

2011-05-16 阅读:

日前,苹果公司(Apple)被追捧为世界上最有价值的品牌。真是凑巧,就在同一天,一家主流的商业出版物将这家消费电子公司描述为“无情的企业文化”,这种情况下失败即被认为是一种诅咒。而几天前,媒体才报导当iPad 2运抵中国开始销售时,消费者在Apple专卖店疯狂扭打抢购。

苹果极端注重设计精美、性能卓越的产品,加上越来越多的消费者迷恋高科技商品,使这家曾经的电脑公司在十年内成为全球最有价值的品牌。根据Millward Brown Optimor公布的最新BrandZ全球最具价值百强品牌排名,苹果的品牌价值已超过1,530亿美元,遥遥领先第2名Google公司的1,115亿美元和第三名IBM公司的1,010亿美元。






通常最值得关注的企业都在前25强,包括IBM、微软、AT&T、通用电气(GE)、沃达丰(Vodafone)和Verizon。我很惊喜地看到UPS名列第17。这家物流公司甚至领先惠普(HP)、德国电信(Deutsche Telekom)和甲骨文(Oracle)。

点击参考原文:How Apple Became the World's Most Valuable Brand



How Apple Became the World's Most Valuable Brand

Bolaji Ojo

What a coincidence. On the same day that a major business publication described Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) as a company with a "ruthless corporate culture" where failure is considered an anathema, the consumer electronics company was being feted as the world's most valuable brand. A few days earlier, the media reported a frenzied scuffle in China at an Apple store when the iPad 2 went on sale in the country.

There is a connection somewhere here. Apple's ferocious focus on beautifully designed, high performance products, mixed with growing consumer fascination with high-tech's best gadgets, turned a once-ran PC company into the world's most valued brand within a decade. Apple, according to the latest BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands from Millward Brown Optimor, has brand equity value of more than $153 billion, far ahead of No. 2 Google Inc.'s $111.5 billion and No. 3 IBM Corp.'s $101 billion. (Download the full report here.)

Until now, Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) had been the world's most valuable brand four years in a row. However, Apple climbed to the No. 1 spot on the runaway success of its iPhone, iPad, and the iTunes store, coupled with the story of its fantastic transformation from road-kill, in the wake of Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT)'s monopoly in the PC operating system market, to the world's fastest-growing technology company.

Apple's rise has been attributed mainly to CEO Steve Jobs's visionary leadership, but even as he receives encomiums for the company's performance, there are indications his managerial style could draw criticisms from management gurus. Apple, according to a Fortune Magazine report, is being led by a fanatical micro-manager who has his hands on virtually all of the company's operations, from critical product design to the most minor issues such as employee transportation. Jobs reportedly chewed out the company's MobileMe team for the initial failure of the messaging program when it launched in 2008. Here's how Fortune describes Jobs's leadership:

To Apple's legion of admirers, the company is like a tech version of Wonka's factory, an enigmatic but enchanted place that produces wonderful items they can't get enough of. That characterization is true, but Apple also is a brutal and unforgiving place, where accountability is strictly enforced, decisions are swift, and communication is articulated clearly from the top.

Jobs is unlikely to offer any apologies for the way he manages the company. The proof he is doing something right is clearly evident in Apple's enormous success. But could today's victories also hold the seeds of tomorrow's defeat? What happens when Jobs leaves the stage and nobody else has the same level of charisma and forceful will to continue with his managerial style? Would employees rebel, eventually, against being harangued by a boss who brooks no dissent, and could the slowly rising tide of negative reports about Apple and Jobs eventually erode the company's brand equity with consumers?

I don't have answers to these questions. I am nevertheless aware that other high-tech players are getting high brand valuation from consumers, suppliers, and other corporate bodies without attracting the same type of negative press. The list of the 100 Most Valuable Global Brands is chock full of technology companies, many of them in the top 25. In fact, the first three most valued brands are high-tech companies; among the leading 10 most valued brands, seven are electronics/high-tech firms.

The usual suspects are all there in the Top 25, including IBM, Microsoft, AT&T, GE, Vodafone, and Verizon. I was pleasantly surprised to see UPS at No. 17. The logistics company is even ahead of Hewlett-Packard, Deutsche Telekom, and Oracle. Those guys and gals in brown must be making great impressions while making their deliveries.

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