

2010-06-30 Ana Hu 阅读:





国际足联拒绝使用电子技术帮助裁判员,从而导致了德国-英格兰队的比分没能真实地反应比赛情况的可笑局面。英格兰队的第二个进球本应该得分但却被判无效。几乎整个足球场上的观众和电视机前成千万上亿的观众清楚地看到,在门将把球抱出使其没能得分和折回到比赛区之前,Frank Lampard(弗兰克·兰帕德)的进球击中了横梁并向下弹进到门线后几英尺了。









Hawk-Eye(鹰眼)系统由马诺尔研究公司(Roke Manor Research Ltd,英格兰,罗姆西)的工程师们于2001年开发,这家公司属于西门子研发网络。该项技术后来被拆分另组成一家独立的公司——鹰眼创新有限公司(英国,温切斯特)。这项技术通常可用于足球比赛以支持球过线的判定或其它基于摄像机,或甚至是基于激光的画面回放支持,特别是判定球在门口这类事件。

同时,这周我已经没兴趣看足球了,我会去看温网,为网球冠军赛中剩下的两名英国选手欢呼。Andy Murray和鹰眼。只可惜鹰眼是由西门子的子公司所开发的,因此在某种程度上讲,德国又赢了。


1. Echo Zhao:采用射频技术(RFID)。在足球上装一个RFID,像NIKE鞋一样鞋底加个RFID芯片。只要球越过球门,球门就变成彩色大门,不管裁判啥眼神,全场观众都能明白了。PS:小心射频黑客干扰。或小心RFID芯片被踢掉,届时真进门了不亮,照样有人要叫屈。

2. Mike Zhang:采用公路的闯红灯照亮的技术。一旦球越过球门,立即拉响警报,全场大喇叭一起叫,看还有裁判敢装瞎!ps:由于精度的问题,可能会有误判。这需要很牛的程序员写出更好的程序。

3. Echo Zhao:采用智能视频分析,检测闯入球门的是人还是球。或者老土一点,专设一裁判专门看电视重放来决定结果。

4. Derek Deng:在球员身上装感受痛苦的生物传感器,如果人家假摔,疼痛传感器的指数低(表示不痛),就肯定是假摔。PS:万一这人的抗痛能力较强,被人踢倒了都不觉得痛,还是被吹假摔可就冤了。

5. Aileen Zhu:1956年,当时那个球就进去了0.01公分,如果世界上有那么精确的GPS装到足球上,肯定就不会有这个历史冤案了。英格兰也就不需要在44年后为其还债了。


6. Ana Hu(弱弱的):其实……人为的不可确定因素或许才是运动竞赛中不完美的完美吸引(嗖嗖……)



第二页:参考原文(Comment: Soccer crosses the line, must now adopt tech, by Peter Clarke)



整理:Ana Hu


Comment: Soccer crosses the line, must now adopt tech

by Peter Clarke

On Sunday England fell to its worst-ever defeat in a World Cup finals soccer tournament, beaten 4-1 by Germany. This has given rise to widespread gnashing of teeth and rending of garments in England.

However, after congratulating Germany on a well-executed victory, it is worth pointing out that England is not the only team that has failed to cover itself in glory at the South African World Cup. FIFA, the global organizers of soccer and of the World Cup tournament, has also got something to be distraught about.

It's refusal to allow electronic technology to be used to help referees has LED to the laughable situation that the score line in the Germany-England game does not reflect what happened. England had a second legitimate goal disallowed. It was obvious to almost the entire football stadium and a television audience of tens, if not 100s of millions that Frank Lampard's shot, having hit the crossbar, bounced down a couple of feet behind the line, before spin on the ball brought it out of the goal and back into the playing area.

England were outplayed throughout most of the game so it is unlikely that if the officials had called that goal correctly it would have made any difference to which team would win the game. But it would have allowed England to level the score at two goals each," so you never know. And people did not pay their money to travel around the world to see a contest in which legitimate goals were scrubbed due to the inadequacies of human referees. So besides English pride, the audience, the referees and soccer itself were the losers.

People call it the beautiful game and there is a symmetry about the fact that in 1966 there was another "did-the-ball cross-the-line" incident in a soccer match between England and Germany. On that occasion the decision went in England's favor. In an evenly-fought contest the psychological blow to Germany was considerable and, as Germany chased the game, England was able to catch them on the break and win the match 4-2 and with it the Jules Rimet trophy.

In 1966 there was no wireless communications between officials and the sidelines, only grainy television coverage and no instant replays, so it was understandable and appropriate that that referee and linesmen should be left to make decisions on their own, as best they could.

Come on Andy

But 44 years later, in an age when there are multiple electronic aids, from RF triangulation to the inclusion of GPS chips, gyroscopes and accelerometers embedded in the surface of the ball, it is surely wrong to leave referees exposed to ridicule. If such an injustice happened" and it may yet" to one of two more-evenly matched teams in the final, soccer as well as the aggrieved team would be the losers.

There is an argument that because soccer is played by millions of amateurs it is somehow unfair to add video evidence or a technology support that is not available to all to international or professional soccer. It doesn't wash.

Professional cricket and tennis have added the "Hawk-Eye" technology that uses multiple cameras to track the ball and build up a record of its path through three-dimensional space. In tennis it has now been built into the professional game at leading tournaments for use determining whether a shot was in or out. In the interests of time most calls are made by human line judges but the players can make up to three unsuccessful challenges per set.

Video evidence is now called for routinely in the game of Rugby Union during international matches. Soccer must now adopt the available technology.

The Hawk-Eye system was developed by engineers at Roke Manor Research Ltd. (Romsey, England), part of Siemens' R&D network, in 2001. The technology was later spun off into a separate company Hawk-Eye Innovations Ltd. (Winchester, England). Such a technology could be used in soccer generally to support out-of-play calls or something camera-based, or even laser-based could be set up specifically to adjudicate on goal-mouth incidents.

Meanwhile, this week having lost some of my appetite for soccer, I will be watching Wimbledon, and cheering for the two remaining Brits in that tennis championship" Andy Murray and Hawk-Eye. Except that Hawk-Eye was developed at a part of Siemens so, in a sense, Germany wins again.

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