

2011-05-06 阅读:
根据市场研究机构IHS iSuppli的最新报告,最近宣布收购三星硬盘业务的希捷,将取得全球硬盘市场40%的占有率,但就算合并完成,希捷与三星加起来还是敌不过硬盘市场龙头西数50%的市占率。

根据市场研究机构IHS iSuppli的最新报告,最近宣布收购三星电子(Samsung Electronics)硬盘(HDD)业务的希捷(Seagate Technology),将取得全球硬盘市场40%的占有率(参阅电子工程专辑报道:出售HDD,三星甩包袱,希捷另有图谋?)。在2010年,以上两家厂商的硬盘合计出货量,占据该市场全年度总出货量6.524亿台的五分之二。



两家公司若无合并,希捷在2010年硬盘市场上的占有率约为30%,三星则不到10%,而就算合并完成,希捷与三星加起来还是敌不过硬盘市场龙头西数(Western Digital),后者目前是桌上型PC与笔记型电脑硬盘的主要供应商。

在希捷宣布收购三星电子硬盘业务(美国时间4月19日)的一个月前,西数才宣布收购同业日立环球储存科技(Hitachi Global Storage Technologies,HGST)。IHS的统计数据显示,2010年西数硬盘出货量2.037亿台,加计同时期HGST硬盘出货量1.158亿台,以3.195亿台的出货总量取得全球第一大硬盘供应商宝座,市占率达到50%。



“整体看来,全球主要硬盘供应商由五家减为三家,是有助于提升硬盘产业的稳定发展与效益;”IHS储存系统分析师Fang Zahang表示:“然而,希捷与三星的合并案意味着这两家公司也承认,储存市场在未来将面临变得越来越严苛的考验。”


点击参考原文:Seagate to control 40% of hard drive market



Seagate to control 40% of hard drive market

Seagate Technology LLC will control an estimated 40 percent of hard disk drive (HDD) market following its previously announced aquisition of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.s HDD business, according to market research firm IHS iSuppli.

In total, combined HDD shipments by the two firms accounted for two-fifths of an HDD market worth 652.4 million units in 2010, according to IHS research.

HDD shipments from both Seagate and Samsung in 2010 equated to 261.2 million units—enough to give the combined companies 40 percent of the HDD market, or a No. 2 finish for the year, according to IHS. Seagate’s shipment share in 2010 showed 195.2 million units, while Samsung’s HDD business brought in 66 million units, IHS said.

Without the merger, Seagate’s shipment share of the 2010 HDD market would have stood at 30 percent, and that of Samsung would have topped out at 10 percent, IHS said.

Even with the merger, Western Digital Corp. retains overall market leadership in HDDs, the primary storage medium for desktop PCs and most notebook computers, according to IHS.

Only one month prior to the Seagate purchase--announced on April 19--Western Digital made its own acquisition, purchasing Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, IHS noted. Western Digital’s shipments of 203.7 million units, together with Hitachi’s 115.8 million, coalesced to produce total 2010 shipments of 319.5 million, putting owner Western Digital at No. 1 in the HDD space with 50 percent market share, IHS said.

With the completion of the two mergers, the HDD battleground has been effectively whittled down to just three players from five, IHS said. Left standing far behind in third place is Toshiba/Fujitsu—itself the eponymous product of a merger in 2009, IHS said. Toshiba/Fujitsu had shipments in 2010 of 71.7 million units, or 10 percent share of the HDD market, according to the firm.

"Overall, the reduction from five to three manufacturers considerably improves the stability and efficiency of the HDD industry," said Fang Zahang, analyst for storage systems at IHS. "However, the acquisition also signals a recognition by Seagate and Samsung that conditions in the storage space will become more challenging in the future."

The transaction, valued at $1.38 billion, enhances Seagate’s access to Samsung’s NAND flash technology and gives Seagate access to Samsung’s clients in the Asian market, IHS said. For Samsung, the acquisition reorients its storage focus on solid state drives, a rival technology for HDDs, while freeing the company to allocate resources and develop growth in other segments where the South Korean giant has interests, like the semiconductor foundry business, according to IHS.

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