˙摩托罗拉(Motorola)执行官Sanjay Jha;
˙德州仪器(TI)执行官Rich Templeton;
˙爱特梅尔(Atmel)执行官Steven Laub;
˙飞思卡尔(Freescale)执行官Rich Beyer;
˙ASML执行官Eric Meurice;
˙美普思科技(MIPS)执行官Sandeep Vij;
˙瑞萨电子(Renesas)执行官赤尾泰(Yasushi Akao);
˙凌力尔特(Linear)执行官Lothar Maier;
˙ARM执行官Warren East;
˙富士康(Foxconn)执行官郭台铭(Terry Tai-Ming Gou)。
点击进入参考原文:10 CEOs who made a difference in 2010
10 CEOs who made a difference in 2010
After a year of hunkering down and fighting for survival, many individuals and companies in the electronics industry have bounced back in 2010, some more emphatically than others.
The bounce-backs have revived by being more bold and aggressive than usual. They weren't afraid of taking risks and trying new things. They also applied more discipline and a sharper focus on their products, technology developments, and— here's an idea!—customers.
We have picked 10 top CEOs whom we believe made a difference in 2010. Many made gutsy moves intended to change the game in the marketplace, and, in some cases, altered the stagnant culture within their own companies.
Some of these choices might be more obvious than others, but the list is intended to illustrate where efforts by many engineers in the electronics industry are heading right now.
Sit back, scan the lists and apply your own expert analysis. Then, send in your picks to and your selections to our forum. We'd love to compare your lists with ours, and yours with your peers—just to see where the discussion goes and who, a year from now, turned out to be smarter than the average engineer!
Our list:
Sanjay Jha, Motorola
Rich Templeton, Texas Instruments
Steven Laub, Atmel
Rich Beyer, Freescale
Eric Meurice, ASML
Sandeep Vij, MIPS
Yasushi Akao, Renesas
Lothar Maier, Linear Technology
Warren East, ARM
Terry Tai-Ming Gou, Foxconn Technology
(参考以下原文连结有针对每位CEO事迹的详细介绍与分析: 10 CEOs who made a difference in 2010)