IEEE稍早前完成了一项智能电网(Smart Grid)标准,并表示正在准备着手制定另一项标准,以协助奠定智能网的互操作性基础。
这项标准是与DNP Users Group共同在7月个前制定的。
“DNP3是最广泛的一项协议,而且当前最通常被指定使用的一种协议,”国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)的智能电网标准国家协调员George Arnold说。“IEEE已经完成了非常出色的工作,结合了来自各方的资源,为智能电网技术的建立和部署提供了坚实的基础。”
IEEE 1815支持NIST将DNP映像到IEC 61859 Object标准的目标。
IEEE已经针对智能电网建立了一个专属网站 (。
(参考原文: IEEE hammers out two standards for smart grids )
IEEE hammers out two standards for smart grids
The IEEE completed one standard and advanced another to help lay the foundation for interoperable smart electric grids.
The IEEE ratified its 1815 Distributed Network Protocol standard for electric power systems communications. Then protocol is a version of a legacy technology expanded for greater device interoperability and security particularly in supervisory control and data acquisition systems.
The standard was completed in seven months in collaboration with the DNP Users Group.
“DNP3 is already one of the most widespread and commonly specified protocols in use today,” said George Arnold, NIST’s National Coordinator for Smart Grid Interoperability. “IEEE has done a remarkable job of uniting an array of stakeholders to deliver a solid base upon which Smart Grid technologies can be built and deployed,” he said in a press statement.
IEEE 1815 supports a NIST goal of mapping DNP to the IEC's 61850 Object standard.
Separately, the IEEE has started work on a draft standard for 1547.8. The specification will provide a platform for distributed resources interconnection applications and supports distributed energy storage systems. The spec should be ratified in 2012.
The standard aims to provide greater support for intermittent renewable energy sources, and more flexible use of inverters such as found in home solar power systems. It also will address energy storage devices, hybrid generation-storage systems and aspects of plug-in electric vehicles.
The IEEE has created a a Web site for all its smart grid efforts.