

2011-05-05 阅读:


Piper Jaffray&Co.公司估计苹果公司的订单占2010年三星半导体营收的17%。苹果公司向三星订购了海量的DRAM、NAND闪存以及其它元器件,并且三星还承接了苹果设计的A4与A5处理器的晶圆代工业务。




“我们相信近期苹果公司与三星的专利诉讼可以进一步支持苹果正在将半导体业务转向别家的观点。”Piper Jaffray & Co.公司分析师Gus Richard在一份报告中写道。








“英特尔在晶圆加工方面的领先地位则会为苹果公司在这些市场带来进一步的竞争优势,并让苹果公司得以和那些抄袭(knocking off)自己产品的亚洲厂商拉开距离。”Richard说,“此外还可以打击两家公司共同的竞争对手三星。”





点击参考原文:Apple-Samsung friendship turns sour




Apple-Samsung friendship turns sour

Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. were once close friends. Now, the two companies are having a falling out-a move that could take a bite out of Samsung's sales.

Piper Jaffray & Co. estimates that Apple was 17 percent of Samsung's semiconductor revenue in 2010. Apple buys a staggering amount of DRAM, NAND flash and other components from Samsung. And Samsung is making the Apple-designed A4 and A5 processors on a foundry basis for Apple.

In more recent times, however, Apple and Samsung have become fierce rivals in the PC, mobile phone and tablet PC markets.

''We believe the recent patent lawsuit between the two companies is further evidence to support our belief that Apple is moving its silicon needs elsewhere,'' said Gus Richard, an analyst with Piper Jaffray & Co., in a new report.

As reported, Apple recently filed a patent infringement suit against South Korea's Samsung Electronics, claiming that Samsung copied the look and feel of its iPhones and iPads with its own smartphone and media tablet offerings, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal.

''There is clear evidence Apple is starting to shift away from Samsung. We believe that, on the memory front, Apple has stepped up efforts to work with Elpida, Toshiba and Micron,'' he said. ''In addition, while it will take a few years for Apple to shift foundry suppliers, we believe Apple is shifting away from Samsung. We believe TSMC will start getting revenue from Apple in Q4 of this year.''

Now, according to the analyst, another player is pursuing Apple's foundry business: Intel Corp.

This in turn could impact Samsung's bottom line. Samsung recently announced sales of 36.99 trillion won ($34.6 billion) on a consolidated basis for the first quarter, a 7 percent increase year-on-year. For the quarter, the company posted consolidated net income of 2.78 trillion won ($2.6 billion), a 30 percent drop year-on-year, due in part to a drop in DRAMs.

Chip makers are chasing after Apple and for good reason. ''Apple is the largest customer for semiconductors in the world. We estimate that Apple will account for roughly $20 billion of semiconductor demand this year,'' Richard said. ''This represents 6 percent of overall semiconductor demand. In addition, roughly 70% of Apple's chip demand or $14 billion is NAND flash, DRAM and leading edge logic. Apple's chip demand represents roughly two to three large fabs.''


Intel vying for Apple foundry business

Mark LaPedus

At present, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. is making the Apple-designed A4 and A5 processors on a foundry basis for Apple Inc.

That could soon change. As reported, Apple and TSMC have entered into a foundry relationship for the A5 and follow-on chips, sources said.

Now, according to an analyst, another player is pursuing Apple's foundry business: Intel Corp. Intel is already supplying x86-based processors for Apple's PC line. Intel is also dabbling in the foundry business and has recently struck a deal with Achronix Semiconductor Corp.

''Based on a number of inputs, we believe Intel is also vying for Apple's foundry business,'' said Gus Richard, an analyst with Piper Jaffray & Co., in a new report.

''It makes strategic sense for both companies. The combination of Apple's growing demand and market share in smart phones and tablets gives Intel a position in these markets and drives the logic volume Intel needs to stay ahead in manufacturing,'' Richard said.

''Intel's manufacturing lead gives Apple an additional competitive advantage in these markets and distances it from Asian competitors that are knocking off its products,'' he said. ''Furthermore, it would also serve to weaken Samsung who is a significant competitive threat to both companies.''

Samsung will remain Apple's main foundry-at least for now. ''While it will take a few years for Apple to shift foundry suppliers, we believe Apple is shifting away from Samsung,'' he said. ''We believe TSMC will start getting revenue from Apple in Q4 of this year. We believe the recent patent lawsuit between the two companies is further evidence to support our belief that Apple is moving its silicon needs elsewhere.''

Samsung and TSMC each have the fab capacity to support Apple. The question is clear: Does Intel have the capacity?

''Samsung has just completed a 30K-40K wafer start per month logic plant in Austin Texas to support its foundry business of which Apple is its largest customer,'' he said. ''Based on the die size of Apple's A5 processor, Apple needs roughly 23K wafers a month for the A5. We believe that Apple moving its foundry business away from Samsung is what has recently driven Samsung to reduce equipment orders, as it will likely repurpose this capacity for memory.''

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