

2011-09-16 阅读:
英特尔在IDF中深入探讨了其采用三栅极3D晶体管技术的22nm元件细节,并进一步说明Ultrabook的超薄、超低功耗设计概念。英特尔CEO将谈到加快的Atom发展蓝图,很可能与基于ARM处理器的智能手机和媒体平板正面交锋,同时探讨在微软发布Windows 8之后,市场对于ARM架构处理器很可能蚕食英特尔core PC处理器市场的言论。



英特尔副总裁暨小笔电及平板开发部总裁Steven Smith表示,该公司将提供更多22nm微架构和工艺技术的细节,并进一步探讨有益于终端消费者的技术。据表示,这种技术相较于英特尔的32nm处理器,能将能耗降低50%以上。另外,Smith表示,英特尔也将就作为一家整合元件制造商(IDM),与其他无晶圆厂和轻晶圆厂等对手的竞争态势进行讨论。



英特尔资深院士暨制造部技术总监Mark Bohr将深入探索该公司的22nm三栅极晶体管,他将谈及这种新技术如何为从高性能服务器到低功耗智能手机等产品线提供省电优势。

随后,Ivy Bridge互连暨整合团队的资深首席工程师暨首席架构师Varghese George,以及英特尔资深院士暨绘图架构总监Thomas Piazza,将介绍Ivy Bridge微架构。他们将深入探讨Ivy Bridge设计的关键要素,以及揭露英特尔的22nm工艺技术如何制造该元件的细节。




英特尔的22nm工艺技术最初集中在主流的Ivy Bridge处理器上,不过,Smith表示该公司也承诺将之用在Atom SoC中。他指出,22nm工艺技术将有助于英特尔扩展在主流个人电脑处理器领域的优势,也将使英特尔的Atom SoC首次能“真正地与基于ARM处理器的智能手机、平板电脑和嵌入式系统进行竞争”。今年稍早,英特尔修改其Atom发展蓝图,速度较摩尔定律的发展更快2倍(参阅电子工程专辑报道:英特尔部署7nm节点,半导体工艺将首次进入个位数时代)。Smith出,32nm的Atom元件预计明年问世,接下来也将在2013及2014年各自推出22nm和14nm的版本。

Smith和英特尔Atom SoC技术发展部总经理Bill Leszinske将提供更进一步的22nm三栅极晶体管技术和低功耗资料。


英特尔副总裁暨PC终端部总经理Mooly Eden将从英特尔的角度来探讨PC版图的迁移,他也将着重在讨论新一代的超薄、低功耗Ultrabook。

最初的Ultrabook是基于英特尔的32nm Sandy Bridge处理器,预计今年稍后上市,售价约1,000美元。而英特尔预估,到2012年底,所有出货的消费性便携式PC中,将有40%会是Ultrabooks。

英特尔技术长Justin Rattner则将揭示多核(multi-core)和众核(many-core)技术的最新研究进展。Rattner将讨论最新的编程技术,能让开发人员运用并行运算的强力力量,另外也将展示极端规模(extreme-scale)运算、环境感知(contextual awareness)和近阈值电路拓扑结构等方面的最新进展,这些新技术预计可大幅降低能耗。




·英特尔CEO Paul Otellini的主题演讲。在开场的主题演讲中,Otellini将谈到加快的Atom发展蓝图,很可能与基于ARM处理器的智能手机和媒体平板正面交锋。他也很可能探讨在微软首度发布支持ARM-based芯片的Windows 8之后,市场对于ARM架构处理器很可能蚕食英特尔core PC处理器市场的言论。

·云计算。英特尔资深院士暨cross-IAG架构及路径规划(pathfinding)总经理Stephen Pawlowski将侧重探讨云计算的变革,包括基础建设挑战、全球日益增加的上网人口数量,以及针对这些挑战的最新技术方案。



点击参考原文:Intel to talk tri-gate, Ultrabooks at IDF



Intel to talk tri-gate, Ultrabooks at IDF

Dylan McGrath

Intel Corp. will raise the curtain Tuesday (Sept. 13) on its annual developer event here, which is expected to feature a more detailed look at its forthcoming 22-nm devices featuring tri-gate 3-D transistor technology and further description of Ultrabooks, Intel's early-stage concept of a category of slim, low power laptops.

The evolution of cloud-based services, the acceleration of the roadmap for Intel's Atom SoC and the detailing by one of Intel's chief technology officer of the latest advances in research around multi-core and many-core technologies are also expected to be highlights of IDF 2011, which runs through Thursday.

In May, Intel initially described its 22-nm process technology, with a surprise twist—the long awaited 3-D transistor design, dubbed tri-gate, that Intel has been developing since at least 2002. This week, Intel is expected to provide more detail about its first 22-nm chips, based on the Ivy Bridge architecture, expected to be in high-volume production by the end of the year.

According to Steven Smith, a vice president and director of netbook and tablet development and enabling at Intel, the firm will provide more technical details on the 22-nm the microarchitecture and process technology, as well as further discussion of the end-consumer benefits of the technology, which promises the potential to reduce power consumption by more than 50 percent compared to Intel's 32-nm processors. Intel will also talk about what it sees as its competitive advantages as an integrated device maker vis-à-vis fabless and fab-lite competitors, Smith said.

On Tuesday, Mark Bohr, an Intel senior Fellow and director of the Technology and Manufacturing Group within Intel, will give a "Technology Insight" presentation on Intel's 22-nm tri-gate transistors, with emphasis on how the technology will provide power-saving advantages for products ranging from high-performance servers to low-power smartphones,

Later Tuesday, Varghese George, Senior Principal Engineer and chief architect of the Ivy Bridge interconnect and integration team, and Thomas Piazza, an Intel senior Fellow and director of graphics architecture for the Intel Architecture Group, will delivera separate presentation on the Ivy Bridge microarchitecture. The presentation will examine some key elements of the Ivy Bridge design and detail how Intel's 22-nm process technology made them possible, according to the IDF agenda.

Atom, Ultrabooks and more

While Intel's 22-nm process technology is initially focused on its mainstream Ivy Bridge processors, it also holds serious promise for Intel's Atom SoCs, according to Smith. Smith said the 22-nm process technology will help Intel extend its advantage in mainstream PC processors and also enable Intel to for the first time field Atom SoCs that are "truly competitive" against ARM-based processors used in smartphones, tablets and embedded systems. Earlier this year, Intel accelerated its Atom roadmap to twice the speed of Moore's Law, Smith noted, with 32-nm Atoms set to roll out next year, followed by 22-nm versions in 2013 and 14-nm versions in 2014.

Smith and Bill Leszinske, general manager of Intel's Atom SoC technology development group, are expected to present further information about the 22-nm tri-gate transistor technology and its low-power capabilities, emphasizing the tight coupling between Intel's design and manufacturing efforts, in a media briefing.

In a keynote presentation Wednesday, Mooly Eden, vice president and general manager of Intel's PC Client Group, will discuss the transformation of the PC from Intel's point of view, focusing on Ultrabooks, the category of slim, low-power laptops that Intel first described at the Computex trade show in Taiwan in May.

Early versions of the Ultrabook based on Intel's 32-nm Sandy Bridge processor are expected to hit the market late this year with price points under $1,000. By the end of 2012, Intel expects that as many as 40 percent of shipping consumer portable PCs will be Ultrabooks.

According to Intel, in his Wednesday keynote, Eden will provide new details on the Ultrabook three-phase roll-out, describe industry momentum behind the new category and highlight related future technologies.

On Thursday, Intel CTO Justin Rattner is expected to reveal the latest advances in research around multi-core and many-core technologies. Rattner will discuss programming techniques that enable developers to harness the power of parallel computing and will also unveil the latest advances in such areas as extreme-scale computing, contextual awareness and near-threshold circuit topologies that dramatically reduce energy consumption, according to Intel.

Other expected highlights

Other highlights of IDF 2011 are expected to be:

Otellini's keynote. As usual, Intel president and CEO Paul Otellini will kick off IDF San Francisco with a keynote speech summarizing his vision for the company. According to Intel, Otellini will focus heavily on the company's ability to deliver seamless, connected and secure computing experiences across a broad range of low-power devices. Look for Otellini to also trumpet the Atom roadmap acceleration and its implications for head-to-head competition against ARM-based processors in smartphones and media tablets. He'll likely also look to sow seeds of doubt about the potential for ARM-based processors to take market share from Intel its core PC processor space following Microsoft's rollout of Windows 8, which will for the first time support ARM-based chips.

Cloud computing. A "Technology Insights" presentation by Stephen Pawlowski, an Intel Senior Fellow and general manager of cross-IAG architecture and pathfinding, is slated to focus on the evolution of cloud computing, including the infrastructure challenges associated with an ever-increasing size of the world's population depending on access to the Internet. Pawlowski will focus on these and other challenges facing the industry and lay out some technologies to address them.

CISO panel. Intel Chief Information Officer Diane Bryant will moderate a discussion Thursday on the rapidly changing security landscape. The panel promises a range of discussions about the security impact of emerging technologies, including consumerization and the move to the cloud. It will also address security paradigms and future trends that are becoming more relevant, such as context-aware computing and personal devices being used in enterprise IT, according to the event's agenda. The panel is scheduled to include Malcom Harkins, Intel's chief information security officer; Patrick Heim, senior vice president and chief trust officer at Salesforce.com; Sherry Ryan, chief information security officer at Blue Shield of California; and Michael Wilson, vice president and chief information security officer at McKesson Corp.

Intel Fellows: Live and Uncensored! In a panel discussion scheduled for Wednesday, here from eight of Intel's top technologists on a variety of technical and business topics.

Hot Topic Q&A: Ultrabook Mobile PC Track. An interactive question and answer format discussion on Intel's plans for the Ultrabook category is scheduled to take place Thursday.

Healthcare IT track. One the technical track's at this year's IDF focuses on the rapidly evolving healthcare IT space. The track description promises tips for reduce costs, create efficiencies and connecting people with information to improve healthcare. It further promises information about the latest security, cloud and mobile technologies that can help accelerate healthcare IT adoption and addressing some of the more thorny challenges presented by healthcare today. Scheduled presentations include "Secure Healthcare Cloud: Start Now" and " Mobile Health Computing: Securing the Endpoint," by by Kristina Kermanshahche, chief architect of digital health at Intel; and "Making Healthcare Secure with Solutions from Intel, McAfee and Wind River," by Michael Taborn, ECG platform architect at Intel.

Intel Labs track. Another technical track focuses on the latest technology research at Intel Labs. This track usually offers forward-looking info about the advanced technology being developed by Intel Labs and its potential implications for future innovation. Presentations include a session on adaptive video streaming in wireless networks by Ozgur Oyman, a senior research scientist at Intel, and one on addressing variability in future many-core processors by Saurabh Dighe, a research scientist at Intel, among others.

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