美国加州大学柏克莱分校(University of California-Berkeley)最近在硅谷开设了一门“专业性工程领导能力课程(Engineering Leadership Program for Professionals)”,据说是美国境内首度开设这类型的课程。
这门课程锁定来自领先科技大厂如应用材料(Applied Materials)、思科(Cisco)、Facebook、Lam Resaearch、NetApp、美国国家半导体(NS)与雅虎(Yahoo)的顶尖工程师,提供领导能力的训练。该课程的设计者暨主讲教授Ikhlaq Sidhu表示:“工程领导能力是全世界最佳企业的成功关键,这门课程是专门为培育精英技术人才的实力所设计,通过提供一些关键训练,协助他们成为更优秀工程师的同时,也能是一位优秀领导者。”
该课程目标是让工程师能更巧妙管理技术团队、影响高层决策,还有将研发(R&D)的内在价值放大;课程内容包括机会认知(opportunity recognition)、科技公司策略(technical firm strategy)、产品管理(product management)、客户开发(customer development)、公司营运(operations)、领导技巧(leadership skills)与财务管理等。更详细的课程内容与说明可参考:http://cet.berkeley.edu/professional
翻译:Judith Cheng
点击进入参考原文:UC offers engineering leadership classes
UC offers engineering leadership classes
Mark LaPedus
The University of California-Berkeley has begun the first session of its so-called ''Engineering Leadership Program for Professionals.''
This is the first program of its type in the U.S. This six month program is being held in the Silicon Valley and is focused on providing leadership training to top engineers from leading technology companies, such as Applied Materials, Cisco, Facebook, Lam Research, NetApp, National Semiconductor and Yahoo.
“Engineering leadership is critical to the success of the best companies in the world,” said Ikhlaq Sidhu, the curriculum designer and lead professor for the program, in a statement. “This program is designed to build on the strengths of top technologists and provide them with some key disciplines that will make them better engineers as well as leaders.”
The goals of the program are to teach engineers to expertly manage technical teams, influence top-level strategy, and amplify the inherent value of R&D. The subjects covered will include: opportunity recognition, technical firm strategy, product management, customer development, operations, leadership skills, and finance.
For more information, go to this link