

2011-03-30 阅读:
MEMS似乎已经成为今日消费性电子装置的“万能瑞士刀”,因为该技术可制作加速度计、陀螺仪、磁力计、高度计、显示屏、投影机与麦克风等各种元件。根据市场研究机构ABI Research的预测,MEMS市场将在接下来五年继续强劲成长,并将在2016年达到近50亿颗的出货量。

微机电系统(MEMS)似乎已经成为今日消费性电子装置的“万能瑞士刀”,因为该技术可制作加速度计、陀螺仪、磁力计、高度计、显示屏、投影机与麦克风等各种元件;根据市场研究机构ABI Research的预测,MEMS市场将在接下来五年继续强劲成长,并将在2016年达到近50亿颗的出货量。


ABI Research分析师Peter Cooney表示:“一开始,智能手机会是MEMS市场最大的需求来源,但如果厂商开始采用MEMS显示器,该类应用将会带来最强劲的营收成长动力。ABI Research的MEMS市场预测报告预期,MEMS元件出货量将持续成长;同时我们也看好消费性装置市场前景”

目前MEMS市场有七大主要供应商,包括ST、Asahi Kasei、InvenSense、Bosch、Knowles、Kionix、Freescale Semiconductor,其他还有为数不少的小型厂商;Cooney表示,随着时间推移,MEMS市场的竞争将会导致产品平均销售价格(ASP)的下滑。


点击参考原文:MEMS market to approach five billion shipped in 2016, says ABI Research


MEMS market to approach five billion shipped in 2016, says ABI Research

Julien Happich

MEMS (Micro-electromechanical Systems) are starting to be the "Swiss Army Knives" of modern consumer electronics: they can take the form of (or be incorporated in) accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, altimeters, screens, projectors, and microphones. New data from ABI Research indicates that strong growth in the MEMS market over the next five years will result in nearly five billion MEMS being shipped during 2016.

MEMS are found in smartphones, netbooks, media tablets, eReaders, games consoles and handheld gaming platforms, where some of them assist with navigation, dead reckoning, image stabilization, and augmented reality. (Often, more than one MEMS will reside in any given consumer device.) Still others will underpin new forms of display that use far less power than today's screen technologies (although initially at greater cost.)

"Initially, smartphones will provide the greatest boost to uptake," notes practice director Peter Cooney, "but if OEMS embrace MEMS displays, they may deliver the strongest overall growth in revenue over time. ABI Research's MEMS market forecasts depend on device shipments growing as expected. At this point however, we are confident about the prospects for CE devices market growth."

The MEMS market is currently split between seven quite specialized major vendors – STMicroelectronics, Asahi Kasei, InvenSense, Bosch, Knowles, Kionix, Freescale Semiconductor and a number of smaller ones.

"Over time, competition in the MEMS market will result in falling ASPs," says Cooney. "Two of the larger vendors, Bosch and STMicroelectronics, have more diversified product offerings, taking shares across a number of applications. This positions them well to prosper as market conditions change, while other vendors continue to specialize. There is still room for new vendors with new products, however."

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