(电子工程专辑版权)Google依然是软件开发者的向往的圣地之一,Java编程语言之父James Gosling 3月28日在自己的博客上宣布加入搜索巨擘Google。
数年以来在Sun公司,Gosling经常以Java的形象代言人出现,以台上的幽默表演而著称。比如Gosling曾在旧金山一年一度的Java One大会上用手提加农炮将Java T恤发射给与会者。
James Gosling
以Gosling在业界的良好声誉以及企业编程团队的鼎力支持,他的加盟不仅有益于谷歌,且对Java程序的开放也是颇为有利的。许多微博用户抱怨甲骨文尚未真正成为Java社区的管理者或者协作成员,而“Mr. Java”—James Gosling能够更好地理解与促进社区的合作和共赢。
就像Sun对待Java那样,Google希望在Android上获取一定地平衡,保持代码开源但也通过定期更新掌控它的进化步伐。OEM厂商最近对Google限制Android 3.0平板系统的举措表示出强烈不满。(参看电子工程专辑报道:免费时代结束?谷歌暂停“蜂巢”开源激怒OEM厂商)
据悉,很多业界人士都认为甲骨文收购Sun公司的举动是相当不明智的,虽然成功实施了收购,但甲骨文Sun公司逐渐失去了几位领先的开放源代码管理者,如Java的开发者Gosling, XML的共同发明人Tim Bray和Simon Phipps等。自甲骨文将Sun收入囊中,公司并不是以开发新代码或者新产品为目标,而是妄图通过起诉谷歌等公司侵犯Java专利权来获取大量赔偿。
虽然Gosling之前也曾因Android对Google颇有微词,在一次访问中Gosling说:“我们要收取许可费的原因之一就是我们组织了很多人进行兼容性测试,并与各种手持设备制造商展开具体的协商,为的就是保持GPS API等内容的一致性。而在Android世界中却没人对此负责。所有这些手持设备制造商都随心所欲地为所欲为,这一切都表明Android的未来将是杂乱无章的。未来可能是百花争鸣,但也很有可能变得一团糟。从目前的情况来看,未来可能还会变得更糟。”
毫无疑问,Java是谷歌的技术支柱,有了Gosling的加盟,可以进一步扩展Java的功能,有机会施展他的才能。此外,如果Java开发者出现在甲骨文起诉谷歌的法庭上支持Google的话,或将使这场专利之争成为茶余饭后的谈资,Google也将赢得很大的胜算。因为在甲骨文所提出的各种专利中,Gosling的一个专利(RE38104)赫然出现其间。总之,成功挖走James Gosling,谷歌将成为最大的赢家。
点击参考原文:Java father Gosling joins Google
Java father Gosling joins Google
Rick Merritt
In a sign that Google is still the place to be for a software developer, James Gosling, the father of the Java programming language, announced on his blog Monday (March 28) that he has joined the search giant.
In his bio on Wikipedia, Gosling is credited as the original designer of the Java language, its compiler and virtual machine. He was elected to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering for his work.
For years, Gosling also was the public face of Java at Sun Microsystems, known for on-stage antics such as firing Java T-shirts out of a handheld canon into packed crowds at Sun's annual Java One conference in San Francisco.
Gosling left Sun when it was acquired by Oracle last year. A cut both in pay and the ability to make decisions about the future of Java contributed to his decision to leave, Gosling said in press interviews last year.
In his year off, Gosling turned down a number of job offers. "I had a hard time saying 'no' to a bunch of other excellent possibilities," he said in his blog, according to one report.
EE Times was not immediately able to access Gosling's blog, a sign that the site is either being deluged with visitors or Gosling may have decided to block access to the site.
Gosling does not yet have a clear assignment at Google. "I don't know what I'll be working on. I expect it'll be a bit of everything, seasoned with a large dose of grumpy curmudgeon," he said in his blog.
Google took a path that branched away from pure Java when it rolled out its Android mobile operating system using the Dalvik virtual machine.
Like Sun with Java, Google is trying to walk a middle ground with Android, making code open source but also managing its evolution with regular releases. OEMs recently expressed frustration over Google's attempts to limit the release of its Honeycomb version of Android for tablets.
Google must keep its Android code base from fragmenting as it tries to support different kinds of devices such as tablets and smartphones. It also must maintain quality of the code while enabling a broad set of OEMs to customize it for their systems—a problem not faced by archrival Apple which keeps tight control of its iOS.
One analyst recently said Google is churning out new Android releases faster than OEMs can recoup their return on investment in new devices using it.
Gosling could help Google expand its open source offerings into PCs and servers, territory familiar to the Java developer. He also brings experience herding the cats of a broadly used open source project.
In some of his comments about Oracle, Gosling's sympathies appear to align closely with the open source movement. After Oracle acquired Sun it decided to sue Google over infringement in Android of Java patents.
"During our integration meetings between Sun and Oracle, where we were being grilled about the patent situation between Sun and Google, we could see the Oracle lawyer’s eyes sparkle," said Gosling in his blog.