
UBM对iPhone 4的官方拆解与分析(多图)

2010-07-07 阅读:
UBM TechInsights在官方发售日的前一天便拿到了iPhone 4,随后立马对苹果的这个最新款智能手机进行了拆解分析,拆解发现一些结果让人觉得有趣的同时又让人惊讶。和竞争对手不同,UBM TechInsights有iPhone 4的实物在手,不是用网上搜索到的照片来印证猜测的。

UBM TechInsights在官方发售日的前一天便拿到了iPhone 4,随后立马对苹果的这个最新款智能手机进行了拆解分析,拆解发现一些结果让人觉得有趣的同时又让人惊讶。和竞争对手不同,UBM TechInsights有iPhone 4的实物在手,不是用网上搜索到的照片来印证猜测的。

那是什么让我们惊讶呢?我们知道苹果的iPhone 4和iPad都使用同一款处理器A4,但让我们惊讶的是有很多其它的芯片同时出现在iPhone 4和iPad上。包括选用同样的存储器(都采用同样的英特尔和三星封装)和来自Broadcom的相同GPS和蓝牙接收器。




UBM对iPhone 4的官方拆解与分析(多图)(电子工程专辑)
苹果 AGD1 STMicro三轴数字陀螺仪。

苹果公司在iPhone 4G中采用陀螺仪的选择,为许多需要进行精确运动检测的新应用提供了条件。三轴线性加速度测量(由LIS331DH加速计提供)结合三轴角加速度测量(由陀螺仪提供)为iPhone的运动和方向描绘出一幅漂亮的画面。陀螺仪和新款CoreMotion API将为富有想象力的应用程序开发人员提供发挥空间。




英飞凌(Infineon)的337S0626 GSM/W-CDMA收发器


UBM对iPhone 4的官方拆解与分析(多图)(电子工程专辑)
英飞凌(Infineon)的337S0626 GSM/W-CDMA收发器。



英飞凌的3383 X-Gold 61x基带处理器

英飞凌还有另一项设计胜出,拆解过程中发现了X-GOLD 61x基带处理器。该处理器具有7.2Mbps/2.9Mbps的HSDPA/HSUPA功能并且能连接到高达5百万像素的摄像头,类似 iPhone 4G中基带处理器(X-GOLD 618版)。

UBM对iPhone 4的官方拆解与分析(多图)(电子工程专辑)
英飞凌3383 X-Gold 61x基带处理器。




折解封装发现了两款芯片。第一款是有英特尔标记的容量为128M的NOR设备(现在属于Numonyx),第二款是Elpida公司的容量为16MB的Mobile DDR SDRAM。IPAD也使用了类似的双芯片封装。

UBM对iPhone 4的官方拆解与分析(多图)(电子工程专辑)




通过查看图像传感器的封装和将芯片的图片和规格与我们的芯片图片库进行比较,我们已确定这款500万像素的图像传感器是 OmniVision公司采用了背面照明技术的OV5650。

UBM对iPhone 4的官方拆解与分析(多图)(电子工程专辑)
采用OmniBSI(背面照明)技术的500万像素彩色CMOS QSXGA图像传感器——Omnivision公司的OV5650。


第六页:参考原文(Apple iPhone 4 Teardown)


iPhone 4拆解心得:苹果的“复用”精神

iPhone 4天线故障图析 苹果给出“弱智”解决方案

iPhone 4配置升级,解读苹果移动新布局


Apple iPhone 4 Teardown

On June 23rd, we were one of the lucky ones to actually have our iPhone delivered to us before the actual release date of June 24th. We went to work quickly dissecting the latest handset from Apple, and what we found was both interesting and surprising at the same time. Unlike some of our competitors, we actually had the phone in house and didn’t rely on images from around the internet to verify our findings.

What was surprising? We knew that the Apple iPhone 4 was going to feature the same processor as the Apple iPad – the A4. What we were surprised with was how many other chips on the iPhone were also found on the iPad. Amongst them was a commonality in the choice of memory (both using the same Intel and Samsung packages) and the use of the same GPS and Bluetooth receivers from Broadcom.

What was interesting was the AGD1 3-axis gyroscope from ST Microelectronics (STMICRO). What does the future hold for iPhone applications now that programmers have a new ‘toy to play with’?

Take a look inside for all of the major components. For board images, look on the sidebar.

AGD1 - STMicroelectronics (STMicro) 3-axis Digital Gyroscope

Apple AGD1 STMicro 3-axis digital gyroscope

Apple's choice to bring a gyroscope into the iPhone 4G opens up many new applications that require accurate motion sensing. 3-axis of linear acceleration measured (provided by the LIS331DH accelerometer) combined with 3-axis of angular acceleration measured (provided by the gyroscope) can paint a pretty good picture of the movement and orientation of the iPhone. The gyroscope and the new CoreMotion APIs will give imaginative applications developers a new world of possibilities.

Waiting for the STMicroelectronics L3G4200D 3-axis gyroscope makes sense for Apple as that way the can stay with the same supplier for their MEMS inertial sensing (STM provided the accelerometer), and having a digital output simplifies the bill of materials (BOM). The on-chip ADC saves thinking about putting that function elsewhere on the PCB. Overall, having two sensing parts from the same manufacturer (similar apps engineers), both with digital output, simplifies Apple’s job of writing the APIs for their developers. Win-win for Apple .

Apple 337S0626 – Infineon GSM/W-CDMA Transceiver

Apple 338S0626 Infineon GSM/W-CDMA Transceiver

Decapping the 337S0626 revealed another major design win for Infineon. This isn’t much of a surprise considering that Infineon transceivers have been a staple of Apple wireless products going back to the original iPhone.

Apple 3383 – Infineon X-Gold 61x Baseband Processor

Apple 3383 – Infineon X-Gold 61x Baseband Processor

Another design win for Infineon, as a peek inside this package revealed the X-GOLD 61x baseband processor. This processor has HSDPA/HSUPA capabilities of 7.2Mbps/2.9Mbps and the ability to connect to cameras with up to 5 MPixels like the one found on the iPhone 4G (the X-GOLD 618 version).

Intel 36MY1EF – Dual package memory package

Intel 36My1EF - ELPIDA 128 Mbits Mobile DDR SDRAM & 28F128FM Intel/Numonyx NORIntel 36My1EF - ELPIDA 128 Mbits Mobile DDR SDRAM & 28F128FM Intel/Numonyx NOR 2

Taking a look inside this package revealed two die. The first being a Intel-marked NOR device (which now belongs to Numonyx) of 128 Mb and the second being an Elpida Mobile DDR SDRAM of 16MB. A similar two-die package was found in use on the iPad.

Omnivision OV5650 5 Megapixel color CMOS QSXGA image sensor with OmniBSI

Omnivision OV5650 5 Megapixel color CMOS QSXGA image sensor with OmniBSI

By examining the image sensor package and by comparing the die photo and specifications to our die image library, we have identified the 5 MP image sensor as the Omnivision OV5650 with backside illumination technology.

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