

2010-07-19 阅读:
如果有机会打赌,我会说英特尔(Intel)能在所谓的“后PC时代(post-PC era)”完整无缺地好好活下去,但微软(Microsoft)就不一定了……以上是笔者参加了一场在美国旧金山举行的移动通讯技术会议后,所产生的想法。



如果有机会打赌,我会说英特尔(Intel)能在所谓的“后PC时代(post-PC era)”完整无缺地好好活下去,但微软(Microsoft)就不一定了……以上是笔者参加了一场在美国旧金山举行的移动通讯技术会议后,所产生的想法。

其实并没有来自英特尔的代表在该场会议上发表演说,微软也只占用了一个时段简介其Windows Mobile 7操作系统;该会议是由ARM以及其伙伴包括Marvell与高通(Qualcomm)的高层所主持,在软件产业方面,则有来自Symbian、Adobe以及Google的数名代表参与。

没错,这些日子以来兴风作浪的正是那些ARM/Android厂商,而“Wintel”则是扮演守旧派的角色,试图捍卫其市场专营权。但我认为,市场研究机构Barclays Capital最近发表的预测没错,平板电脑风潮将带给ARM/Android厂商们压倒Wintel的优势,而类似的情况可能会在2012年出现在服务器市场。



微软所面临的挑战就艰辛了许多──因为它得跟自由(免费)软件竞争;在服务器领域,该公司的对手叫做Linux,在移动设备领域,则有越来越多以Google Android为最大宗的各种移动Linux平台陆续叫阵,包括英特尔与诺基亚(Nokia)的Meego 。




点击进入:参考原文(Microsoft may not survive post-PC era, by Rick Merritt)



在《微软恐将在“后PC时代”面临生存危机》一文中,笔者的编辑同事 Rick Merritt 对微软(Microsoft)的未来表示忧虑,认为在消费性电子市场的各种不同应用装置受到消费者更多青睐的同时,该公司恐怕会很危险。但我认为,这样的想法是有一点太夸张了。











点击进入:参考原文(Opinion: Microsoft dying? Don't bet on it, by Bolaji Ojo)



Microsoft may not survive post-PC era

by Rick Merritt

If I had to place a bet, I'd say Intel will survive the post-PC era pretty much intact, but I am not so sure about Microsoft. That's what I am thinking as I head to a mobile technology conference in San Francisco.

Interestingly, no one from Intel is speaking at the event, and Microsoft has just one slot which it will use to preview its Windows Mobile 7 operating system. The conference is hosting chip executives from ARM and several of its partners including Marvell and Qualcomm. On the software side, there are speakers from Symbian, Adobe and several from Google.

Indeed, these days the disrupters are the ARM/Android players. Wintel represents the old guard, trying to hang on to its franchise.

I thought Barclays Capital had it right recently when they predicted the new wave of tablets will give ARM/Android vendors a boost at the expense of Wintel. The same may happen circa 2012 in the server sector.

I think this is just the beginning. We are entering an era when people will use many mobile systems, the majority of which will probably not use any form of Windows. Increasingly, the cloud services these systems tap into may not use Windows either.

They may use the x86, however. Intel has done a good job with its Atom design, has been working hard to squeeze it into a smartphone's power budget and has seeded at least one experiment in Atom-based servers. It has also been burning the midnight oil to catch up with the system-on-chip business that ARM and its partners know so well.

In the end, Intel is fully engaged and has the design and manufacturing prowess to drive the x86 into any future computing market. Microsoft has a tougher challenge—it must compete with free. In servers that's spelled Linux, and in mobile it is increasingly all about Google Android, the leading of a handful of mobile Linux variants including the Intel/Nokia Meego.

In the mobile market Microsoft is playing catch up, and not doing so well. At best, its Zune is a reasonably distant second to the iPod—and very late to market. At worst, it canceled a me-too consumer tablet design and its hip social networking Kin smartphone was a disaster.

No surprise then that Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft's ever loyal OEM partner, bought Palm. I expect to hear more about how HP will use the Palm software sat this week's event.

These are my thoughts as I head into two days of reporting on a mobile technology conference. I'd love to hear how the post-PC era shaping up from your perspective.

点击进入下一页:参考原文(Opinion: Microsoft dying? Don't bet on it, by Bolaji Ojo)


Opinion: Microsoft dying? Don't bet on it

by Bolaji Ojo

In his article, “Microsoft may not survive the post-PC era,” Rick Merritt expressed concerns that Microsoft may be in danger as other applications in the consumer electronics market attract higher patronage.

These fears are overblown. First, the PC era is not ending, not for quite a while anyway. Secondly, all of the applications threatening the survival of Wintel as the Intel, Microsoft alliance is famously referred to, have PC-related applications and products supporting them.

I'm not hearing the wheezing sounds of a company about to croak from Microsoft Corp. In any case, before we write Microsoft’s epitaph in anticipation of its demise, we perhaps should ask a few rather simple questions about the company.

Let’s start with this: How fast is Microsoft growing or is it already experiencing severe sales slowing down?

Here are some numbers to chew on: In fiscal 2009 ended June 30, Microsoft’s sales were $58.4 billion, down 3 percent from the prior year – at a time most technology companies were reporting sales declines in the low to high 30 percent range. In fiscal 2008, the company posted sales of $60.4 billion, up 18 percent from $51.1 billion in 2007 and $44.3 billion in fiscal 2006.

For fiscal 2010, analysts forecast sales of the software company will rebound to $61.7 billion. That doesn’t sound like the last gasp of a dying company.

There’s a stronger reason not to bet against Microsoft and this comes from another critical question about what exactly the company does and the range of products it offers. When we discuss the end of the computing age and imagine Microsoft biting the dust as a result, we forget the wide range of applications and technologies it supports.

Microsoft’s software products go into PCs and while the personal computing market may be under threat from smartphones and the like, the fundamentals of the company’s business remain strong. These, according to Microsoft, include “servers, intelligent devices; server applications for distributed computing environments, information worker productivity applications, business solutions applications, high-performance computing applications, software development tools and video games.”

That’s not all. Microsoft is into game console, digital music, other entertainment devices and peripherals. The company has a hand in numerous other business applications, competes in online advertising and offers a raft of other proprietary products.

In other words, the equipment serving up content for and supporting your iPad, the iPod, the smartphones, the GPS, tablet PCs and whatever else is coming down the pike are servers for which Microsoft makes software products. Without those servers, the iPad is just a piece of chalkboard.

Microsoft’s bread and butter is the computing business but this is not a one-trick pony company. If you still want to bet against Microsoft, take a peek inside its vault. Microsoft closed its March quarter with $40 billion in cash and short-term investments plus $9 billion in long-term investments and only $3.75 billion in long-term debt. That’s a lot of ammunition for acquisitions, product development and whatever else the company wants to do.

I don’t doubt the ferocity of the competition but if anyone is going to cave in first, it won’t be the folks over in Redmond.

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