平板电脑产品大获成功,分析师认为,此趋势将拉低笔记本电脑与上网本(netbook)的销售量,并让部分x86处理器芯片的生意被ARM核心处理器与Google Android平台抢走。
Barclays Capital日前发表最新研究报告,剖析因Apple iPad成功上市而兴起的平板电脑(tablet)产品,对行动装置供应链所带来的冲击。如果该机构的预测正确,平板电脑将成为首个明显驱动替代性架构的新产品类别,蚕食长期垄断运算市场的“Wintel”架构之版图。
来自美国华尔街的Barclays Capital分析师预测,今年多媒体平板电脑销售量可达1,500万台,并在2011年进一步成长至2,800万台,其中有七成是采用ARM核心处理器的Apple iPad。
对整体 x86处理器市场,Barclays也将成长率预测值下修了1~2个百分点;该机构现在认为该市场2010年将成长18%、营收规模3.98亿美元,2011年成长率则为11%、营收规模4.43亿美元。
微软最近才取消了发表自有平板电脑设计的计划,其设备相关业务的高层主管人事也出现大幅变动。Barclays的报告指出,拥有6种不同Windows embedded/mobile平台的微软,其手机/消费性电子产品策略依然令人困惑。
Barclays的报告还将多家 iPad 芯片供货商列为平板电脑风潮中的受惠者,包括供应iPad触控面板控制器与联机芯片的博通(Broadcom),RF与功率放大器芯片供货商Skyworks与Triquint,还有电源管理IC供货商凌力尔特(Linear)。
但平板电脑市场也不完全是ARM的天下,Barclays指出,思科(Cisco Systems)发表的Archos与Cius系列平板电脑产品,采用的就是英特尔的Atom处理器芯片;而AMD的Ontario也可望取得部份平板电脑产品设计案。
其他品牌大厂如摩托罗拉(Motorola)与RIM (Research in Motion)预期都将发表平板电脑产品,
“虽然看来有这么多种不同的平板电脑产品,但我不认为其中有任何一款会是iPad的有力对手。”Barclays半导体市场分析师Tim Luke在报告中发表其结论:“我们相信这些产品中有大部份会使用Android以及Chrome操作系统。”
点击进入下一页:参考原文(Analyst: Tablets rise pulls netbooks down,by Rick Merritt)
Analyst: Tablets rise pulls netbooks down
by Rick Merritt
The success of tablet computers will drag down sales of notebook and netbook computers, shifting some business away from x86 chips and Windows toward ARM-based processors and Google Android, according to Barclays Capital.
Barclays issued a set of reports Wednesday (July 7) that run down the implications for the mobile supply chain of the rise of tablets in the wake of the success of the Apple iPad. If the predictions are accurate, the new mobile form factor could be the first to drive a measurable shift toward alternative architectures, chipping away at the long dominant Wintel duopoly in computing.
Analysts at the Wall Street firm project sales of 15 million media tablets this year, rising to 28 million in 2011, 70 percent of them for the ARM-based Apple iPad. Barclays estimates 30 to 40 percent of the tablet purchases will be made instead of purchases of netbooks and notebooks, just as the netbook cannibalized a similar percentage of notebook sales.
Thus Barclays is reducing its forecast for netbooks from 19 percent unit growth in 2010 to nine percent growth and sales of 35 million units. It expects netbook sales will actually decline 20 percent in 2011 to sales of 28 million units.
Barclays is also shaving four percent off its forecast of notebook computer sales. It now expects 34 percent notebook growth in 2010 to 183 million units and 25 percent growth in 2011 to 229 million units.
Although the analyst firm sees no change in desktop and server sales, the tablet shift results in a lowered overall PC forecast from 21 to 19 percent growth in 2010. Notebooks are the fastest growing segment of the PC industry.
Winners and losers
The rise of tablets will give a boost to ARM and a host of associated chip makers, while Intel and AMD will take a minor hit, according to Barclays.
"The primary change comes in our Atom-based netbook forecast which slips from 20 percent growth at 44 million units to 40 million units in 2010 and from 21 percent growth at 53 million units to around 10 percent growth or 44 million units for 2011," a Barclays report said.
Barclays sliced one to two percent of growth off its overall forecast for x86 processors. It now estimates the group will grow 18 percent to 398 million units in 2010 and 11 percent to 443 million units in 2011.
The analyst firm maintained its positive rating on Intel. However it said "investor perceptions of growth in tablet shipments [will] impact sentiment and the multiple afforded to Intel."
Barclays expects Intel will respond to the pressure with a lower powered Medfield processor in 2011 aimed at x86 tablets.
Advanced Micro Devices does not have a processor geared for netbooks, but could take a small hit from the expected decline in notebook growth. AMD is expected to roll out its integrated Ontario processor with on-board graphics for tablets and ultraportable PCs in early 2011. It also plans new notebook processors that could help it fuel growth.
Other companies that could suffer from a netbook decline include Atheros which owns about half the Wi-Fi sockets in netbooks, but could recoup sales in tablets, Barclays said.Marvelland Micron may also come under pressure as the tablet shift leads to lower sales of hard disk controllers and DRAM.
On the software side, Microsoft will also take a hit from the move toward tablets, losing as much as $400 million in forecasted 2011 revenues. "While we view Windows share losses as inevitable and sustained, impact on near-term financials [is] likely to not be severe," said one Barclays analyst in a report.
Microsoft recently cancelled plans for its own tablet design and shook up the management of its devices unit. Barclays said Microsoft's mobile/consumer strategy "remains confusing [with] six Windows embedded/mobile platforms."
ARM is the big winner in the forecasted shift from netbooks to tablets. Its partners including Nvidia, Qualcomm and Texas Instruments could see significant design wins in the 30 percent of the tablet market that does not go to Apple. Interestingly, Barclays made no mention of Freescale which also sells ARM-based processors for tablets and other mobile systems.
Barclays also called out many of the iPad chip suppliers as benefitting from the trend. They include Broadcom which provides iPad touch controllers and connectivity silicon, Skyworks and Triquint with RF and power amplifiers and Linear Technology with power management ICs.
The tablet is not an entirely an ARM play. Barclays noted tablets from Archos and the Cius tablet announced by Cisco Systems use Intel Atom chips. AMD's Ontario may get tablet design wins as well, it said.
Motorola and Research in Motion are also expected to launch tablets. Nokia and Dell already ship tablets. LG Electronics and Samsung plan to ship tablets before the end of the year. Hewlett-Packard previewed a slate computer, but may redesign it now that it has bid to buy Palm.
"What's interesting is there seems to be so many tablets, but I don’t think there are any big competitors to the Apple iPad that stand out yet," said Tim Luke, semiconductor analyst at Barclays. "We believe a lot of them will use Android and Chrome OS," he said.