LG首款Optimus品牌产品将是加载了Android的平板电脑,同时还包括号称“iPhone杀手”的定制Optimus-One和Optimus-Chic。也有传闻称,今年晚些时候,LG竞争对手,韩国消费电子制造商三星也将会发布定制的“iPad杀手”——银河平板电脑(Galaxy Tablet)。
关于Optimus系列,LG电子只透露了很少的细节,只表示预计在今年内将会有10款产品陆续发布,每一款产品都会包含一些苹果iPad和iPhone所不具备的复合功能,而且它们也将采用不同的操作系统,包括诸如Android、Windows 7,以及Windows Mobile 6等多种移动操作系统。
前不久在台北的Computex 2010展会上展出了十几款类iPad的平板电脑,预计其他制造商的平板电脑产品将会延续其在展会上的发展方向。然而,LG电子声称,其新型平板电脑将会以卓越的性能、轻薄的外形超越上述这些竞争对手。
LG电子也像其他消费电子厂商一样,是继苹果宣布了iPad之后,立即克隆了苹果的设备,然后再针对苹果“放之四海而皆准”的策略,以各种各样的应用功能和不同的价位来吸引消费者。 这一战略已经成功地应用在了类iPhone手机对抗iPhone上,据报道,Android智能手机的销售量已经超越了苹果的iPhone手机。
LG的新Optimus系列智能消费电子产品:Optimus-One和Optimus-Chic将很快推出,它们将采用最新的Android 2.2(Froyo)操作系统。
点击第二页:参考原文(LG previews line of iPad/iPhone rivals, by R. Colin Johnson)
翻译/增值:Ana Hu
LG previews line of iPad/iPhone rivals
Korean consumer electronics giant promises ten Optimus-branded devices to debut in 2010
by R. Colin Johnson
The first major consumer electronics maker to follow Apple's iPad into the coming blitz of smart touchscreen tablets will be LG Electronics, which announced its Optimus Series on Monday (July 5, 2010).
Kicking off the new Optimus brand will be LG's Android Tablet PC, along with its intended iPhone killers, the Optimus-One and -Chic models. Later this year rival Korean consumer electronics maker, Samsung, is rumored to also begin delivering its intended iPad killer, code named the "Galaxy Tablet."
By year's end, iPad work-a-likes will debut from every major consumer electronics maker, each sporting the touchscreen user interface running variants of mobile LInux.
LG gave only a few scant details about its Optimus series, except to say that a range of 10 models--from budget to premium--would debut this year. Each will include various combination of features not offered by Apple's iPad and iPhone, and will run different operating systems (OSs), including variations of mobile Linux, such as Android, as well as either Windows new Phone 7 OS or its older Windows Mobile 6 OS.
Other manufacturers predicted similar grow paths for 2010 at the recent Computex show, held earlier this month in Taipei, Taiwan where almost two dozen iPad-like touchscreen tablet prototypes were displayed. LG, however, claims that its touchscreen tablet will surpass these competitors with superior performance as well as a thinner and lighter form factors (the latter of which critics have complained about with regard to Apple's iPad).
LG, like the rest of the consumer electronics industry, is following the model taken by competitors when the iPhone was announced by Apple--namely, to immediately clone the Apple device (this time the iPad), then follow with a variety of models at different price points, and with different feature sets, aimed at luring consumers away from Apple's one-size-fits-all approach. That strategy worked against the iPhone, since Android-based smartphones are now reported to be out-selling the Apple original, some of which are virtually identical in appearance to the iPhone.
LG claims to have done extensive market research to identify the capabilities that consumers desire in a smart mobile device, claiming that "ease of finding information is the top motivator," along with fast response and user friendliness.
LG'S new Optimus line of smart consumer devices will also include new smartphones, the first of which is its "Optimus One with Google" for technophiles and the Optimus Chic for technophobes--both of which will debut soon using the latest Android 2.2 (Froyo) OS.
The Optimus smartphones have been integrated with Google's Android Market which mimics the highly successful Apple App Store but for smartphones running the Android open-source OS. The Optimus One will also include the iPod-like multimedia capabilities for playing music and viewing mobile video. The Optimus Chic features sleek design lines that LG hopes will lure techno-phobes into joining the mobile Internet craze.