

2011-06-09 阅读:











Rodman & Renshaw公司分析师Ashok Kumar在最近的研究中提到了RIM,说这家公司需要“一次飞跃”才能追赶上来。Charter Equity分析师Ed Snyder则说RIM联合首席执行官Jim Balsillie和Mike Lazaridis已经尽了自己最大的努力,拿不出新点子。哎!




点击参考原文:RIM:Is the Party Over?



RIM:Is the Party Over?

In the tech world, coming late to the party can have near-fatal consequences for even the biggest names in the industry. Consumers and Wall Street no longer have time and patience for companies that stop innovating, lag too far behind market leaders, or have little ability to quickly correct course.

The consequences of multiple missteps are already playing out at Nokia Corp., the world’s largest handset manufacturer. The other day, Bolaji Ojo wrote about how the OEM has spiraled into something far beyond a funk.

The same thing is now coming around to RIM, a top-tier OEM that gained fame for its BlackBerry phones but now is seriously faltering. Throughout the business press this week, experts are speculating about the future of this troubled stalwart. And, it doesn’t look at all good.

Analysts are calling for a change in executive management; some have lowered expectations; and some have even dropped coverage. RIM's stock value has tumbled, and there's even talk of shareholder activism to push the company toward a sale or some other big-time shake-up.

If you’re following what's happening in the evolving smartphone and tablet markets, you won't be too surprised to hear why RIM is the latest OEM getting sucker-punched. The competitive market factors are written on the wall in plain view. They include:

Consumers want innovative products that match -- never mind beat -- what Apple already has delivered via its iPhone and iPad.

Investors expect companies to come up with credible, competitive products that will reap higher revenues and bigger market share.

Everyone expects pricing to be in line with other devices, particularly the aggressive Android platforms winning consumers in Europe and Asia.

Operating system functionality will be a make-or-break factor when it comes to winning any sort of accolades.

Even as RIM brings new products to market, including the BlackBerry Bold smartphone and the PlayBook tablet, analysts aren't convinced those products will be innovative enough to keep the company swimming.

Rodman & Renshaw analyst Ashok Kumar, in his recent farewell research note on RIM, said the company needs a "quantum leap" to catch up, according to a post in The Deal, titled "RIM teeters on the edge of obsolescence." And Charter Equity analyst Ed Snyder has been quoted as saying that co-CEOs Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis have taken the company as far as they can, are stuck in the past, and don't have new ideas. Ouch!

It's fair to say I’m cynical about the possible toppling of yet another big-name tech company. This scenario has become fairly common, and maybe RIM, Nokia, and others have gotten what's coming to them. Play ball and develop something people want, or move over and let someone else step up. Resting on your laurels is so 20th Century. What have you done lately? That’s what I keep asking.

That said, I do clearly see the other side of the coin. While the industry thrives on the idea of innovating, producing, and delivering the next must-have gizmo, the actual work it takes to meet this goal is much harder than it looks. Engineering, supply chain, product marketing, executive direction, and a host of other function areas have to work together like a well oiled machine to bring any winning platform and form factor to market.

If we all know that, why do we keep hearing about companies falling off the map? Is it just a question of survival of the fittest, or are there deeper problems in the industry that no one wants to talk about and fix in a meaningful way?

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