

2010-08-10 阅读:




一群人一起完成任务的情况将会增多而单独干活的情况将会减少。人们将和一群与他们交集很少的人一起工作,而工作团队中将包括有不受该企业控制的人。此外,仿真、可视化和一体化技术、工作涉及每秒数据达几尧字节(YB,Yotta Byte,2的80次方个字节),将需要对新的感知技能加以重视。


1. 工作不再按步就班

人们所增加的核心价值不存在于可以被自动化的过程,而是存在于使发现、创新、团队合作、领导、销售和学习得以完成的非常规的过程、独特的能力、分析或互动贡献。非常规的技能(Non-routine skill)是那些我们不能实现其自动化的工作。例如,我们不能将向一个持怀疑态度的买家销售人寿保险政策的过程自动化,但是我们可以使用自动化工具来加强销售过程。

2. 工作蜂群

蜂群式工作(Swarming)是一种工作风格,其特点是由任何人快速组队的集体行动,每个人愿意并且能够增加价值。Gartner发现这一集体行动有两个现象;团队协作(而不是个人的表现)将被更加重视和肯定,并且更频繁地发生,有一种新形式的团队协作正在显露出来,Gartner将其称之为“swarming(蜂群式协作)”,以将其与之前的团队模式加以区别。团队(Team)在从前被认为是由一群曾经在一起工作并且彼此适度了解的人组成,他们通常是在同一个企业工作,归同一个经理领导。而蜂群(Swarm)则快速组成,主攻一个问题或机会,然后迅速解散。蜂群是针对对等行动(ad hoc action)要求明显增多一种敏捷反应。随着对等行动将继续取代结构化、权力集中的情况。

3. 薄弱环节

在蜂群中,如果大家要彼此了解,可能仅能通过薄弱环节来进行。薄弱环节(Weak links),是指人们可以别人(了解那些他们将必须与之一起工作的人)那里得来的线索。他们是间接指示者,并且部分依赖于其它人对其了解程度的信心。探究一个人的个性、专业和社会网络有助于人们开发和利用强大和薄弱环节,并且,反过来,这对为了商业利益而存活和开发蜂群至关重要。



4. 与集体一起工作


5. 工作只有草图


6. 自发工作


7. 仿真和实验




8. 模式敏感性


9. 超连通


10. 工作场所


汤姆奥斯汀(Tom Austin)为Gartner公司副总裁兼研究员,他将在于9月15日至16日在伦敦举行的Gartner Portals,2010年内容&协作高层会议上进一步讨论社会软件和协作趋势。

点击进入:参考原文(Get ready to swarm: 10 changes to the way we work in the next decade, by Tom Austin)



Get ready to swarm: 10 changes to the way we work in the next decade

by Tom Austin

The world of today is dramatically different from 20 years ago and with the lines between work and non-work already badly frayed, we predict that the nature of work will witness 10 key changes through 2020.

Organizations will need to plan for increasingly chaotic environments that are out of their direct control, and adaptation must involve adjusting to all 10 of the trends.

Work will become less routine, characterized by increased volatility, hyperconnectedness, 'swarming' and more. By 2015, 40 per cent or more of enterprise work will be ‘non-routine’, up from 25 per cent in 2010.

People will swarm more often and work solo less. They’ll work with others with whom they have few links, and teams will include people outside the control of the organisation,” he added. In addition, simulation, visualisation and unification technologies, working across yottabytes of data per second, will demand an emphasis on new perceptual skills.

Organizations will need to determine which of the 10 key changes in the nature of work will affect them, and consider whether radically different technology governance models will be required.

1. De-routinization of work

The core value that people add is not in the processes that can be automated, but in non-routine processes, uniquely human, analytical or interactive contributions that result in words such as discovery, innovation, teaming, leading, selling and learning. Non-routine skills are those we cannot automate. For example, we cannot automate the process of selling a life insurance policy to a skeptical buyer, but we can use automation tools to augment the selling process.

2. Work swarms

Swarming is a work style characterised by a flurry of collective activity by anyone and everyone conceivably available and able to add value. Gartner identifies two phenomena within the collective activity; Teaming (instead of solo performances) will be valued and rewarded more and occur more frequently and a new form of teaming, which Gartner calls swarming, to distinguish it from more historical teaming models, is emerging. Teams have historically consisted of people who have worked together before and who know each other reasonably well, often working in the same organisation and for the same manager. Swarms form quickly, attacking a problem or opportunity and then quickly dissipating. Swarming is an agile response to an observed increase in ad hoc action requirements, as ad hoc activities continue to displace structured, bureaucratic situations.

3. Weak links

In swarms, if individuals know each other at all, it may be just barely, via weak links. Weak links are the cues people can pick up from people who know the people they have to work with. They are indirect indicators and rely, in part, on the confidence others have in their knowledge of people. Navigating one's own personal, professional and social networks helps people develop and exploit both strong and weak links and that, in turn, will be crucial to surviving and exploiting swarms for business benefit.

4. Working with the collective

There are informal groups of people, outside the direct control of the organisation, who can impact the success or failure of the organisation. These informal groups are bound together by a common interest, a fad or a historical accident, as described by Gartner as 'the collective'. Smart business executives discern how to live in a business ecosystem they cannot control; one they can only influence. The influence process requires understanding the collectives that potentially influence their organisation, as well as the key people in those external groups. Gathering market intelligence via the collective is crucial. Equally important is figuring out how to use the collective to define segments, markets, products and various business strategies.

5. Work sketch-ups

Most non-routine processes will also be highly informal. It is very important that organisations try to capture the criteria used in making decisions but, at least for now, Gartner does not expect most non-routine processes to follow meaningful standard patterns. Over time, we believe that work patterns for more non-routine work will emerge, justifying a light-handed approach to collecting activity information, but it will take years before a real return on investment for this effort is visible. In the meantime, the process models for most non-routine processes will remain simple 'sketch-ups', created on the fly.

6. Spontaneous work

This property is also implied in Gartner’s description of work swarms. Spontaneity implies more than reactive activity, for example, to the emergence of new patterns. It also contains proactive work such as seeking out new opportunities and creating new designs and models.

7. Simulation and experimentation

Active engagement with simulated environments (virtual environments), which are similar to technologies depicted in the film Minority Report, will come to replace drilling into cells in spreadsheets. This suggests the use of n-dimensional virtual representations of all different sorts of data. The contents of the simulated environment will be assembled by agent technologies that determine what materials go together based on watching people work with this content. People will interact with the data and actively manipulate various parameters reshaping the world they’re looking at.

8. Pattern sensitivity

Gartner has published a major line of research on pattern-based strategy. The business world is becoming more volatile, affording people working off of linear models based on past performance far less visibility into the future than ever before. Gartner expects to see a significant growth in the number of organisations that create groups specifically charged with detecting divergent emerging patterns, evaluating those patterns, developing various scenarios for how the disruption might play out and proposing to senior executives new ways of exploiting (or protecting the organisation from) the changes to which they are now more sensitive.

9. Hyperconnected

Hyperconnectedness is a property of most organisations, existing within networks of networks, unable to completely control any of them. While key supply chain elements, for example, may be "under contract," there is no guarantee it will perform properly, not even if the supply chain is in-house. Hyperconnectedness will lead to a push for more work to occur in both formal and informal relationships across enterprise boundaries, and that has implications for how people work and how IT supports or augments that work.

10. My place

The workplace is becoming more and more virtual, with meetings occurring across time zones and organizations and with participants who barely know each other, working on swarms attacking rapidly emerging problems. But the employee will still have a 'place' where they work. Many will have neither a company-provided physical office nor a desk, and their work will increasingly happen 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In this work environment, the lines between personal, professional, social and family matters, along with organisation subjects, will disappear. Individuals, of course, need to manage the complexity created by overlapping demands, whether from the new world of work or from external (non-work-related) phenomena. Those that cannot manage the underlying 'expectation and interrupt overloads' will suffer performance deficits as these overloads force individuals to operate in an over-stimulated (information-overload) state.

Tom Austin, vice president and Gartner fellow, will further discuss social software and collaboration trends at the Gartner Portals, Content & Collaboration Summit 2010, taking place on September 15-16 in London.

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