Service (factory test)"); } else if (!context.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature (PackageManager.FEATURE_BLUETOOTH)) { Slog.i(TAG, "No Bluetooth Service (Bluetooth Hardware Not Present)"); } else { t.traceBegin("StartBluetoothService"); mSystemServiceManager.startService(BluetoothService.class); t.traceEnd(); } ... }
mBluetoothManagerService = new BluetoothManagerService(context);
BluetoothManagerService(Context context) { Slog.e(TAG, "new BluetoothManagerService"); // BluetoothManagerService的私有类,主要用于处理一些message mHandler = new BluetoothHandler(IoThread.get().getLooper()); mContext = context; mWirelessConsentRequired = context.getResources() .getBoolean(com.android.internal.R.bool.config_wirelessConsentRequired); mCrashes = 0; mBluetooth = null; mBluetoothBinder = null; mBluetoothGatt = null; mBinding = false; mUnbinding = false; mEnable = false; mState = BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF; mQuietEnableExternal = false; mEnableExternal = false; mAddress = null; mName = null; mErrorRecoveryRetryCounter = 0; mContentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); // Observe BLE scan only mode settings change. registerForBleScanModeChange(); mCallbacks = new RemoteCallbackList(); mStateChangeCallbacks = new RemoteCallbackList(); mIsHearingAidProfileSupported = context.getResources() .getBoolean(com.android.internal.R.bool.config_hearing_aid_profile_supported); // TODO: We need a more generic way to initialize the persist keys of FeatureFlagUtils String value = SystemProperties.get(FeatureFlagUtils.PERSIST_PREFIX + FeatureFlagUtils.HEARING_AID_SETTINGS); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) { boolean isHearingAidEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); Log.v(TAG, "set feature flag HEARING_AID_SETTINGS to " + isHearingAidEnabled); FeatureFlagUtils.setEnabled(context, FeatureFlagUtils.HEARING_AID_SETTINGS, isHearingAidEnabled); if (isHearingAidEnabled && !mIsHearingAidProfileSupported) { // Overwrite to enable support by FeatureFlag mIsHearingAidProfileSupported = true; } } IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); filter.addAction(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED); filter.addAction(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_BLUETOOTH_ADDRESS_CHANGED); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SETTING_RESTORED); filter.setPriority(IntentFilter.SYSTEM_HIGH_PRIORITY); mContext.registerReceiver(mReceiver, filter); loadStoredNameAndAddress(); if (isBluetoothPersistedStateOn()) { if (DBG) { Slog.d(TAG, "Startup: Bluetooth persisted state is ON."); } mEnableExternal = true; } String airplaneModeRadios = Settings.Global.getString(mContentResolver, Settings.Global.AIRPLANE_MODE_RADIOS); if (airplaneModeRadios == null || airplaneModeRadios.contains( Settings.Global.RADIO_BLUETOOTH)) { mBluetoothAirplaneModeListener = new BluetoothAirplaneModeListener( this, IoThread.get().getLooper(), context); } int systemUiUid = -1; // Check if device is configured with no home screen, which implies no SystemUI. boolean noHome = mContext.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.config_noHomeScreen); if (!noHome) { PackageManagerInternal pm = LocalServices.getService(PackageManagerInternal.class); systemUiUid = pm.getPackageUid(pm.getSystemUiServiceComponent().getPackageName(), MATCH_SYSTEM_ONLY, USER_SYSTEM); } if (systemUiUid >= 0) { Slog.d(TAG, "Detected SystemUiUid: " + Integer.toString(systemUiUid)); } else { // Some platforms, such as wearables do not have a system ui. Slog.w(TAG, "Unable to resolve SystemUI's UID."); } mSystemUiUid = systemUiUid; }
public void onSwitchUser(int userHandle) { if (!mInitialized) { initialize(); } else { mBluetoothManagerService.handleOnSwitchUser(userHandle); } }
onSwitchUser 是 Android 框架中的一个回调方法,用于在用户切换时接收通知。当有多个用户在同一个设备上使用时,可以使用此方法来执行一些特定于用户的操作,例如切换到其它用户时保存当前用户的状态并加载新用户的数据。
在 Android 系统中,只有在设备启用多用户功能并启用多个用户帐户时才会调用此方法。在单用户设备上,该方法不会被调用。
当一个用户从其它用户切换到当前用户时,系统会调用 onSwitchUser 方法。
当设备启动时,如果已经启用了多用户功能,则系统会自动创建一个默认的用户,并在该用户的环境下启动应用程序。此时,onSwitchUser 方法也会被调用,此时传递给方法的 userId 参数为默认用户的 ID。
备注:该方法已经在 Android 12 中被标记为过时。因此,在新的应用程序中,应该避免使用该方法,而应该考虑使用更现代的 Android 架构组件或 API 来实现多用户管理和数据保护。
private void initialize() { if (!mInitialized) { mBluetoothManagerService.handleOnBootPhase(); mInitialized = true; } }
public void handleOnBootPhase() { ... final boolean isSafeMode = mContext.getPackageManager().isSafeMode(); if (mEnableExternal && isBluetoothPersistedStateOnBluetooth() && !isSafeMode) { if (DBG) { Slog.d(TAG, "Auto-enabling Bluetooth."); } //调用 sendEnableMsg(mQuietEnableExternal, BluetoothProtoEnums.ENABLE_DISABLE_REASON_SYSTEM_BOOT, mContext.getPackageName()); } .... }
private void sendEnableMsg(boolean quietMode, int reason, String packageName) { mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_ENABLE, quietMode ? 1 : 0, 0)); addActiveLog(reason, packageName, true); mLastEnabledTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); }
public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MESSAGE_ENABLE: handleEnable(mQuietEnable); break; } }
private void handleEnable(boolean quietMode) { ... Intent i = new Intent(IBluetooth.class.getName()); if (!doBind(i, mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE | Context.BIND_IMPORTANT, UserHandle.CURRENT)) { mHandler.removeMessages(MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_BIND); } else { mBinding = true; } ... }
private class BluetoothServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection { public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName componentName, IBinder service) { String name = componentName.getClassName(); if (DBG) { Slog.d(TAG, "BluetoothServiceConnection: " + name); } Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED); if (name.equals("com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService")) { msg.arg1 = SERVICE_IBLUETOOTH; } else if (name.equals("com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService")) { msg.arg1 = SERVICE_IBLUETOOTHGATT; } else { Slog.e(TAG, "Unknown service connected: " + name); return; } msg.obj = service; mHandler.sendMessage(msg); } public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName componentName) { // Called if we unexpectedly disconnect. String name = componentName.getClassName(); if (DBG) { Slog.d(TAG, "BluetoothServiceConnection, disconnected: " + name); } Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_DISCONNECTED); if (name.equals("com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService")) { msg.arg1 = SERVICE_IBLUETOOTH; } else if (name.equals("com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService")) { msg.arg1 = SERVICE_IBLUETOOTHGATT; } else { Slog.e(TAG, "Unknown service disconnected: " + name); return; } mHandler.sendMessage(msg); } }
public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED: ... mBluetooth.registerCallback(mBluetoothCallback); ... sendBluetoothServiceUpCallback(); ... mBluetooth.enable(mQuietEnable); break; } }
public synchronized boolean enable(boolean quietMode) { // Enforce the user restriction for disallowing Bluetooth if it was set. if (mUserManager.hasUserRestriction(UserManager.DISALLOW_BLUETOOTH, UserHandle.SYSTEM)) { debugLog("enable() called when Bluetooth was disallowed"); return false; } Log.e(TAG, "AdapterService enable"); debugLog("enable() - Enable called with quiet mode status = " + quietMode); mQuietmode = quietMode; mAdapterStateMachine.sendMessage(AdapterState.BLE_TURN_ON); return true; }
这个会触发status machine,会调用到OffState中processMessage
public boolean processMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case BLE_TURN_ON: transitionTo(mTurningBleOnState); break; default: infoLog("Unhandled message - " + messageString(msg.what)); return false; } return true; }
public void enter() { super.enter(); sendMessageDelayed(BLE_START_TIMEOUT, BLE_START_TIMEOUT_DELAY); mAdapterService.bringUpBle(); }
void bringUpBle() { ... //Start Gatt service setProfileServiceState(GattService.class, BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON); }
public void onProfileServiceStateChanged(ProfileService profile, int state) { if (state != BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON && state != BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BluetoothAdapter.nameForState(state)); } Message m = mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_PROFILE_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED); m.obj = profile; m.arg1 = state; mHandler.sendMessage(m); }
private void processProfileServiceStateChanged(ProfileService profile, int state) { switch (state) { case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON: if (!mRegisteredProfiles.contains(profile)) { Log.e(TAG, profile.getName() + " not registered (STATE_ON)."); return; } if (mRunningProfiles.contains(profile)) { Log.e(TAG, profile.getName() + " already running."); return; } mRunningProfiles.add(profile); if (GattService.class.getSimpleName().equals(profile.getName())) { Log.e(TAG, "processProfileServiceStateChanged enableNative"); // 这个地方就是调用libjni.so的方法,通过jni native调用 enableNative(); } else if (mRegisteredProfiles.size() == Config.getSupportedProfiles().length && mRegisteredProfiles.size() == mRunningProfiles.size()) { mAdapterProperties.onBluetoothReady(); updateUuids(); setBluetoothClassFromConfig(); initProfileServices(); getAdapterPropertyNative(AbstractionLayer.BT_PROPERTY_LOCAL_IO_CAPS); getAdapterPropertyNative(AbstractionLayer.BT_PROPERTY_LOCAL_IO_CAPS_BLE); mAdapterStateMachine.sendMessage(AdapterState.BREDR_STARTED); } break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Unhandled profile state: " + state); } }
NOTED:能够直接调用到libbluetooth_jni.so的原因是AdapterApp 类在启动的时候加载了
public class AdapterApp extends Application { private static final String TAG = "BluetoothAdapterApp"; private static final boolean DBG = false; //For Debugging only private static int sRefCount = 0; static { if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "Loading JNI Library"); } System.loadLibrary("bluetooth_jni"); } ... }
jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* jvm, void* reserved) { JNIEnv* e; int status; ALOGE("Bluetooth Adapter Service : loading JNI\n"); ALOGV("Bluetooth Adapter Service : loading JNI\n"); // Check JNI version if (jvm->GetEnv((void**)&e, JNI_VERSION_1_6)) { ALOGE("JNI version mismatch error"); return JNI_ERR; } status = android::register_com_android_bluetooth_btservice_AdapterService(e); if (status < 0) { ALOGE("jni adapter service registration failure, status: %d", status); return JNI_ERR; } status = android::register_com_android_bluetooth_btservice_BluetoothKeystore(e); if (status < 0) { ALOGE("jni BluetoothKeyStore registration failure: %d", status); return JNI_ERR; } status = android::register_com_android_bluetooth_hfp(e); if (status < 0) { ALOGE("jni hfp registration failure, status: %d", status); return JNI_ERR; } status = android::register_com_android_bluetooth_hfpclient(e); if (status < 0) { ALOGE("jni hfp client registration failure, status: %d", status); return JNI_ERR; } status = android::register_com_android_bluetooth_a2dp(e); if (status < 0) { ALOGE("jni a2dp source registration failure: %d", status); return JNI_ERR; } status = android::register_com_android_bluetooth_a2dp_sink(e); if (status < 0) { ALOGE("jni a2dp sink registration failure: %d", status); return JNI_ERR; } status = android::register_com_android_bluetooth_avrcp_target(e); if (status < 0) { ALOGE("jni new avrcp target registration failure: %d", status); } status = android::register_com_android_bluetooth_avrcp_controller(e); if (status < 0) { ALOGE("jni avrcp controller registration failure: %d", status); return JNI_ERR; } status = android::register_com_android_bluetooth_hid_host(e); if (status < 0) { ALOGE("jni hid registration failure: %d", status); return JNI_ERR; } status = android::register_com_android_bluetooth_hid_device(e); if (status < 0) { ALOGE("jni hidd registration failure: %d", status); return JNI_ERR; } status = android::register_com_android_bluetooth_pan(e); if (status < 0) { ALOGE("jni pan registration failure: %d", status); return JNI_ERR; } status = android::register_com_android_bluetooth_gatt(e); if (status < 0) { ALOGE("jni gatt registration failure: %d", status); return JNI_ERR; } status = android::register_com_android_bluetooth_sdp(e); if (status < 0) { ALOGE("jni sdp registration failure: %d", status); return JNI_ERR; } status = android::register_com_android_bluetooth_hearing_aid(e); if (status < 0) { ALOGE("jni hearing aid registration failure: %d", status); return JNI_ERR; } return JNI_VERSION_1_6; }
static jboolean enableNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) { ALOGV("%s", __func__); if (!sBluetoothInterface) return JNI_FALSE; int ret = sBluetoothInterface->enable(); return (ret == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS || ret == BT_STATUS_DONE) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; }
其中sBluetoothInterface 是hal接口,定义如下:
typedef struct { /** set to sizeof(bt_interface_t) */ size_t size; /** * Opens the interface and provides the callback routines * to the implemenation of this interface. * The |is_atv| flag indicates whether the local device is an Android TV */ int (*init)(bt_callbacks_t* callbacks, bool is_atv); /** Enable Bluetooth. */ int (*enable)(bool guest_mode); /** Disable Bluetooth. */ int (*disable)(void); /** Closes the interface. */ void (*cleanup)(void); /** Get all Bluetooth Adapter properties at init */ int (*get_adapter_properties)(void); /** Get Bluetooth Adapter property of 'type' */ int (*get_adapter_property)(bt_property_type_t type); /** Set Bluetooth Adapter property of 'type' */ /* Based on the type, val shall be one of * RawAddress or bt_bdname_t or bt_scanmode_t etc */ int (*set_adapter_property)(const bt_property_t *property); /** Get all Remote Device properties */ int (*get_remote_device_properties)(RawAddress *remote_addr); /** Get Remote Device property of 'type' */ int (*get_remote_device_property)(RawAddress *remote_addr, bt_property_type_t type); /** Set Remote Device property of 'type' */ int (*set_remote_device_property)(RawAddress *remote_addr, const bt_property_t *property); /** Get Remote Device's service record for the given UUID */ int (*get_remote_service_record)(const RawAddress& remote_addr, const bluetooth::Uuid& uuid); /** Start SDP to get remote services */ int (*get_remote_services)(RawAddress *remote_addr); /** Start Discovery */ int (*start_discovery)(void); /** Cancel Discovery */ int (*cancel_discovery)(void); /** Create Bluetooth Bonding */ int (*create_bond)(const RawAddress *bd_addr, int transport); /** Create Bluetooth Bond using out of band data */ int (*create_bond_out_of_band)(const RawAddress *bd_addr, int transport, const bt_out_of_band_data_t *oob_data); /** Remove Bond */ int (*remove_bond)(const RawAddress *bd_addr); /** Cancel Bond */ int (*cancel_bond)(const RawAddress *bd_addr); /** * Get the connection status for a given remote device. * return value of 0 means the device is not connected, * non-zero return status indicates an active connection. */ int (*get_connection_state)(const RawAddress *bd_addr); /** BT Legacy PinKey Reply */ /** If accept==FALSE, then pin_len and pin_code shall be 0x0 */ int (*pin_reply)(const RawAddress *bd_addr, uint8_t accept, uint8_t pin_len, bt_pin_code_t *pin_code); /** BT SSP Reply - Just Works, Numeric Comparison and Passkey * passkey shall be zero for BT_SSP_VARIANT_PASSKEY_COMPARISON & * BT_SSP_VARIANT_CONSENT * For BT_SSP_VARIANT_PASSKEY_ENTRY, if accept==FALSE, then passkey * shall be zero */ int (*ssp_reply)(const RawAddress *bd_addr, bt_ssp_variant_t variant, uint8_t accept, uint32_t passkey); /** Get Bluetooth profile interface */ const void* (*get_profile_interface) (const char *profile_id); /** Bluetooth Test Mode APIs - Bluetooth must be enabled for these APIs */ /* Configure DUT Mode - Use this mode to enter/exit DUT mode */ int (*dut_mode_configure)(uint8_t enable); /* Send any test HCI (vendor-specific) command to the controller. Must be in DUT Mode */ int (*dut_mode_send)(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len); /** BLE Test Mode APIs */ /* opcode MUST be one of: LE_Receiver_Test, LE_Transmitter_Test, LE_Test_End */ int (*le_test_mode)(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len); /** Sets the OS call-out functions that bluedroid needs for alarms and wake locks. * This should be called immediately after a successful |init|. */ int (*set_os_callouts)(bt_os_callouts_t *callouts); /** Read Energy info details - return value indicates BT_STATUS_SUCCESS or BT_STATUS_NOT_READY * Success indicates that the VSC command was sent to controller */ int (*read_energy_info)(); /** * Native support for dumpsys function * Function is synchronous and |fd| is owned by caller. * |arguments| are arguments which may affect the output, encoded as * UTF-8 strings. */ void (*dump)(int fd, const char **arguments); /** * Clear /data/misc/bt_config.conf and erase all stored connections */ int (*config_clear)(void); /** * Clear (reset) the dynamic portion of the device interoperability database. */ void (*interop_database_clear)(void); /** * Add a new device interoperability workaround for a remote device whose * first |len| bytes of the its device address match |addr|. * NOTE: |feature| has to match an item defined in interop_feature_t (interop.h). */ void (*interop_database_add)(uint16_t feature, const RawAddress *addr, size_t len); } bt_interface_t;
这个enable是调用libbluetooth.so中的enable,也就是bluedroid bluetooth.cc或者android8之前的bluetooth.c
static int enable() { if (!interface_ready()) return BT_STATUS_NOT_READY; stack_manager_get_interface()->start_up_stack_async(); return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
bluedroid底层enable跟controller交互成功后,调用这个函数,通过HAL_CBACK回调到bt service apk的jni
static void event_signal_stack_up(UNUSED_ATTR void* context) { // Notify BTIF connect queue that we've brought up the stack. It's // now time to dispatch all the pending profile connect requests. btif_queue_connect_next(); HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, adapter_state_changed_cb, BT_STATE_ON); }
是因为adapterService 服务启动的时候调用到onCreate方法,里面有
public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); debugLog("onCreate()"); ... // 调用jni的方法 initNative(isGuest(), isNiapMode(), configCompareResult, isAtvDevice); ... }
static bool initNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jboolean isGuest, jboolean isNiapMode, int configCompareResult, jboolean isAtvDevice) { ALOGV("%s", __func__); // 注册jni的callback到bluedroid,bluedroid有回调的时候回调用到sBluetoothCallbacks int ret = sBluetoothInterface->init( &sBluetoothCallbacks, isGuest == JNI_TRUE ? 1 : 0, isNiapMode == JNI_TRUE ? 1 : 0, configCompareResult, isAtvDevice == JNI_TRUE ? 1 : 0); if (ret != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Error while setting the callbacks: %d\n", ret); sBluetoothInterface = NULL; return JNI_FALSE; } }
好了,回归会提,如果bluedroid enable成功后,会调用到sBluetoothCallbacks的adapter_state_change_callback函数
static void adapter_state_change_callback(bt_state_t status) { ALOGE("Bluetooth adapter_state_change_callback:%d\n",status); CallbackEnv sCallbackEnv(__func__); if (!sCallbackEnv.valid()) return; ALOGV("%s: Status is: %d", __func__, status); // 通过jni的回调方法调用到AdapterService的stateChangeCallback sCallbackEnv->CallVoidMethod(sJniCallbacksObj, method_stateChangeCallback, (jint)status); }
void stateChangeCallback(int status) { Log.e(TAG, "stateChangeCallback:"+status); if (status == AbstractionLayer.BT_STATE_OFF) { debugLog("stateChangeCallback: disableNative() completed"); mAdapterStateMachine.sendMessage(AdapterState.BLE_STOPPED); } else if (status == AbstractionLayer.BT_STATE_ON) { mAdapterStateMachine.sendMessage(AdapterState.BLE_STARTED); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Incorrect status " + status + " in stateChangeCallback"); } }
public boolean processMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case BLE_STARTED: transitionTo(mBleOnState); break; case BLE_START_TIMEOUT: errorLog(messageString(msg.what)); transitionTo(mTurningBleOffState); break; default: infoLog("Unhandled message - " + messageString(msg.what)); return false; } return true; }
void updateAdapterState(int prevState, int newState) { mAdapterProperties.setState(newState); invalidateBluetoothGetStateCache(); if (mCallbacks != null) { int n = mCallbacks.beginBroadcast(); debugLog("updateAdapterState() - Broadcasting state " + BluetoothAdapter.nameForState( newState) + " to " + n + " receivers."); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { try { mCallbacks.getBroadcastItem(i).onBluetoothStateChange(prevState, newState); } catch (RemoteException e) { debugLog("updateAdapterState() - Callback #" + i + " failed (" + e + ")"); } } mCallbacks.finishBroadcast(); } .... }
private final IBluetoothCallback mBluetoothCallback = new IBluetoothCallback.Stub() { @Override public void onBluetoothStateChange(int prevState, int newState) throws RemoteException { Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE, prevState, newState); mHandler.sendMessage(msg); } };
case MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: { .... bluetoothStateChangeHandler(prevState, newState); break; }
private void bluetoothStateChangeHandler(int prevState, int newState) { if (newState == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_BLE_ON || newState == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF) { ....... continueFromBleOnState(); } }
private void continueFromBleOnState() { ... mBluetooth.onLeServiceUp(); ... }
public void onLeServiceUp() { AdapterService service = getService(); if (service == null || !callerIsSystemOrActiveUser(TAG, "onLeServiceUp")) { return; } enforceBluetoothPrivilegedPermission(service); service.mAdapterStateMachine.sendMessage(AdapterState.USER_TURN_ON); }
private class BleOnState extends BaseAdapterState { @Override int getStateValue() { return BluetoothAdapter.STATE_BLE_ON; } @Override public boolean processMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case USER_TURN_ON: transitionTo(mTurningOnState); break; case BLE_TURN_OFF: transitionTo(mTurningBleOffState); break; default: infoLog("Unhandled message - " + messageString(msg.what)); return false; } return true; } }
然后进入到TurningOnState class的enter处理
public void enter() { super.enter(); sendMessageDelayed(BREDR_START_TIMEOUT, BREDR_START_TIMEOUT_DELAY); mAdapterService.startProfileServices(); }
void startProfileServices() { ... setAllProfileServiceStates(supportedProfileServices, BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON); }
private static final ProfileConfig[] PROFILE_SERVICES_AND_FLAGS = { new ProfileConfig(HeadsetService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_hs_hfp, (1 << BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)), new ProfileConfig(A2dpService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_a2dp, (1 << BluetoothProfile.A2DP)), new ProfileConfig(A2dpSinkService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_a2dp_sink, (1 << BluetoothProfile.A2DP_SINK)), new ProfileConfig(HidHostService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_hid_host, (1 << BluetoothProfile.HID_HOST)), new ProfileConfig(PanService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_pan, (1 << BluetoothProfile.PAN)), new ProfileConfig(GattService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_gatt, (1 << BluetoothProfile.GATT)), new ProfileConfig(BluetoothMapService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_map, (1 << BluetoothProfile.MAP)), new ProfileConfig(HeadsetClientService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_hfpclient, (1 << BluetoothProfile.HEADSET_CLIENT)), new ProfileConfig(AvrcpTargetService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_avrcp_target, (1 << BluetoothProfile.AVRCP)), new ProfileConfig(AvrcpControllerService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_avrcp_controller, (1 << BluetoothProfile.AVRCP_CONTROLLER)), new ProfileConfig(SapService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_sap, (1 << BluetoothProfile.SAP)), new ProfileConfig(PbapClientService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_pbapclient, (1 << BluetoothProfile.PBAP_CLIENT)), new ProfileConfig(MapClientService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_mapmce, (1 << BluetoothProfile.MAP_CLIENT)), new ProfileConfig(HidDeviceService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_hid_device, (1 << BluetoothProfile.HID_DEVICE)), new ProfileConfig(BluetoothOppService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_opp, (1 << BluetoothProfile.OPP)), new ProfileConfig(BluetoothPbapService.class, R.bool.profile_supported_pbap, (1 << BluetoothProfile.PBAP)), new ProfileConfig(HearingAidService.class, com.android.internal.R.bool.config_hearing_aid_profile_supported, (1 << BluetoothProfile.HEARING_AID)) };
因为我们之前在前面说过,开启成功后就会调用profileService change的消息,所以如下
private void processProfileServiceStateChanged(ProfileService profile, int state) { switch (state) { case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON: ........ if (GattService.class.getSimpleName().equals(profile.getName())) { enableNative(); } else if (mRegisteredProfiles.size() == Config.getSupportedProfiles().length && mRegisteredProfiles.size() == mRunningProfiles.size()) { //所有ProfileService都启动完毕 ....... mAdapterStateMachine.sendMessage(AdapterState.BREDR_STARTED); } break;
public boolean processMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case BREDR_STARTED: transitionTo(mOnState); break; } return true; }
private void bluetoothStateChangeHandler(int prevState, int newState) { ... sendBluetoothStateCallback(isUp); //广播发出数据 sendBleStateChanged(prevState, newState); ... }