

2008-05-21 阅读:
家用基站(Femtocell)处理器和基站专家RadioFrame Networks准备推出一款OmniRadio处理器,该处理器将被集成在LTE和WiMAX家用基站。这款OmniRadio芯片是首次被用于家用基站的多款芯片之一,主要用于GSM/UMTS 2G/3G网络。

家用基站(Femtocell)处理器和基站专家RadioFrame Networks准备推出一款OmniRadio处理器,该处理器将被集成在LTE和WiMAX家用基站。这款OmniRadio芯片是首次被用于家用基站的多款芯片之一,主要用于GSM/UMTS 2G/3G网络。

RadioFrame总部在雷德蒙,在都柏林设有工厂。RadioFrame称这款器件“将确保可支持2G, 3G以及当前LTE和WiMAX网络的单块芯片具有相当高的性价比”。


RadioFrame CEO Jeff Brown 表示:“RadioFrame是值得信赖的,通过采用我们的可升级平台解决方案,无线网络供应商可通过2G, 3G和4G网络实现家用基站,并根据标准变化的要求来远程升级这些家用基站。”

RadioFrame工程副总Greg Veintimilla称成本敏感以及高性能的需求是高集成度解决方案的主基调,而OmniRadio II将使得LTE和WiMAX更进一步推动这种趋势。

该公司的picocell和femtocell基站已被集成用于Nokia Siemens网络设备,并且还在不久前被集成于Orange在欧洲的无线网络。



RadioFrame readies 2nd gen femtocell chip

Femtocell processor and basestation specialist RadioFrame Networks is readying a version of its OmniRadio processor that will be targeted at the LTE and WiMAX femtocells sector.

The initial OmniRadio chip was one of the first deployed in femtocells and works mainly on GSM/UMTS 2G/3G specifications.

The company, which is headquartered in Redmond, VA and has facilities in Dublin, Ireland, says that the part will "ensures an excellent performance-to-cost ratio in one chip that can support 2G, 3G and now LTE and WiMAX networks."

The multi-processor platform, based on an ARM core and signal processing capabilities, also incorporates memory as well as RFN s patented and fielded applications for packet synchronization that exceeds ETSI standards.

"RadioFrame is unique with our approach of an upgradeable platform solution that lets a wireless network provider implement femtocells in 2G, 3G and 4G networks and upgrade those same femtocells remotely as requirements for standards change," said RadioFrame CEO Jeff Brown.

Greg Veintimilla, RadioFrame's Vice President of Engineering said cost sensitivities, coupled with a need for high performance requirements, are mandating highly integrated solutions, and that the "OmniRadio II" will allow LTE and WiMAX to push that envelope even further.

The company's picocell and femtocell base stations have already been integrated with Nokia Siemens networking equipment, and more recently into Orange's wireless network in Europe.

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