

2010-10-11 阅读:



更低的价格优势将帮助LG电子与目前主导了Android智能手机高端市场的手机巨头三星和摩托罗拉进行竞争。本次CTIA展会上,这两家公司也展示了多款新型Android系统的产品原型,诸如三星的Galaxy Tab,是一款类iPad的7英寸平板电脑。


可连接移动3G设备的Galaxy Tab将会在今年晚些时候通过服务供应商上市销售,其售价目前尚未公布。三星也将发售Wi-Fi版本的Galaxy Tab。

老牌手持系统厂商爱可视(Archos)展示了其首个系列Android 2.1版本的设备。这个系列是从99美元的2.8英寸屏设备到299美元7英寸和10英寸的平板电脑,他们均采用了ARM Cortex A8处理器。




此外,RedMere(都柏林)展出了其130纳米薄膜的HDMI 10Gbit/s的均衡器芯片,它使电缆节省了80%铜和90%的聚氯乙烯(PVC)。该公司已授权其技术给包括必恩威(PNY,)、Monster、Radio Shack等配件供应商,以及如Buffalo和Vizio等原始设备制造商(OEM)。

RedMere计划发布一款针对DisplayPort 1.2的20 Gbit/s芯片。该公司还计划支持USB 3.0。

该公司声称,目前有源电缆(active cable)的材料清单中包含了30%的价格溢价(price premium)。不过,他们通过降低铜和其他材料的用量,明年便可以使其达到无源电缆(passive cable) 价格平价(price parity)的水平。






点击进入参考原文:LG slashes Android phone to $49, by Rick Merritt

翻译/增值:Ana Hu



LG slashes Android phone to $49

by Rick Merritt

LG Electronics dipped into last-generation technology to slash the price of a Google Android smartphone to $49. The handset was the most notable of a flood of Android devices at the CTIA show here.

The new LG handset uses a 600 MHz Qualcomm chip set, a 3.2-inch display and a 3 Mpixel camera to bring the price of an Android handset to what LG hopes is a broader market. Sprint will sell the phone for $49 with a two-year contract. T-Mobile will also sell the device at a price not yet announced.

The lower price will help LG compete with giants Samsung and Motorola who have dominated the high-end market for Android smartphones. Both companies rolled out several new models at CTIA where the Samsung Galaxy Tab, an Apple iPad-like tablet with a 7-inch display, captured much attention.

The Galaxy Tab is geared as a mobile 3G device and goes on sale later this year through service providers at prices yet to be announced. Samsung will also sell a Wi-Fi only version of the tablet.

Veteran handheld system maker Archos showed its first family of devices built on Android version 2.1. They ranged from a $99 model with a 2.8-inch screen shipping today to 7- and 10-inch tablets yet to hit the market at prices up to $299, all based on an ARM Cortex A8 processor.

Thinner cables and displays

Separately, RedMere (Dublin) showed thin HDMI cables based on its 130nm 10 Gbit/second equalizer chip which enables cables using 80 percent less copper and 90 percent less PVC. The company has licensed its technology to aftermarket suppliers including PNY, Monster and Radio Shack as well as OEMs such as Buffalo and Vizio.

RedMere plans a 20 Gbit/s version of the chip that will serve the DisplayPort 1.2 interface. It also plans support for USB 3.0 cables, followed by data center interconnects.

The active cables current carry a 30 percent price premium in their bill of materials. However they could reach price parity with passive cables next year based on reductions in the use of copper and other materials in the cables, the company claims.

The technology slims down otherwise fat cables needed to bring digital media connections to mobile devices. Texas Instruments is rumored to be eyeing an entry into the market with a similar chip.

Among other slim components, the Qualcomm MEMS Technologies group said it is now shipping the first production versions of its Mirasol displays. The 5-7-inch reflective displays provide a color alternative to black and white displays currently used on e-readers such as the Amazon Kindle.

The Mirasol displays provide resolutions of 223 pixels per inch in a 768 x 1028 XGA format supporting the equivalent of 4,000 colors. They are being made in a Qualcomm MEMS display fab in Taiwan.

Qualcomm claims the display will help e-readers and tablets obtain 40 to 60 percent longer battery life than similar devices using LCDs. Versions of the display technology for smartphones are in development.

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