

2011-05-23 阅读:

随着嵌入式系统大会(Embedded Systems Conference)在 巴西 举行,“金砖四国”(BRIC)无疑将更受到《电子工程专辑》读者的注意。 最近,包括美国、中国、印度和其他诸多国际政府的代表团进行双边高层互访时,巴西都列入了议程之中。

稍早前,我去了圣保罗一趟,在这趟旅程中,我拜访了电子和科技公司、工程研究机构、产业协会,以及其他在自己的领域中负责技术部份的业者(如银行、医疗、移动和电视广播)。 对全球科技界而言,巴西是一个相对陌生的所在,特别是英语系国家。 不过,葡萄牙、西班牙、德国和意大利就不同了,这些国家一直维持着与巴西的联系。

据Accenture于本月公布的一份以8个国家为基础的报告,巴西人拥有的 消费电子 产品最多,平均达15种。 有超过一半(55%)的巴西民众去年购买了一部 手机 ,高于另一项针对全球的国际性调查的32%。 同样,有40%的巴西消费者预计今年购买HDTV,相较之下,另一份针对全球的国际调查则为25%;此外,巴西今年有20%的人想购买3D TV,另一项国际调查则仅有12%。


“巴西的消费者在使用及购买消费电子产品的比例方面,远胜于全球其他地区的消费者,”Accenture通讯暨高科技部门资深副总Petronio Nogueira说。 “与以往任何时候相比,现在的巴西已然成为全球消费电子寻求商机的中心。”

这个国家的研究和开发经费,主要着眼于如何使产品开发满足关键领域的需求,并推动科技产业成长。 例如,圣保罗大学的整合系统技术实验室(LSI-TEC),是一个非盈利研究组织,自1999年以来,该实验室一直提供创先数字技术,而且非常活跃于嵌入式系统设计领域,该机构也将知识产权转给业界。 LSI-TEC的主要负责项目包括开发系统、服务、IC、软体以及教育应用等。 LSI-TEC已开发出巴西首部高清机顶盒(HD-STB)。

认识到这一点,ARM公司已对巴西做出一些承诺。 正如Accenture的报告所指出,消费电子产品的消费力道持续增长,而且还将继续快速成长,特别是随着手机普及率升高,许多社会朝更高行动性转移之际(手机渗透率已超过1.2 )。


我的看法是,巴西是一个已发展国家,而非新兴经济体。 虽然其成长与金砖四国中的其他国家有着相似之处,但巴西仍展现出很大的不同──有机会与国际级科技公司合作固然重要(如最近的富士康和苹果公司例子,参阅电子工程专辑报道:富士康瞄准巴西市场,拟投资120亿美元建厂),但与任何新市场一样,它也充满挑战,重点是确保你能与当地伙伴的合作,以及具备足以让你了解何为最佳发展途径,和实际商机何在的专业知识。

点击参考原文:Brazil’s growing global profile - and the electronics opportunity



Brazil’s growing global profile - and the electronics opportunity

Nitin Dahad

With the Embedded Systems Conference in Brazil taking place next week this "BRIC" country will undoubtedly get a higher level of awareness among readers of EE Times. Brazil has been on the agenda for many international governments recently with high level delegations and bilateral visits from the USA, China, and India among others. During the week I visited Sao Paulo in March of this year, President Obama was fully into his visit to Brazil, getting widespread media attention in the Brazilian press.

What was apparent to me as I visited electronics and technology companies, engineering institutes, industry associations, and others responsible for technology in their own sectors (eg. in banking, healthcare, mobile and broadcast), was that Brazil was a relatively unknown entity in the global tech sector, especially among English speaking countries. It’s very different for those from, for example Portugal, Spain, Germany and Italy, where there have been stronger links to Brazil.

According to a report released this month by Accenture, based on research across eight countries, Brazilians have the highest consumer electronics ownership and spending in 15 product categories. More than half (55 percent) of Brazilian consumers have bought a mobile phone during the past year, compared to the international survey average of 32 percent. Similarly, 40 percent of Brazilian consumers plan to buy HDTVs this year compared to 25 percent internationally; and 20 percent intend to buy 3DTVs this year compared to 12 percent internationally (full data can be found at this link).

"Brazilian consumers are outpacing the rest of the world’s consumers in electronics usage and spending," said Petronio Nogueira, senior executive with Accenture’s communications and high-tech group. "Now as never before, Brazil has become a global epicenter for consumer electronics business opportunities."

This report is certainly confirmation of what I saw (see my blog piece on IT Decisions), in that the country’s research and development funding is geared towards enabling product development in the key areas of demand and growth in the tech sector. For example, The Integrated Systems Technological Laboratory (LSI-TEC) at the University of Sao Paulo, which is a non-profit research organization that has been operating since 1999, provides innovation in advanced digital technologies and is very active in embedded systems design and transfer of intellectual property to commercial ventures. LSI-TEC develops services, systems and products in electronic devices, integrated circuits, software and hardware for educational applications, as well as basic software and applications for PDAs and cell phones. The team whom I met described it as the Fraunhofer Institute of Brazil.

The team at LSI-TEC cited examples of work that have resulted in commercial implementations – for example, they had designed the first HD set top box in Brazil, and now they are working on the use of the set-top box as a home sensor with a view to working with utility companies in transferring that technology. While they use standard embedded processors and system level design techniques, they were keen to see more semiconductor intellectual property being made available to design engineers in Brazil so that they can do more system-on-chip development.

Recognizing this companies like ARM have already committed to Brazil (see the EE Times story, ARM makes market moves in Brazil). As the Accenture report points out, consumer electronics consumption has grown and will continue to grow rapidly, especially as social mobility increases (the mobile phone penetration rate is already over 1.2).

But international companies looking to enter Brazil will be doing so not because Brazil is a country where you can do low cost manufacturing or outsourcing of software development, since the cost of doing business there is relatively high compared to some markets; the attraction of Brazil is the internal market and its base as a hub for the growing Latin America market.

My perception was that Brazil is a developed rather than emerging economy. While there are some similarities with the growth of other BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) countries, Brazil is very different - the opportunity for international technology companies is certainly significant (as Foxconn and Apple have recently demonstrated), but there are challenges as with any new market and it’s important to ensure that you work with local partners and expertise to understand the best route in and what actual opportunities there are available.

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