在近日的2011年度分析师会议上,英特尔宣称已经在其Medfield处理器中展示了一款32纳米内核,该处理器用于智能手机和平板电脑,英特尔CEO Otellini承诺英特尔将在2012年上半年为Medfield推出一款主要智能手机设计。Medfield是Atom的32纳米版本(参阅电子工程专辑报道:英特尔公布芯片开发新策略,Atom华丽转身)。
架构总经理Dadi Perimutter展示了Medfield智能手机设计和一个七英寸平板设计,运行谷歌Android的Gingerbread版本。英特尔正在转向x86谷歌的Honeycomb,这是平板电脑版Android,并预期在年底前推出一款10英寸平板电脑参考设计和开发工具。
Dadi Perimutter确实通过展示一张图表——但没有任何确凿的数字——表示英特尔的32纳米Medfield智能手机处理器在功耗方面几乎和目前的任何一款40纳米芯片一样好。但这款芯片被诺基亚拒绝了,英特尔也没有勇气公布有哪些公司将采用该处理器。
英特尔的高管们还宣称公司打造了强劲的软件开发实力,面对ARM平台竞争对手占据优势。但英特尔的智能手机与平板参考设计只能运行Android 2.3——去年的版本。Android 3.0的移植工作仍在进行之中,而MeeGo——英特尔的移动版Linux——仍然处于开发阶段。
前英特尔高管Pat Gelsinger十年前就开始唱这调子,鼓动台湾厂商去和苹果iMac比拼工业设计。两年前英特尔说自己将会通过桌面级功能、十小时续航、立即开机的超薄平板引领市场——听起来像是2011版iPad。
英特尔收购McAfee也值得赞许,英特尔得以从今年秋天开始为所有操作系统和管理程序开启硬件可信根(Root of Trust)。这是x86架构的一个重大胜利。
英特尔在数据中心方面也是凯歌高奏,Web 2.0公司仍然成集装箱地购买x86服务器。多亏了Facebook和Youtube。
为了消除其Atom芯片的功耗传闻,英特尔展示了Medfield 32纳米与目前40纳米工艺的对比。注意英特尔隐去了纵轴数字。
点击参考原文:Intel: Under the smoke and mirrors
Intel: Under the smoke and mirrors
Rick Merritt
The contrast between what Intel was saying and doing at its annual analyst meeting here yesterday was pretty revealing.
The context was clear: Analysts think Intel's PC franchise is starting to look like a pair of worn disco pants at a Web 2.0 party where ARM smartphones and tablets are the latest fashion. Intel execs fought the characterization on many fronts. But their actions spoke louder than their words.
I heard Intel execs repeatedly claim they can design a processor as low in power consumption as anything in the ARM world. Yet the big news from the event was about how Intel was going to increase its focus on low power design, implying execs thought the company needs to do better.
Intel's Dadi Perlmutter did show a chart that—without any hard numbers—suggested Intel's 32nm Atom-based Medfield smartphone processor is about as good as any 40nm chip out today in milliwatt-level power consumption. But so far the chip has been rejected by Nokia, and Intel lacks the confidence to share the names of anyone who might be committed to using it.
One OEM told me Medfield is too power hungry. He called for a new ground-up x86 design beyond the scope of an Atom shrink.
Intel execs also crowed about how Intel has become a software powerhouse, giving it an edge over ARM-based competitors. Yet the reference design for smartphones and tablets it trotted out ran Gingerbread, last year's version of Google's Android environment. A port to the superhot Honeycomb software is still in the works, and MeeGo—Intel's version of mobile Linux—was a footnote in the proceedings.
With 9,000 software engineers, Intel is now the world's third largest software company, execs said. I suspect it is at least fourth behind Google, Microsoft and IBM. In any case a third of those Intel engineers are working on antivirus and other security software in the new McAfee subsidiary, a big factor in how you view the numbers.
I also heard plenty of chest beating from Intel about how vibrant the PC market is with big growth in relatively small emerging markets like Venezuela and moderate growth in mid-sized markets like Mexico and Russia.
The slides Intel put up did not show the lackluster numbers in major markets like Western Europe, Japan and the U.S. Overall the company still estimates the PC TAM will grow 14 percent worldwide over the next several years. But it did admit its estimate will get a haircut down to 11 percent if tablets are as big as some predict.
I am beginning to sense some denial here. Let's not even talk about the FUD Intel is starting to spread on Windows on ARM.
The chart on the left told a more accurate tail. Quarterly sales of Intel's PC client division appears pretty clearly to be peaking. The image would be even more clear if Intel showed a longer swath of the group's financial history.
Tomorrow's PC looks like today's tablet
The complex calculations about PC TAM growth were buttressed with pledges to reinvigorate the design of PC. Boy, that's an old one.
Former Intel exec Pat Gelsinger sang that tune a decade ago, staging a PC fashion show to get Taiwan's beige box makers to compete in industrial design with the Apple iMac. Now Intel says in two years it will lead the market in creating ultrathin tablets that have all the power of a desktop PC, a ten-hour battery life and instant-on software—sounds like the 2011 iPad to me.
Some things just left me scratching my head. Intel said Thunderbolt will go mainstream this year and generate $100 million in revenues. First of all, I thought the interface was royalty free, and secondly I have yet to hear a PC maker other than Apple adopt it.
The company did show some credible highlights. Revenue in the catch-all category of embedded systems is up to $1.5 billion and should grow a heady 25 percent through 2013, thanks in art to the broad adoption of the x86 as a high-end controller in everything from routers and switches to intelligent everythings.
I also give Intel kudos for the McAfee deal which will give it the clout to enable hardware root of trust to any operating system or hypervisor starting this fall. That's a big win for the x86 architecture.
The company also seems to be firing on all cylinders in the data center where Web 2.0 companies are still buying x86 boxes literally by the shipping container. Thank you, Facebook and YouTube.
At the end of the day, Intel has amazingly good process technology, tons of smart engineers and managers with the cojones to try big things, be flexible and move fast. Sometimes they are just a little too ineffective with that whole smoke-and-mirrors marketing routine.
Embedded x86 sales have plenty of room to grow.
Obfuscation by Powerpoint: Intel in software
Intel said it is now the world's third largest software company with 9,000 software engineers. But a third of them a security people, mainly dedicated to its new McAfee subsidiary. Another big group are embedded folks at the Wind River division.
This really big software company has yet to establish a version of mobile Linux that has any clout in today's super-heated smartphone and tablet markets. At this point, it might do well to turn more of its attention to the problem of programming the many core processors the company is preparing to ship.
On the left, a breakdown of Intel's software engineers by function. The upper left sector in green represents 34 percent of staff dedicated to security in the current configuration of the group run by Renee James.
Obfuscation by Powerpoint: Medfield power consumption
To dispel rumors about power use in its Atom chip, Intel showed this chart comparing its 32nm Medfield to today's 40nm apps processors. Note the lack of figures on the vertical axis.