
1. valgrind介绍



  • Memcheck 是一个内存错误侦测器。它有助于使你的程序,尤其是那些采用C或C 来写的程序,更加准确;

  • Cachegrind 是一个缓存和分支预测分析器。其有助于你提高程序的运行性能;

  • Callgrind 是一个调用图缓存生成分析器。它与Cachegrind的功能有重叠,但是也收集Cachegrind不收集的一些信息;

  • Helgrind 是一个线程错误检测器。它有助于使你的多线程程序更加准确;

  • DRD 也是一个线程错误检测器。它和Helgrind相似,但使用不同的分析技术,所以可能找到不同的问题;

  • Massif 是一个堆分析器。它有助于使你的程序使用更少的内存;

  • DHAT 是另一种不同的堆分析器。它有助于理解块(block)的生命周期、块的使用和布局的低效等问题;

  • SGcheck 是一个仍处于试验状态的工具,用来检测堆和全局数组的溢出。它的功能和Memcheck互补:SGcheck能找到一些Memcheck无法找到的问题,反之亦然;

  • BBV 是一个仍处于试验状态的SimPoint基本款矢量生成器。它对于进行计算机架构的研究和开发很有用处。

另外,也有一些大多数用户不会用到的小工具: Lackey是一个示例工具,用于演示一些装备的基础性内容;Nulgrind是一个最小化的Valgrind工具,不做分析或者操作,仅用于测试目的。

1.1 valgind工具详解

1) Memcheck


1. 对未初始化内存的使用;

2. 读/写释放后的内存块;

3. 读/写超出malloc分配的内存块;

4. 读/写不适当的栈中内存块;

5. 内存泄露,指向一块内存的指针永远丢失;

6. 不正确的malloc/free或者new/delete匹配;

7. memcpy()相关函数中的dst和src指针重叠;

这些问题往往是C/C 程序员最头疼的问题,Memcheck能在这里帮上大忙。

2) Callgrind


3) Cachegrind


做一下广告:valgrind自身利用该工具在过去几个月使性能提高了25%~30%。据早先报道, kde的开发team也对valgrind在提高kde性能方面的帮助表示感谢。

4) Helgrind


5) Massif


Massif对内存的分配和释放做profile。程序开发者通过它可以深入了解程序的内存使用行为,从而对内存使用进行优化。这个功能对C 尤其有用,因为C 有很多隐藏的内存分配和释放。

1.2 valgrind的安装

1. yum安装

# yum search valgrind Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * extras: * updates: ==================== N/S matched: valgrind ======================================== valgrind-devel.i686 : Development files for valgrind valgrind-devel.x86_64 : Development files for valgrind valgrind-openmpi.x86_64 : OpenMPI support for valgrind valgrind.i686 : Tool for finding memory management bugs in programs valgrind.x86_64 : Tool for finding memory management bugs in programs Name and summary matches only, use "search all" for everything. # yum install valgrind



# yum install autoconf # yum install automake


# mkdir valgrind-inst
# cd valgrind-intst/
# wget
# ls


# tar -jxvf valgrind-3.14.0.tar.bz2 # cd valgrind-3.14.0 # ./ running: aclocal running: autoheader running: automake -a running: autoconf # ./configure # make # make install # valgrind --version valgrind-3.14.0 # which valgrind /usr/local/bin/valgrind

1.3 valgrind常用选项


valgrind [options] prog-and-args

其支持众多选项,我们可以通过valgrind --help来进行查看。这里我们只介绍几个较为常用的选项:



--tool=<name> 是最常用的选项,用于选择使用valgrind工具集中的哪一个工具,默认值为memcheck;

-v/--version 显示valgrind内核的版本,每个工具都有各自的版本;

-h/–help 显示帮助信息;

-q --quiet 安静的运行,只打印错误消息;

-v -–verbose 打印更详细的信息

--trace-children=no|yes 是否跟踪子进程,默认值为no;

--track-fds=no|yes 是否追踪打开的文件描述符,默认为no;

--time-stamp=no|yes 是否在打印出的每条消息之前加上时间戳信息,默认值为no

--log-fd=<number> 输出LOG到描述符文件 [2=stderr]

--log-file=<file> 指定将消息打印到某个文件

--log-file-exactly=<file> 输出LOG信息到 file

--log-file-qualifier=<VAR> 取得环境变量的值来做为输出信息的文件名,[none]

--log-socket=ipaddr:port 输出LOG到socket,ipaddr:port


--xml=yes 将信息以xml格式输出,只有memcheck可用

--num-callers=<number> show <number> callers in stack traces [12]

--error-limit=no|yes 如果太多错误,则停止显示新错误? [yes]

--error-exitcode=<number> 如果发现错误则返回错误代码 [0=disable]

--db-attach=no|yes 当出现错误,valgrind会自动启动调试器gdb。[no]

--db-command=<command> 启动调试器的命令行选项[gdb -nw %f %p]


--leak-check=no|summary|full 在退出时是否查找内存泄露。默认值为summary

--leak-resolution=low|med|high how much bt merging in leak check [low]

--show-reachable=no|yes show reachable blocks in leak check? [no]


valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full ./test

2. Memcheck的使用


  • 未初始化内存的使用;

  • 对释放后内存的读/写;

  • 对已分配内存块尾部的读/写;

  • 内存泄露;

  • 不匹配的使用malloc/free、new/delete、new[]/delete[]

  • 重复释放内存



2.1 使用未初始化的内存

1) 示例程序

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> 
int main(void)
    char *p; 
    char c = *p; 
    printf("\n [%c]\n",c); 
    return 0;


2) 调试技巧


# gcc -g -c -o test.o test.c
# gcc -o test test.o
# valgrind --tool=memcheck ./test
==5918== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==5918== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==5918== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==5918== Command: ./test
==5918== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
==5918==    at 0x400539: main (test.c:8)
==5918== Invalid read of size 1
==5918==    at 0x400539: main (test.c:8)
==5918==  Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
==5918== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==5918==  Access not within mapped region at address 0x0
==5918==    at 0x400539: main (test.c:8)
==5918==  If you believe this happened as a result of a stack
==5918==  overflow in your program's main thread (unlikely but
==5918==  possible), you can try to increase the size of the
==5918==  main thread stack using the --main-stacksize= flag.
==5918==  The main thread stack size used in this run was 8388608.
==5918== HEAP SUMMARY:
==5918==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==5918==   total heap usage: 0 allocs, 0 frees, 0 bytes allocated
==5918== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==5918== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==5918== Use --track-origins=yes to see where uninitialised values come from
==5918== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)


2.2 内存被释放后进行读写

1) 示例程序

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
    char *p = malloc(1);
    *p = 'a';
    char c = *p;
    printf("\n [%c]\n",c);
    c = *p;
    return 0;


2) 调试技巧


# gcc -g -c -o test.o test.c
# gcc -o test test.o
# valgrind --tool=memcheck ./test
==6067== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==6067== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==6067== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==6067== Command: ./test
==6067== Invalid read of size 1
==6067==    at 0x400609: main (test.c:14)
==6067==  Address 0x51f6040 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 1 free'd
==6067==    at 0x4C28F7D: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:530)
==6067==    by 0x400604: main (test.c:13)
==6067==  Block was alloc'd at
==6067==    at 0x4C27E83: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:299)
==6067==    by 0x4005CE: main (test.c:6)
==6067== HEAP SUMMARY:
==6067==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==6067==   total heap usage: 1 allocs, 1 frees, 1 bytes allocated
==6067== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==6067== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==6067== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

从上面的输出内容可以看到,valgrind检测到了无效的读取操作,然后输出了警告 ‘Invalid read of size 1’。

2.3 从已分配内存块的尾部进行读/写

1) 示例程序

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> 
int main(void)
    char *p = malloc(1);
    *p = 'a'; 
    char c = *(p 1); 
    printf("\n [%c]\n",c); 
    return 0;

在上面的代码中,我们已经为p分配了一个字节的内存,但我们在将值读取到c中的时候使用的地址是p 1。

2) 调试技巧


# gcc -g -c -o test.o test.c
# gcc -o test test.o
# valgrind --tool=memcheck ./test
==6302== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==6302== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==6302== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==6302== Command: ./test
==6302== Invalid read of size 1
==6302==    at 0x4005DE: main (test.c:9)
==6302==  Address 0x51f6041 is 0 bytes after a block of size 1 alloc'd
==6302==    at 0x4C27E83: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:299)
==6302==    by 0x4005CE: main (test.c:6)
==6302== HEAP SUMMARY:
==6302==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==6302==   total heap usage: 1 allocs, 1 frees, 1 bytes allocated
==6302== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==6302== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==6302== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)


2.4 内存泄露

1) 示例程序

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> 
int main(void)
    char *p = malloc(1);
    *p = 'a'; 
    char c = *p; 
    printf("\n [%c]\n",c); 
    return 0;


2) 调试技巧

# valgrind --tool=memcheck ./test
==6376== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==6376== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==6376== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==6376== Command: ./test
==6376== HEAP SUMMARY:
==6376==     in use at exit: 1 bytes in 1 blocks
==6376==   total heap usage: 1 allocs, 0 frees, 1 bytes allocated
==6376== LEAK SUMMARY:
==6376==    definitely lost: 1 bytes in 1 blocks
==6376==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==6376==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==6376==    still reachable: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==6376==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==6376== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==6376== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==6376== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)


上面LEAK SUMMARY会打印5种不同的类型,这里我们简单介绍一下:

  • definitely lost: 明确丢失的内存。程序中存在内存泄露,应尽快修复。当程序结束时如果一块动态分配的内存没有被释放并且通过程序内的指针变量均无法访问这块内存则会报这个错误;

  • indirectly lost: 间接丢失。当使用了含有指针成员的类或结构体时可能会报这个错误。这类错误无需直接修复,它们总是与definitely lost一起出现,只要修复definitely lost即可。

  • possibly lost: 可能丢失。大多数情况下应视为与definitely lost一样需要尽快修复,除非你的程序让一个指针指向一块动态分配的内存(但不是这块内存的起始地址),然后通过运算得到这块内存的起始地址,再释放它。当程序结束时如果一块动态分配的内存没有被释放并且通过程序内的指针变量均无法访问这块内存的起始地址,但可以访问其中的某一部分数据,则会报这个错误。

  • stil reachable: 可以访问,未丢失但也未释放。如果程序是正常结束的,那么它可能不会造成程序崩溃,但长时间运行有可能耗尽系统资源。

2.5 不匹配的使用malloc/free、new/delete、new[]/delete[]

1) 示例代码

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char *p = (char *)malloc(1);
    *p = 'a';
    char c = *p;
    printf("\n [%c]\n", c);
    delete p;
    return 0x0;


2) 调试技巧

# gcc -g -c -o test.o test.cpp
# gcc -o test test.o -lstdc  
# valgrind --tool=memcheck ./test
==15237== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==15237== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==15237== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==15237== Command: ./test
==15237== Mismatched free() / delete / delete []
==15237==    at 0x4C2942D: operator delete(void*) (vg_replace_malloc.c:576)
==15237==    by 0x4007EB: main (test.cpp:14)
==15237==  Address 0x5a15040 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 1 alloc'd
==15237==    at 0x4C27E83: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:299)
==15237==    by 0x4007B5: main (test.cpp:7)
==15237== HEAP SUMMARY:
==15237==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==15237==   total heap usage: 1 allocs, 1 frees, 1 bytes allocated
==15237== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==15237== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==15237== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

从上面的输出可以看到,valgrind清楚的说明了 ‘Mismatched free() / delete / delete[] ‘

2.6 多次释放内存

1) 代码示例

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> 
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char *p = (char *)malloc(1);
    *p = 'a'; 
    char c = *p;
    printf("\n [%c]\n",c);
    return 0;

2) 调试技巧


# gcc -g -c -o test.o test.c
# gcc -o test test.o
# valgrind --tool=memcheck ./test
==15354== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==15354== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==15354== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==15354== Command: ./test
==15354== Invalid free() / delete / delete[] / realloc()
==15354==    at 0x4C28F7D: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:530)
==15354==    by 0x400617: main (test.c:12)
==15354==  Address 0x51f6040 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 1 free'd
==15354==    at 0x4C28F7D: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:530)
==15354==    by 0x40060B: main (test.c:11)
==15354==  Block was alloc'd at
==15354==    at 0x4C27E83: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:299)
==15354==    by 0x4005D5: main (test.c:6)
==15354== HEAP SUMMARY:
==15354==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==15354==   total heap usage: 1 allocs, 2 frees, 1 bytes allocated
==15354== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==15354== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==15354== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)


2.7 memcheck综合示例

1) 示例程序

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> 
class c1
    char *m_pcData;
    if(m_pcData) delete m_pcData;
char *Fun1()//definitely lost
    char *pcTemp;
    return pcTemp;
char *Fun2()//still reachable
    static char *s_pcTemp=NULL;
    if(s_pcTemp==NULL) s_pcTemp=(char*)malloc(10);
    return NULL;
char *Fun3()//possibly lost
    static char *s_pcTemp;
    char *pcData;
    s_pcTemp=pcData 1;
    return NULL;
int Fun4()//definitely and indirectly lost
    c1 *pobjTest;
    pobjTest=new c1();
    return 0;
char *Fun5()//possibly lost but no need of repair,repair the breakdown then no memory leak
    char *pcData;
    int i,*piTemp=NULL;
    pcData =10;
    for(i=0;i<10;i  )
        if(i==5) *piTemp=1;//create a breakdown
    return NULL;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    printf("This program will create various memory leak,use valgrind to observe it.\n");
    printf("Following functions are bad codes,don\'t imitate.\n");
    return 0;

2) 调试技巧

# gcc -g -c -o test.o test.cpp
# gcc -o test test.o -lstdc  
# valgrind --tool=memcheck ./test
==15596== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==15596== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==15596== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==15596== Command: ./test
This program will create various memory leak,use valgrind to observe it.
Following functions are bad codes,don't imitate.
==15596== Invalid write of size 4
==15596==    at 0x400859: Fun5() (test.cpp:88)
==15596==    by 0x4008E9: main (test.cpp:110)
==15596==  Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
==15596== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==15596==  Access not within mapped region at address 0x0
==15596==    at 0x400859: Fun5() (test.cpp:88)
==15596==    by 0x4008E9: main (test.cpp:110)
==15596==  If you believe this happened as a result of a stack
==15596==  overflow in your program's main thread (unlikely but
==15596==  possible), you can try to increase the size of the
==15596==  main thread stack using the --main-stacksize= flag.
==15596==  The main thread stack size used in this run was 8388608.
==15596== HEAP SUMMARY:
==15596==     in use at exit: 58 bytes in 6 blocks
==15596==   total heap usage: 6 allocs, 0 frees, 58 bytes allocated
==15596== LEAK SUMMARY:
==15596==    definitely lost: 18 bytes in 2 blocks
==15596==    indirectly lost: 10 bytes in 1 blocks
==15596==      possibly lost: 20 bytes in 2 blocks
==15596==    still reachable: 10 bytes in 1 blocks
==15596==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==15596== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==15596== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==15596== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)


  1. Valgrind使用

  1. valgrind官网

  1. Valgrind使用说明

  1. Linux:Valgrind使用

  1. 如何使用Valgrind memcheck工具进行C/C 的内存泄漏检测

  1. GDB与Valgrind ,调试代码内存的工具

参考网站: (wiki)比较全面的介绍) (非常详细的介绍了每个工具的使用)

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  • RDDI-DAP错误通常与调试接口相关,特别是在使用CMSIS-DAP协议进行嵌入式系统开发时。以下是一些可能的原因和解决方法: 1. 硬件连接问题:     检查调试器(如ST-Link)与目标板之间的连接是否牢固。     确保所有必要的引脚都已正确连接,没有松动或短路。 2. 电源问题:     确保目标板和调试器都有足够的电源供应。     检查电源电压是否符合目标板的规格要求。 3. 固件问题: &n
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  • 戴上XR眼镜去“追龙”是种什么体验?2024年11月30日,由上海自然博物馆(上海科技馆分馆)与三湘印象联合出品、三湘印象旗下观印象艺术发展有限公司(下简称“观印象”)承制的《又见恐龙》XR嘉年华在上海自然博物馆重磅开幕。该体验项目将于12月1日正式对公众开放,持续至2025年3月30日。双向奔赴,恐龙IP撞上元宇宙不久前,上海市经济和信息化委员会等部门联合印发了《上海市超高清视听产业发展行动方案》,特别提到“支持博物馆、主题乐园等场所推动超高清视听技术应用,丰富线下文旅消费体验”。作为上海自然
    电子与消费 2024-11-30 22:03 98浏览
  • 最近几年,新能源汽车愈发受到消费者的青睐,其销量也是一路走高。据中汽协公布的数据显示,2024年10月,新能源汽车产销分别完成146.3万辆和143万辆,同比分别增长48%和49.6%。而结合各家新能源车企所公布的销量数据来看,比亚迪再度夺得了销冠宝座,其10月新能源汽车销量达到了502657辆,同比增长66.53%。众所周知,比亚迪是新能源汽车领域的重要参与者,其一举一动向来为外界所关注。日前,比亚迪汽车旗下品牌方程豹汽车推出了新车方程豹豹8,该款车型一上市就迅速吸引了消费者的目光,成为SUV
    刘旷 2024-12-02 09:32 119浏览
  • 《高速PCB设计经验规则应用实践》+PCB绘制学习与验证读书首先看目录,我感兴趣的是这一节;作者在书中列举了一条经典规则,然后进行详细分析,通过公式推导图表列举说明了传统的这一规则是受到电容加工特点影响的,在使用了MLCC陶瓷电容后这一条规则已经不再实用了。图书还列举了高速PCB设计需要的专业工具和仿真软件,当然由于篇幅所限,只是介绍了一点点设计步骤;我最感兴趣的部分还是元件布局的经验规则,在这里列举如下:在这里,演示一下,我根据书本知识进行电机驱动的布局:这也算知行合一吧。对于布局书中有一句:
    wuyu2009 2024-11-30 20:30 122浏览
  • 艾迈斯欧司朗全新“样片申请”小程序,逾160种LED、传感器、多芯片组合等产品样片一触即达。轻松3步完成申请,境内免费包邮到家!本期热荐性能显著提升的OSLON® Optimal,GF CSSRML.24ams OSRAM 基于最新芯片技术推出全新LED产品OSLON® Optimal系列,实现了显著的性能升级。该系列提供五种不同颜色的光源选项,包括Hyper Red(660 nm,PDN)、Red(640 nm)、Deep Blue(450 nm,PDN)、Far Red(730 nm)及Ho
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  • 概述 说明(三)探讨的是比较器一般带有滞回(Hysteresis)功能,为了解决输入信号转换速率不够的问题。前文还提到,即便使能滞回(Hysteresis)功能,还是无法解决SiPM读出测试系统需要解决的问题。本文在说明(三)的基础上,继续探讨为SiPM读出测试系统寻求合适的模拟脉冲检出方案。前四代SiPM使用的高速比较器指标缺陷 由于前端模拟信号属于典型的指数脉冲,所以下降沿转换速率(Slew Rate)过慢,导致比较器检出出现不必要的问题。尽管比较器可以使能滞回(Hysteresis)模块功
    coyoo 2024-12-03 12:20 111浏览
  • 学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习笔记&记录学习习笔记&记学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&
    youyeye 2024-11-30 14:30 78浏览
  • 遇到部分串口工具不支持1500000波特率,这时候就需要进行修改,本文以触觉智能RK3562开发板修改系统波特率为115200为例,介绍瑞芯微方案主板Linux修改系统串口波特率教程。温馨提示:瑞芯微方案主板/开发板串口波特率只支持115200或1500000。修改Loader打印波特率查看对应芯片的MINIALL.ini确定要修改的bin文件#查看对应芯片的MINIALL.ini cat rkbin/RKBOOT/RK3562MINIALL.ini修改uart baudrate参数修改以下目
    Industio_触觉智能 2024-12-03 11:28 84浏览
  • 11-29学习笔记11-29学习笔记习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习笔记&记录学习习笔记&记学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记录学习学习笔记&记
    youyeye 2024-12-02 23:58 71浏览
  •         温度传感器的精度受哪些因素影响,要先看所用的温度传感器输出哪种信号,不同信号输出的温度传感器影响精度的因素也不同。        现在常用的温度传感器输出信号有以下几种:电阻信号、电流信号、电压信号、数字信号等。以输出电阻信号的温度传感器为例,还细分为正温度系数温度传感器和负温度系数温度传感器,常用的铂电阻PT100/1000温度传感器就是正温度系数,就是说随着温度的升高,输出的电阻值会增大。对于输出
    锦正茂科技 2024-12-03 11:50 106浏览
  • 光伏逆变器是一种高效的能量转换设备,它能够将光伏太阳能板(PV)产生的不稳定的直流电压转换成与市电频率同步的交流电。这种转换后的电能不仅可以回馈至商用输电网络,还能供独立电网系统使用。光伏逆变器在商业光伏储能电站和家庭独立储能系统等应用领域中得到了广泛的应用。光耦合器,以其高速信号传输、出色的共模抑制比以及单向信号传输和光电隔离的特性,在光伏逆变器中扮演着至关重要的角色。它确保了系统的安全隔离、干扰的有效隔离以及通信信号的精准传输。光耦合器的使用不仅提高了系统的稳定性和安全性,而且由于其低功耗的
    晶台光耦 2024-12-02 10:40 120浏览
  • TOF多区传感器: ND06   ND06是一款微型多区高集成度ToF测距传感器,其支持24个区域(6 x 4)同步测距,测距范围远达5m,具有测距范围广、精度高、测距稳定等特点。适用于投影仪的无感自动对焦和梯形校正、AIoT、手势识别、智能面板和智能灯具等多种场景。                 如果用ND06进行手势识别,只需要经过三个步骤: 第一步&
    esad0 2024-12-04 11:20 50浏览
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