
观点:苹果发布iOS 5及iCloud,只不过一场秀

2011-06-09 阅读:
苹果近日召开的全球开发者大会上,乔布斯发布了iOS 5、iCloud、Mac OS X Lion三项系统应用。虽然没有出现下一代iPhone有些遗憾,但其中iCloud云端服务备受关注,被认为是苹果藉由该服务再一次对其竞争对手展开进攻。


苹果近日召开的全球开发者大会(WWDC2011)上,乔布斯发布了iOS 5、iCloud、Mac OS X Lion三项系统应用。虽然没有出现下一代iPhone有些遗憾,但其中iCloud云端服务备受关注





观点:苹果发布iOS 5及iCloud,只不过一场秀(电子工程专辑)
乔布斯发布Mac OS X Lion、iOS 5、iCloud三项系统应用

苹果已经确立了一部份的iCloud服务项目,其中有一些是简单地对苹果过去曾失败的MobileMe服务展开重新设计。其他则是创新服务类型,如新的iTunes Match服务,它能自动完成在一个储存库(repository)中动获得来自任何服务之音乐的运作程序。但用户在这种情况下通常需要等待很长的一段时间。




因此,对于苹果将把新的讯息和全新的订阅服务深入整合到iOS内部也毋须感到惊讶。这可望将新兴服务推广到消费者面前,并提供更大的开放性。这可能会是最佳,或是最差劲的一种锁定用户(customer lock in)形式,也可能是标准的封闭形苹果营运模式。



这与Mac vs.Windows之争类似。苹果的优势在于可全程控制其产品设计,从A5微处理器到Web服务均包含在内。而谷歌则可运用极大量的开放源代码开发商,以及原始设备制造商(OEM)来为其提供产品。

历史已经证明够好且成本够低的产品通常会脱颖而出。Wintel PC即为一例。所以我认为长期来看谷歌有很大优势成为赢家。







对于iCloud,OVUM首席分析师Mark Little评论说:


如此一来,可能使苹果取得好位置,在授权协议的认可之下,让现有的iTunes音乐收藏可以从云端串流到任何苹果设备,而无须辛苦地上传。这媲美Amazon的Cloud Drive,和谷歌颇为懒惰的Beta版Music,它强迫使用者全部重新上传他们的音乐收藏。

观点:苹果发布iOS 5及iCloud,只不过一场秀(电子工程专辑)



观点:苹果发布iOS 5及iCloud,只不过一场秀(电子工程专辑)




对于新版本的手机操作系统iOS 5,分析师 Nick Dillon评论说:


上次iOS更新后,Windows Phone平台也问世了。尽管它还没有像iOS一样尝到商业上的成功,微软手机系统戏剧化的改头换面,已经让苹果的样貌在某些方面看起来明显老气过时。第一个主要差异是不同应用程序整合和分享资料的能力,这是和苹果应用程序的独立式使用法最不一样的地方。

其次是iOS和云端服务的整合,这是苹果历来的弱点。除了少数的核心应用程序之外,iOS重度依赖第三方应用程序的功能,iPhone的广告也清楚地说明了这件事。其它平台,例如Android、Windows Phone和WebOS,已经整合了云端服务,例如将联络人通讯簿、电子邮件和实时讯息整合到系统核心,允许它们提供更完整的使用经验。

另一个苹果iOS可能需要改进的领域是iPhone和iPad不同版本软件之间的互动。苹果可以学学Android,为iPad推出新的接口,善加利用它更大尺寸的屏幕。在不同行动设备之间分享资料的能力,无论是透过云端服务或HP WebOS今年稍早炫耀的近场通讯NFC,都有助于改进拥有不只一项iOS设备的使用者的使用经验。”

观点:苹果发布iOS 5及iCloud,只不过一场秀(电子工程专辑)
iOS 5新特性一览

点击参考原文:Apple iCloud's starts air war with Google



Apple iCloud's starts air war with Google

Rick Merritt

Once again Apple has taken something most of its competitors are doing, polished the customer value part of it and come out looking like a pioneer.

So it goes with the iCloud service that brings Apple into closer competition with many services Google and others have been offering for some time. Apple's move follows announcements months ago by traditional rivals such Dell and Hewlett-Packard that are spending big bucks on their own cloud services and Intel which has been helping others launch cloud services as a way to cement customer relationships and lock users into the x86.

The contrast between Apple and Google in cloud is interesting. Apple remains a device company edging into a growing business in online services. Google is just the opposite. Now the two have essentially met in the middle for what will be quite a battle for the hearts and minds of the technorati.

While Dell and HP have announced generic plans to build big clouds, Apple has shown them a way to do it that really helps end users.

Apple has defined a half a dozen solid iCloud services, some of them simply reborn of Apple's failed MobileMe service. Others are fresh and thoughtful—the new iTunes Match service for example, that automates the process of getting all your music from any service in one repository. That's something that users have needed for a looooong time.

Apple's storage, backup and other music and e-book services are the sorts of things others are already doing or ought to be doing—making all content available on all registered devices from one service. Duh—that's sort of what Web services are supposed to be about.

It's a tribute to Apple's focus on customer value they saw such unmet needs as simply notifying all your devices when new photos are available on any of them. It's also an indictment of the rest of the industry that it has not delivered such simple things widely.

It makes sense now that Apple really wants to drive into offering online services it should bake online capabilities deeply into the gadgets that represent its main business. After all, Apple is the poster boy for vertical integration these days.

So it should be no surprise, Apple will bury the roots of its new messaging and news subscription services in to the bowels of iOS. That would give the fledgling services a hand getting in front of users and providing capabilities a more open alternative could not provide. This is a form of customer lock in at its best—and worst—and is typical of Apple's closed model.

It will be interesting to see if either Apple or Google move on to cloud-based movie services. The Ultraviolet technology developed in conjunction with movie studios is ready to start forming the basis of such online services. Google is more culturally likely than Apple to reach out to someone else's digital rights management technology.

Apple is going deep into Web services at a time when Google is increasing its hardware footprint. Not only have Google Android smartphones emerged as the leading competitors to Apple iOS, Google Chromebooks now directly compete with Apple MacBooks.

This is classic Mac versus Windows. Apple has an edge in controlling the design of its products from A5 microprocessors to Web services. Google can leverage a bazillion open source developers and OEMs to deliver its products, but it must heard those cats who will inevitably produce less than optimal work--but much more of it.

History shows good enough and lower cost usually win. Thus the Wintel PC. So I give Google a big edge here as the long term winner.

The Internet search giant is not shaking in its boots over iCloud. Apple's comment that it spent $500 million in one new data center to help launch these products is laughable. Dell committed to spending a billion on its cloud plans this year.

These amounts are drops in a barrel compared to what Google has spent with reportedly as many as a million servers in distributed data centers humming all around the world for years now.

Welcome to cloud computing Apple. It's going to be one heck of a show.

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